The Beginning

War. The universe was created through destruction and it was divided by war. Fate is the one who created those wars by weaving lives together. The universe is a rug that has an endless number of shades and colors that represents the stars, the planets, the trees, and those that live or have lived. In a palace of perfection, Fate lived in a kingdom called the High Heavens.

And it was there that Fate created the Gods and Goddesses, the Deities that shaped the course of all life forever. Through the Gods came the Beings. Harpies, Dragons, Elves, Sorcerers, Dwarves, Vampires, Sirens, and more. But through centuries of arguing, nine Gods and Goddesses created the perfect race: the Druid Race. The proud Heralds of Nature that came as Elves or as Humans. With immortality, strength, healing, agility, and beauty came the Druids. And the nine Gods - being as proud as they were - divided the Race into nine Clans divided the Druids into the Serpents, the Felines, the Bears, the Air Clan, the Earth Clan, the Fire Clan, the Earth Clan, and the Wolves. Druids ruled the worlds across the universe; keeping worlds habitable, as was their duty.

The Druids created a kingdom to keep peace between all worlds, to create trade with leaders of different Beings, to protect Beings and Druids, to declare war with other Beings, to control the feuds between the Clans, and to create laws for all Druids. This kingdom – this safe-haven – resided on a world called the Capital, which was ruled by the Human Druid King Edrugard of House Traenvor along with one representative from each Druid Clan. The kingdom was called Siothrún.

King Edrugard kept the peace among the Druids and established wonderful alliances with other Beings, ensuring the safety of all citizens in Siothrún.

Villages, farming, and grateful people were the result of Edrugard's ability to promote tranquility. He made the Druids a peaceful and generous race. All Druids welcomed those that needed help and gave what they had to weary travelers. And so many generations of prosperity spread across the worlds.

Fate always ensures that happiness does not last.

It wasn't long before a new race created by another Deity, known as God, had arrived at a Druid village. A race known as the humans, humans that had traveled from across the world to the village. They came bearing carts of shiny artifacts and many of them wore hard shirts that glinted in the sunlight. The Druids on that world found them strange but welcomed them to their home. The humans put on gentle smiles and asked for food. The Druids graciously gave them food, shelter, and water. Months went by and the humans still stayed among the Druids, asking many questions and exploring the houses. The Druids explained their ways and how they live, how their presences control the condition of their world. The Druids grew their crops using their special magic and kept dangerous beasts at bay by charming them. The humans suddenly seemed to be eager to go to bed after the explanation and stayed in their huts for the rest of the night.

During that very night, huts were set alight and Druids were forced into shackles. The humans that the Druids had hosted, took up arms and killed the Chieftains of the Druid villages. Killing anyone who dared resist imprisonment. The humans declared that the Druids were now slaves to the King of their Kingdom, and that they would be brought to a new world. There, they would serve as servants and be taught the ways of God.

Against their will, the Druids were forced to travel across the world. They were beaten and starved during the journey, up until they had reached the stone walls of the human Kingdom. Camelot. Camelot was ruled by Erik Pendragon the fourth, he was the King that had forbade the practice of any magic and allowed the lynching of anything that wasn't human. By order of Erik, the Druids were thrown into Camelot's dungeons. And in those dungeons, the Druids were tortured, killed, branded, whipped, hung, and hunted for amusement. Priests visited the dungeons and preached of God to the Druids. But not a single Druid had converted from the ways of their Gods, for they still believed they would be saved. The Druids prayed every night, praying for a miracle to come and rescue them. Help never arrived.

Through millions of generations of the Pendragon family, more Druids arrived to be thrown in the dungeons; forced to serve the Pendragon family as slaves. Soon, Beings were brought to the dungeons as entertainment for bored soldiers. Days grew darker on that world. Crops decayed. Livestock dropped dead. Humans grew sick through diseases. The King blamed the Druids for the sudden decline in population and ordered the Druids to fix their crops. The Druids refused. Infuriated, humans flooded the dungeons and rained their wrath upon the defenseless Beings with their swords and clubs. Corpses clogged the halls and blood replaced the water, too many died that day. But nine Beings had decided that enough was enough.

Nine sons and daughters of the Gods and Goddesses came down from the Heavens. They marched into Camelot and demanded that the creations of their parents were released.

"And whom might you be to tell me how to run my kingdom?" The King, Uther Pendragon, fumed.

"We smelled the blood of those you killed from the High Heavens, and we've come to put an end to this bloodshed. Release them." One demanded.

"Or what?" Countered Uther's wife.

"Or you'll suffer."

Humans soon crowded around them and threatened to slay every single child in the dungeons if they didn't surrender. Afraid of the deaths of the young ones, the sons and daughters surrendered. Bound in enchanted shackles, they too endured the same suffering that the other Beings had experienced. Unimaginable pain forced the sons and daughters to gain a bubbling hatred for those that had locked them away.

Through sheer rage and sheer luck, one of the daughters had managed to break free of her shackles and freed the others. The sons and daughters took up arms and freed the imprisoned Beings. And within the night, the sons and daughters had slain every single human in Camelot; burning the kingdom to the ground.

The Druids realized that learning to fight was essential for survival, as did the sons and daughters. The sons and daughters taught the Druids how to master different weapons and taught them about defending their territories. Through weaponry, the Druids no longer decided to work together and divided into their Clans. It wasn't long before one Clan tried to invade another and war erupted from consistent arguments. Beings were caught in the crossfire of the battles and many died. Gorey battles sprouted from the Clans on all the worlds and blood stained the hands of few survivors. Edrugard struggled to get the Clans under control without using the very things that he disdained. Eventually, so many Beings and Druids were dying that Edrugard decided to recruit soldiers and enforced his rule upon the scattered Clans. Rabid Druids submitted to Edrugard's authority and laid down their weapons. Thus, came the Silence.

The Clans eyed the graves that they had created and understood that they soon became no better than the humans that brought them pain. That realization was the Silence, the time of peace among all Druids. During the Silence, the Representatives had suggested that Edrugard should make an official army and gather military leaders. Reluctantly, Edrugard created a highly trained army and soon became the most powerful kingdom among the Beings.

The sons and daughters had done their job, but at what cost? Torture, nightmares, and fame. Too much fame. People depended on the sons and daughters to save them from evil. They were sent to raze entire kingdoms, assassinate Kings and Queens, and complete impossible tasks to keep others safe. Never taking a break, never knowing peace, they constantly listened to the war drums and the screams of those they slay. But the sons and daughters didn't complain during their time of fame, because they were helping others and that's what they considered important. People called them the Saviors.