Chapter Five

Chapter five:


In an instant countless possible answers from books she read went through Meng's mind before she picked the most logical one. Meng froze with shock, before she leaped toward her bed and used the sheet to cover her mouth and nose.

The only things from her knowledge that could make someone die without being touched would be poison, disease, ghosts, curses, Adavacavrada, and cultivation. Of course, this could all hallucination of some kind also, but it was better to react to be safe.

Meng might be a shut in, but she knew that the last four options were only in the books she read, leaving just the first two. Maid or not the woman was definitely a lackey and using poison would be over the top, thus Meng was stuck with disease.

Potentially the entire room could become infected because of the dead body...

She needed to evacuate the room as soon as possible! For someone to collapse like that out of no where was extremely weird. As she thought, life outside of her room was dangerous!

Meng sent a regretful glance toward the dead body. She still had so many questions to ask, but the woman died already.

Thankfully the woman did give a bit of useful information. Meng now knew that supposedly a Feng Qi did actually exist. Without any other pointers it was the only thing she had to go on. Now she just needed to confirm it, to find out her next course of action.

She could no longer stay in the room to collect her thoughts, therefore she might as well go and attempt to find Feng Qi. If he is truly suffering like the servant said, then she desperately needed to save him.

Meng crouched down before launching herself at full force toward the door.


Meng collapsed on the ground outside face first. Her body screamed at her from all of the abuse it was suffering.

Groaning she pulled herself in a sitting position and stared in a daze at the room. The room was huge however she made it out in less than a second...

'Is this cultivation!!!' Her eyes shined with enlightenment. Even though she didn't know how cultivation felt, there was no way a child like herself, at the moment, could cover that distance without it.

Meng was now 70% sure she was in the novel 'Defying Moonlight', while 30% still stuck with hallucination. However, 70% plus Meng's overwhelming desire to believe she could see Feng Qi in person was enough for her to trust the maid's words.

An uncontrollable smile came across her face and a chuckle left her lips.

'I'M IN THE SAME NOVEL AS FENG QI!!!!' Even though her entire body was in pain it was filled with excitement. Feng Qi was still alive and she had a chance to save him.

"HAHAHA!" Her chuckle turned into an uncontrollable laugh of insanity. The hole in her heart caused from Feng Qi's death disappeared and she felt whole again.

Determination flashed in her eyes as she stood up and wiped the dust off of her body.

'I will find Feng Qi and kill all of those dogs that led to his death.'

Being outside of her room, dealing with disease, the pain aching her body.... all of it pales when it came to saving Feng Qi. He was the only object in the world that could make her feel alive, this time she will make sure no one gets rid of him!

Right now Bai Yao Ling, the main character of this novel, should of just been transmigrated. According to her understanding, Bai Yao should be in the Desert plans right now in the place of a misfortunate trash of a royal family. Through luck she is able to gain treasures to help her unlock her powers and become one of the most talented young cultivators. In 3 years or so her name will supposedly draw envy from everyone.

"Sigh. With so much plot armor surrounding that mutt it's no wonder my dearest Feng Qi was never able to win." Meng lamented to herself in the dark place hallway.

Even though Meng has a chance to take all of the treasures meant for her, she decided not to.

She would rather take down the female lead through her own power, rather then underhanded means. After all, its far more satisfying to tear someone down, break their bones,and rip apart their plot armor in front of their face rather than behind their back when you truly hate someone.

'She can collect all of the treasures she wants, but in the end she and all who try to harm Feng Qi will still fall by my hand.'

Walking through the hallway away from her room, all of the servants quickly got out of her way. Seeing a seven year old with such evil eyes was truly terrifying.

Was the young miss really the emperor's daughter, she seems more like a demon from hell!

When Meng let out a low chuckle every servant around her collapsed on to the ground in fear.




All of the servants were crying and begging her, bringing Meng out of her dark thoughts. She threw a confused look toward them and slowly walked around them.

The servant in her room acted the same way and for all she knew they could be infected as well.

She threw them a wary glance before continuing on her way. Her Feng Qi was in pain, she didn't have time to think about them.