Chapter Four

Chapter four:

Meng's mind exploded when she heard the words coming out of the servant's mouth.

She was Ru Gu Meng??!

Isn't that a mob character from "Defying Moonlight?" 

Didn't that person torture Feng Qi when he was a child!

Her mood turned darker as she thought of all the evil deeds Ru Gu Meng committed in the novel.

'This is just unacceptable, I can't possibly be her.'

   For the last 3 years of her past life she was devoted to Feng Qi. To the point that when he died in the novel she died too. Not from suicide, but from her heart being broken.


Yet now, this woman tells her that she is one of the people that caused Feng Qi's pain?

Utterly ridiculous.

Meng's face turns black and the anger swirling in her eyes thickens.

"Ha. I'm Ru Gu Meng! What kind of joke are you trying to play. Tell me is there a Feng Qi and Lu Bichen here as well?" Meng responded in a dead tone.

Her anger clouded her fear of being outside of her room causing her hands to stop shaking. To make her the enemy of the one thing she cared about! Wasn't that cruel?! Yet, if this woman is joking about her being transmigrated, she would say that would be even crueler.

Pressure hit the servant at full force pushing her completely on the ground. Her eyes opened in shock, as this was the first time she experienced Princess Meng's aura.

Cultivators were truly terrifying, forget a flick this girl could kill her with a thought. Any previous thoughts of harming the girl flew out of her mind. Right now this girl had complete control over her life.

"Your Highness please forgive this servant for this servant's offense!"

The servant didn't know what she did wrong, but it was better to be safe rather than sorry.

Most likely Princess Meng was still angry about that incident. The Princess was a known sadist in the kingdom who loved to grab random kids and torture them for fun. Her favorite person to torture was of course the hostage prince of the kingdom, Prince Feng Qi. However, recently when she tried to attack him she was beaten black and blue by Prince Feng Qi forcing her to be in bed for a week.

No one knew what possessed the normally passive Feng Qi to be so ruthless toward the young princess. After all, everyone knew that Meng was treasured greatly by the emperor, therefore wasn't hitting her disregarding the emperor?

The servant shivered when she thought about how much Feng Qi suffered. For everyday that the young miss stayed in bed he was beat with a switch ten times. He never screamed during the punishment, but his back was enough to attest for how painful it was.

"Your Highness Ru Gu Meng, Prince Feng suffers everyday while you are in bed. He gets hit by a switch ten times every single day."

A way to get on Meng's good side went through the servant's head.

"I can help you lie to his and her majesty by telling them that you are still unable to stand! That way that horrible prince can suffer for longer."

The servant's face turned proud as she thought about her brilliant mind. Clearly as ruthless as Princess Meng was she wouldn't give up a chance to harm Feng Qi more.

However, against her expectations Meng let out a horrifying smile. "You dare mention hurting Feng Qi in front on me... Rather you are joking or not don't think I am easy to bully."

Afterwards, she pulled up her weird dress's sleeves and motioned the servant to come at her. Did she know how to fight? Not at all! But if she didn't beat this heretic black and bloody today how can she be considered Feng Qi's number one fan?

But before the maid could understand that the Princess was angry it was over for her. Meng's aura that she didn't know how to control yet started raging against her will. Though she could feel the wind like aura flowing past her body, it was something she never felt before, therefore she didn't register it as coming from her.

The aura from before came back at full force attacking the maid. As a mere human without an inch of cultivation, she couldn't stand its pressure and quickly threw up blood before falling to the ground with open eyes.

The servant died without knowing why, leaving Meng confused, she also didn't understand how the servant died.