Preparing For School

After making up her mind to go to school, Nine leisurely wandered back to her residence to get ready. After she finished making all her preparations, she would inform her father of her decision.

Although Nine said she was going to prepare, what she really meant was stay inside her room and do a couple of revisions. Even though the information had already been thoroughly ingrained in her body, she thought that it wouldn't hurt for her to go over some things again.

With lightning quick eyes, she scanned over numerous books on the various bookshelves, picking out relevant information. The class was going to be tough. Nine felt happy at the thought. The tougher it was, the better. The people attending the Fourth Circle Magic class would one day grow into the backbone of the country.

More importantly, the thought of her elder brother's face that looked like he was about to cry appealed to her. She would be able to see that face everyday from now on. Just the thought of this put her in a good mood. If Deltan knew what she was thinking about, there was no doubt that he would break down and resolve to live life as a hermit. Unfortunately for him, he had no such abilities, and thus was left in the dark to his upcoming tragic fate.

Moving swiftly, Nine assembled all the necessary knowledge for people in the Third Tier approaching Fourth Tier. Her pen stopped the moment she was done, hovering in the air as she severed the connection to the pen. She was thankful that magic existed in this world and was exceedingly fast based on the user's level of control. She would never have been able to do something like this. Not to mention writing, even typing on a laptop wouldn't have been as fast. The fact that the pen could accurately and quickly react to her thoughts made her feel gratified.

In her hands, Nine held a detailed and experienced book containing everything one would need to know about Fourth Tier Magic. This was the only copy in the world, and she wasn't planning on producing more at this time. At most, she would make a few copies and place it in the school library as well as the royal library. Knowing that the knowledge would be coveted, Nine thought about it for a moment before she started crafting a few runes into the book.

Along its spine as well as the covers, Nine created a whole new brand of runes, only allowing the people of Cosmos Empire to acquire the knowledge. Even then, only those who were part of the royal family or a student at the school would be able to open the book. Nine hesitated for the slightest fraction of a second before viciously adding a few runes. Anyone else who tried to open the book would be subsequently set on fire, soaked in water, electrocuted and teleported out of the country.

Nine happily cradled the book, looking at it with critical eyes. It had to do for now. If she made it too complicated, then the people reading it with their limited knowledge wouldn't be able to understand.

Done with her preparations in the span of a couple of hours, Nine noted that it was still light out. She thought about informing her father the next day, but briefly shrugged. She might as well do it now since she had finished quicker than she thought was possible with the help of magic.

Teleporting from her residence to her father, Nine appeared outside his office and barged into the room without any fanfare she gave Emperor Destan a scare when she burst into the room.

"Father, I'm going to school next week," she said, inwardly smirking as he jumped.

Emperor Destan just about had a heart attack as he was shocked by his only daughter. He was about to scold her faux angrily but reigned it in after digesting her words. Happiness bloomed within him as she finally decided she would go to school. He was just about to pay her a visit in a couple of hours to try and convince her again, but he had a pleasant surprise as she came to tell him she agreed.

"Good," he said, unable to contain the happiness within himself.

Nine's lips quirked slightly as she started explaining to him what her plan was.

Emperor Destan was quiet as he listened. The more he listened, the more he felt dazed by her words. He even suspected that he was hearing things wrongly. Or was he still dreaming? Did he fall asleep at his table when he was working? He subtly pinched himself, feeling the pain and confirming that he wasn't asleep.

Frowning, the emperor opened his mouth to lecture her for real. When he had asked for her to go to school, he had meant for her to enter as a student for First Tier Magic since as far as he knew, she wasn't able to use any magic yet.

Seeing that her father wasn't convinced, Nine whisked him off after placing a couple of runes on both himself and herself so that the guards and servants of the imperial palace would overlook them.

Emperor Destan's face changed multiple times as she demonstrated to him what she was capable of. By the time it was over, he felt like he had suffered a whole ten years of shock all at once. How would he ever have predicted this?

In the end, he could only feel pride and satisfaction. His daughter was a genius! As expected of his offspring. Thinking about the difficulties of her birth, the emperor felt a mix of complicated emotions.

He sighed emotionally as he looked at his only daughter, who sadly had to be disguised as a prince. The Crown Prince, no less. But there was no other road now. He didn't have a choice. He had made a choice that day, to the shock of all the ministers and the citizens of the empire.

He had suddenly crowned Nine as the Crown Prince upon her birth. No one knew who her mother was, so he was met with much opposition, but he had somehow managed to suppress all of his subordinate's dissatisfaction as he went against the tradition that had been upheld for numerous years. He was the emperor, so they couldn't go against his decisions after he had made them. Of course, there were still some hiding as they plotted a way to get rid of Nine.

After numerous demonstrations, Nine left for her own residence as she left the clean-up to her father. She had recognized the look of hidden determination in his eyes. He would be fine. No matter what anyone said, he was the emperor. She would leave it up to him if he wanted to do damage control or not. It didn't matter to her how everyone else saw her. Even if they only saw her as a Crown Prince who had used his position to get in, she would eventually make all of them shut up and eat their words as she gave them a tight face slap.

Nine's lips curved into a smile as she plotted. If Deltan was here, he would recognize the dangers that would happen in the near future and desperately try to obtain some sort of protection from the onslaught of chaos that was sure to happen.