Chapter sixty-one

With an elegant movement opened up the large book and Meng lazily leaned against the couch below her. The sides of her lips went up in satisfaction. Being out of her room had really made her quite insecure. After all, the safety net of four walls had taken care of her for years. It was one major loss of her arriving to this world.

The book wasn't as good as her four walls, but the sense of comfort returned and along with it, the excitement for reading. Her gaze was nearly intoxicated as she swiftly read through the pages. Every page was related to Feng Qi and knowing more about the new world around her. If she said she didn't feel fulfilled at the moment she would be completely lying.

Her fingers flipped through the book so quickly that Su Lou on the side started to gain a cold sweat. She originally thought this task would be easy, however who could possibly keep up with Princess Ru Gu Meng's pace. Su Lou frowned at the feeling on being bullied, but recalling Ru Gu Meng's cold hand against her neck, she quickly ran to grab another book.

Seeing as the large book in Ru Gu Meng's hand was practically finished, she grabbed a book off the nearest shelf before tripping over herself to reach Ru Gu Meng. As soon as she got back Meng had just put out her hand as she placed the book on the table to her right with the other. Her eyes didn't glance at Su Lou as she grabbed the next book as if she was in a daze.

This state of only being aware of the books continued on for not just hours, but days. Soon not only was Su Lou about to die from over working, but Rong You was close to dying from anger! He brought his disciple her to train her to be a cultivator! How did she become a lazy wastrel so quickly?

After two days of Ru Gu Meng not training or even moving in general officially drove Rong You to his limit. First she passed out from being injured and now she was addicted to reading. It was undeniable the Rong You's first attempt at taking a disciple was starting out rocky.

However, he had plenty of friends who trained disciples, this he had sufficient knowledge to handle this. All he had to do was put his foot down and the young ten year should surely back down.

Rong You went into action as he approached Meng and stood exactly in front of her. He then unceremoniously snatched the book out of her hand as tossed it to the table beside her, which was already covered with a huge pile of books. The actions took only a second, however at that moment the world froze.

Su Lou looked at Meng's empty hand with a terrified expression, her body froze in fear. The warning before was still clear in her mind and the killing intent that grew from Ru Gu Meng's body made Su Lou want to drop to the ground and beg for her life. What great teacher?! In front of her crazy mistress did he even matter?