Chapter Six

Chapter six:

Walking through the hallway, Meng analyzed the cold stone walls of the palace.

From her memory the palace was built inside of a cave underground, It went multiple levels into the ground. So far, that even the book didn't specify its ending.

Using what she remembered about 'Defying Moonlight', she made her way to the dungeon. As a person who did practically nothing else, but read about Feng Qi, she of course knew the palace by heart. Reaching the dungeon was a piece of cake, however the hard part was actually getting in.

Meng analyzed the two guards that were blocking the dungeon door.

'The book said that cultivators could normally feel each other's auras upon meeting. However, I'm not feeling anything from them...'

That could only mean two things either the guards cultivation was at least two levels higher than her own or they didn't cultivate. the Sun Kingdom was a lowly kingdom, therefore them not being able to cultivate had a high chance. But, no matter how high it was still a chance. Regardless she needed to get through this door in order to save Feng Qi. No one not even armed guards could stop her.

With a violent aura the ten year old went right up to one of the guards and kicked him in the shin.

The guards: "..."

Meng: "..."

The guards didn't know rather to laugh or cry when they were attacked by the ten year old child.

They settled for just shaking their head at the ridiculousness silently. Since Run Gu Meng was the emperor's favorite daughter they couldn't punish her in anyway. Plus she was known to be violent, therefore if they harmed her their punishment wouldn't just be a slap on the wrist.

Meng panicked when she saw her gamble go wrong. In the novel the guards of the Sun Kingdom were extremely cruel, willing to kill someone for just looking at them the wrong way. A cold sweat went down her back as she thought about what they would do with her. She needed to do something and do it quick.

The guards grew wary when they saw how frustrated Ru Gu Meng was. If she were to report them to the emperor they would surely be in trouble.

One of them toughened his nerves and stretched a comforting hand out to Meng. Either way the Princess was mad at them, so he might as well try his best to lessen the situation.

"Princess R-"

All of a sudden the guard who reached out his hand was attacked by Meng!

Her reflexes acted out and she immediately dodged his hand and met him head on. Leaping at him Meng grabbed his head and tried to break his neck.

Unfortunately, unlike in any of the novels Meng read, it wasn't as easy as it seemed. She couldn't make the guards neck turn at all.

Without any other options, while sitting on the guards shoulders, Meng took off a hair pin and pressed it against his neck.

"Let me into the dungeon or he dies." She said coldly to the other guard.

The guard being threatened went from hell to heaven when he heard her demands.

"Princess Ru Gu Meng, this servant will personally escort you into the dungeon. Just please don't tell the emperor about this incident."

He cried out in injustice inside, thinking that she could of just asked him in the first place. Royalty could enter nearly anywhere in the first few levels of the cave!

The other guard just nodded his head in agreement to escorting Meng into the dungeon.

Meng let out a huff and stiffly climbed down the guards back. She turned around quickly so the guards won't see the blush of embarrassment covering her face.

If Feng Qi saw her fail to kill an enemy how could he ever find her useful?! Her heart became more and more mortified as she thought about Feng Wi judging her coldly. She really needed to understand cultivation as soon as possible.

Meng cooled her embarrassment the best she could before thinking about what the guard said. So this mob character was favored by the emperor? At least she wasn't transmigrated completely empty handed.

For the first time since she transmigrated, Meng was thankful for her body. Even if this body was a sinning side character and at nearly the lowest position possible for a cultivator at least she didn't have to gain power first before being able to see Feng Qi. She wasn't sure she could even survive that long without him.

"Well than lead the way." Sending a fake condescending glance over her shoulder, she motioned for the guards to start walking and followed closely behind them.