Chapter Seven

Chapter seven:

"Princess Ru Gu Meng for which prisoner are you looking for?"

The guard, Meng's former hostage, warily asked Meng while he stiffly walked by her side.

He normally would've been leading the way, however, he didn't feel comfortable with her behind him. He already learned his lesson once if anything happens it's time for his partner to take some pain.

The guard couldn't help himself from looking at his partner in envy when seeing him walk so confidently without worry. After all, he clearly had a wild tiger behind his back, isn't he just too ignorant?

He shook his head at his partner's confidence

'I guess the saying is true, ignorance is bliss.'

"I'm looking for Feng Qi." Meng felt sorry for the person walking next to her. He was definitely a lot stronger than her and even her hair pin wouldn't have done a lot of damage to him. However, he still acted terrified of her.

This sort of servant system is truly stifling. If she was reborn as a servant she would already be on the most wanted list. Even though royalty did have laws set from them, they weren't nearly as severe.

Yet, she couldn't find too much relief in this as she knew the most annoying rule covered them all. The only rule that was stifling, was a rule that was enforced on all cultivators even servants who were deemed worthy to cultivate by their masters. That rule was that as soon as one became an earth level cultivator, they had to join a sect to learn how to get past it.

Cultivating techniques past the earth level were only spread out to the ten largest cultivating sect's. From there, they spread it to some minor sect sect master allied to them to teach their disciples.

It was a cleverly put together system, that forced everyone to bow their heads to it. After all, 'here' knowledge was truly power. Even Emperor Ru himself was forced to ally to the medium sized sect, Reverend Mirror, to keep the few earth or higher cultivators under him still able to grow.

"The hostage Prince?" The guard wore a thoughtful expression. He did hear a rumor that the hostage prince had recently insulted the Princess. That would explain why she was angry enough to take her anger out on him without reason.

The guard suddenly felt like all the suffering he went through wasn't so bad. What she would do to Feng Qi will probably be a hundred times worse.

His eyebrows creased in worry when he thought about If Princess Ru Gu Meng actually killed Feng Qi.

Feng Qi was originally the heir of a kingdom called the falling leaf kingdom. It was a prosperous kingdom, however was a newly formed one and didn't have a sect backing it. The emperor and empress there were found guilty consorting and working with demons, therefore were sentenced to death by the church. All of their land and the people were given to the Sun Kingdom after the war.

However, even though he was without a sect, kingdom, or a family, plenty of his people still supported him and didn't believe the church's ruling. The Sun kingdom annexed the Falling Leaf kingdom only 4 years ago and the people still loved their old leaders. Killing Prince Feng would start a rebellion.

When they were about to reach Prince Feng's cell the guard beside Meng dutifully got down on one knee with his head lowered.

"Princess Meng this servant will prevent anyone from entering this cell, however please do not kill Prince Feng. It will throw the kingdom into chaos and cost many lives."

His partner caught on and quickly bowed down to join him in his stance.

Meng frowned a bit at the guards statement. Honestly destroying a kingdom meant nothing to her, but Feng Qi was someone she would never kill. Meng really wished people would stop insinuating that she wanted him dead.

Meng covered up the conflicted feelings inside her heart and stiffly nodded.

The guards let out a sigh of relief and let Meng go on her way.

Traveling down the dark corridor filled Meng with anxiety and anticipation. What should she say to Feng Qi when she saw him?

She knew that the body she currently resided in tortured Feng Qi. If he couldn't forgive her for it than how could she protect him from those dogs?

Meng stood paralyzed in front of the cell door. The door was completely steel except for a small slit in its upper half stopping her from seeing anything going on inside.

Exhaling deeply Meng lifted the cold metal door hatch and looked inside.