Chapter sixty-two

While Su Lou was frozen in fear even Rong You was baffled from the killing intent leaving Meng's body. His disciple was extremely young, yet, somehow, her killing intent even made him feel chilled to the bone.

He tried to dismiss the feeling of snakes crawling across his skin and refocus on Meng. Sadly, before he was able to prepare something so say he felt Ru Gu Meng's eyes hit his body at full force. Her dark eyes held a chilling affect in them as she silently started at Rong You. Suddenly the old man no longer felt that he knew anything at all about teaching. After all, how many teachers could confidently say their student wanted to kill them over a book?

Thankfully, Rong You had experienced years of toe curling cultivation practice, therefore he could quickly adapt. Before Meng could attack him he brought up the one thing she showed weakness to this far, book.

Carefully turning his attention alway from the cold glare of Ru Gu Meng, Rong you scoffed at the pile of books. "Such mediocre books how can I have my disciple read them? They barely contain any knowledge at all. Let me tell you girl, many books that the public can reach have been altered to fit the mind set of the empire. Nothing important is in the main library."

Very skillfully, Rong You tossed a glance at Ru Gu Meng to see that she still didn't change. Her eyes were just as cold as before. Feeling a bit flustered about how uninteresting she seemed, he started listing out topics.

"In the library in the back I have books that cover earth level cultivation tactics, formations, secret arts, fighting techniques..." Rong You's mouth shot off a multitude of topics before Meng's killing intent finally went away.

"These books where are they?" Her voice sounded raspy compared to her melodious tone after not speaking for multiple days on end. However, Rong You wanted to laugh at the small gain.

"Those books are extremely valuable, therefore I can't give them out easily. You would have to be at the right level to even think about reading them. If you aren't you won't understand it right." He then sighed to himself and shook his head.

"How about this? If you listen to the training I give you and make gains I'll give you a secret book every once in a while to reward you."

Meng contemplated Rong You's offer. Though the books she was reading did curb her cravings, they mainly held information she already knew. It was true at this point they weren't too helpful. The fact that she wanted to learn more had become undeniable to her after being in this world for a while. The world was interesting and Feng Qi was in it, therefore, to her, it was worth learning about.

Looking away, Meng nodded her head to Rong You's request. The daze in her eyes finally went away causing Rong You to be elated. He felt that he finally, after so many defeats, won a fight against his disciple. Those books were truly a blessing!

"Ok, are training will start tomorrow in the morning as you right now aren't in any state to work." Rong You silently patted himself on the back for a job well done before leaving.