A School Full Of Idiots

Nine didn't visit her elder brother for a whole week as she dwelled on her theories.

School was about to start and Nine was filled with an extremely subtle sense of anticipation. She could faintly feel that this was the correct path. It was an unexplainable feeling that she couldn't explain. Her eyes flashed as she put aside her thoughts for the time being.

Exiting her room, Nine carried nothing with her as she left. She looked more like a visitor than a person who was going to school. No one would believe her if she told them that she was heading to school, with how she was dressed and how she acted. There was no trace of anticipation or any dread emitted from her.

Nine casually teleported herself to the school entrance, which was specially contained only on the upper surface of Cosmos City. She took in the sights before her as students of various ages, looks and dress flocked towards the entrance of the school. The only thing they had in common was that they all belonged to the Cosmos Empire and currently lived in Cosmos City.

The gates and walls of the school was made out of the same material as the walls of the outer wall on Cosmos City. It made the school glow with a whiteness and cleanliness that was adored by the masses and students alike. There were glistens of gold and silver that decorated the edges of the school, creating a beautiful contrast that stunned the tourists of Cosmos City.

Nine ignored the various stares of contempt and puzzlement she was receiving as she blocked the way of those entering. Nine could feel a sense of belonging as she looked at the school. It was a strange feeling. It gave her a feeling of scholarly pursuit and research, endearing itself to her heart.

[Entered 'Cosmos City School of Magic' Learning and Experience +20%]

Nine inwardly raised an eyebrow. Did this buff only apply to her, or was it applied to everyone in the school? Her eyes shone slightly as she thought about how she could test this out.

On his way to school, Deltan felt a chill. He looked around nervously.

With unfaltering steps, Nine made her way in. No one dared to block her way, unlike what they showed on their faces and eyes.

The students of the school inwardly felt discontent and vexation that the Crown Prince was here. Why was he here? He probably got in due to pressure from the Emperor. Everyone knew that the Crown Prince had never used a lick of magic in all his years, which was why he had confined himself in his residence out of shame. They felt a stab of anger at the fact that the Emperor was pressuring the school of their dreams, trampling over the dreams of common people who had worked their hardest to get here.

Nine ignored everyone who shot her venemous eyes, heading straight towards the classroom for Fourth Circle Magic.

Entering the room, she was greeted with various puzzled stares and in particular, one horrified one. Her eyes flitted from student to student. There was a mix of ages, generally late twenties to early or mid thirties.

Deltan scrambled out from the crowd that had been surrounding him and exclaimimg in admiration.

"Fourth Brother, what are you doing here?" he asked nervously, praying that he was only here to torment him before the class started, and would leave for another class later on.

Nine cruelly dashed his hopes with a smile in her eyes. "I'm here for this class," she said slowly, watching as the colour drained from her elder brother's face.

Deltan let out a hollow laugh, slowly wandering back to his seat like a withering leaf in the wind.

Several students nearby frowned at her words, feeling the feelings of discontent creep up on them. Being able to get into this class was already a difficulty, and the payments needed was no joke. They could even be considered one of the future elites in this country, with how they still had a chance to break into the Fourth Tier. If they were able to break through, there would be unimaginable benefits and an extension of their life. The presence of Nine meant that their hard work and struggles were being discarded. How could the school let the crown prince in when he wasn't even near reaching the Fourth Tier of magic?

Nine disregarded what they thought of her, standing by the door as she waited for more students to enter.

One student finally couldn't control himself and walked up to Nine, planning on finding fault and trouble.

"This commoner greets His Highness," he said, disdain lurking in his eyes.

Nine glanced at him and nonchalantly looked away.

Brooke Nicholson, twenty-eight,

was emboldened by Nine's response, or rather, the lack of response. "Are you able to use Third Tier magic already, Crown Prince?" he asked, pressing for an answer.

Nine ignored him, looking lost in thought.

Her lack of response made Brooke angrier. Did the Crown Prince think he was above the commoners who were learning magic? He was spitting on all their effort, blood sweat and tears. They were here because they loved magic, not like the incompetent Crown Prince which couldn't even use First Tier magic.

"Or are you just coming here without being able to use any magic at all? Why don't you play around in the First Tier magic class instead?"

When Nine looked at him, Brooke felt a chill envelop him. Had the temperature of the room always been so low? What was this sense of danger that he was feeling? Brooke looked around but felt nothing amiss. He turned his attention back onto Nine.

"Don't ignore me," he said impudently, completely disregarding any formalities.

The students in the room just looked on without any intention to help. They probably all felt the same way. There was no one in the city who didn't know what a waste the Crown Prince was. The higher the expectations, the more the disappointment.

Deltan hovered in his seat, his mind warring with himself. Should he step up and try to diffuse the tension or not? He looked between his younger brother and the impudent commoner before making up his mind.

Just as he was about to intervene and step between them, the school bell chimed.

Before anyone could react, Nine slammed the door shut and attached a circle of magic on the door, preventing anyone else from entering.

This rose the hackles of the previously silent students, who had been shocked from her sudden actions.

"Hey! What are you doing? The teacher hasn't entered yet!"

Nine eyed the student who spoke coolly, causing her to take a step back in fear before she realized what she was doing and glared at the Crown Prince. He was just here to make fun of all of them!

"Latecomers will not be tolerated," she said, sending the students in the room into an uproar.