Chapter sixty-three

Early in the morning before the shine of the sun, Rong You collected Meng from her room. Large dark circles decorated her face and she looked extremely drained even before her training started. Rong You quickly assumed it was from staying up for two days, however little did he know Meng's training had already started!

She already calculated her time away from Feng Qi had already reached nearly six days and her time away from books reached 7 hours. Even the skin on her body felt like it was crawling just thinking about it. Meng sighed to herself as she passed the book shelves and followed Rong You to the front of the library.

Unable to control herself, her hand became rebellious and stroke a book, yet she quickly brought it back to her body. Feng Qi's face flashed in front of her eyes causing her to regain full control. For Feng Qi she was willing to sacrifice her soul and mind for the time being.

A silent tear of undeniable suffering fell down her face. She really wanted to see Feng Qi and her memories weren't at all enough to completely control the craving. Without her knowing, she started mumbling 'Only for the time being.' to herself.

On the other hand, Rong You was so excited he didn't even notice the silent suffering of his first disciple. His mind was only full of shaping the hidden jewel and making her a hero among heroes.

If Meng knew of his thoughts she would tell him clearly he was setting himself up for disappointment. At the moment it was unclear if she even had enough room in her heart for one person alone, much less caring about the common people!

Once they reached the front of the room Rong You's jolly voice broke through the dark clouds over Meng's head. "Ok know that we are here it's time to start your first lesson."

With those words, Meng felt mildly curious about what he would say next. She only came to the library for closed cultivation to escape from Feng Qi, but Rong You gave her a pleasant surprise with the secret books. A light shined in her eyes, with enough knowledge she could fully dissect the world that produced something as amazing as Feng Qi.

The light grew even brighter as the thoughts continued on. 'And murder a few people while torturing a few other...'

Yet, once again Rong You couldn't meet his disciple standards. "For your first task I want you to run laps from the front of the library to the back."

Like a switch the light went out and Meng's face went black. Did she even know how to run anymore? In two life times she barely ever did physical activity. Except of course if she was trying to kill someone or for Feng Qi. But, those didn't count as they were always life or death situations. Maybe not always.... Fine she agreed to this so she would do it.

"Physical exercise is extremely important when it comes to cultivation as if your body isn't strong enough it can't advance. Of course there are other factors, however this one is the easi-" before Rong You could finish Meng had already started running. Rong You paused a minute in confusion. Didn't that insane disciple love to look at him like he was worthless over the smallest things?

Yet, after a quick moment of confusion Rong You let out a hearty laugh before sitting in a chair. Using books as a bargaining piece really saved him a lot of time.