Chapter Fifteen

After living in Maldives for ten days, they eventually returned to their motherland.

After returning home, she led Madara around the supermarket. He helped her in carrying the lot of cooking ingredients that she bought.

She gave him the condition to eat or not eat, it was up to him whether he went grocery shopping with her or not.

When they got back to their house, she put the groceries away with his help, leaving only the ingredients she would need to make dinner.

She cooked up various scrumptious japanese cuisines, setting it on the dinner table calling out to Madara dinner was ready.

The two ate in silence enjoying her cooking, she ended up eating so much till the point she had a protruding stomach.

She laid in bed struggling to move a little, she over ate. It was her first proper meal since Maldives, so she couldn't help herself.

Madara looked at her from the side, said "You really are a very over-indulgent person" He never would thought that the elegant woman she was when they first met would turn out to be such a strange gluttonous woman.

She did not bother with him, getting up from the bed with some difficultly and took out the bottle containing digestive tablets from the drawer, swallowing one pill with some water.

As she was drinking, he sat down beside her on the bed and took the bottle from her hand, while flipping it he absently inquired "It seems you over-eat frequently? It really is an eye opener"

Actually it was the first time in a while she had over eaten, it was a good thing she brought the bottle when she moved in.

"How? My lifestyle is quite healthy" she replied.

He looked at the bottle again then suddenly narrowed his eyes, said "Yeah, it's really did not use this drug for the last three years right?

Seira "...?"

* FL has not used the digestive tablets in the three years till now in case you didn't catch that.

Madara shook the bottle in his hand and very calmly broke the news that made her heart feel bitter "This medicine has already expired"

She took the bottle from his hands to confirm it really was expired. She then asked him "Hospital?" she didn't think her problem was adequate enough to go hospital but still asked for his opinion.

He mulled over for a minute, then saying "No need to, right?"

She nodded her head in agreement.

"As long as you throw up everything it's going to be fine" he added.

Her last option was now to vomit, it wasn't the most pleasant but it was much better than going to the hospital.

She got up from the bed, not caring to wear slippers.

She went to the bathroom, kneeled in front of the toilet putting her index finger in her mouth to vomit. Still, nothing came out.

Seira was still struggling, when suddenly Madara came from behind and grabbed her shoulder.


He was still bending over like earlier, not budging at all "So that you can keep doing it dollishly?"

She was going to retort but then he brought his hand towards her neck. What is he doing?

Before she could utter a word, from behind Madara said "Open your mouth"

She did as he said. If he tried anything funny she would just bite his finger off.

He raised his left hand up and probed inside her oral cavity with his two fingers.

This. This is the most shameful ordeal she has ever been put through in her 21 years. Seemingly unfamiliar with their current predicament, he said impatiently "You don't have to fiddle around my fingers with your tongue, don't be nervous"

She obediently bowed her head and let him continue. she was quietly thinking to herself, pondering whether he did or did not wash his hands before putting them in her mouth...

His fingers slid deep into her mouth, gently pressed once at the base of her tongue and then quickly withdrew. Somehow after she could not stop herself from vomiting for an hour. All the while, Madara patted her back.

Although vomiting was disgraceful, her stomach was indeed more comfortable. When she finished vomiting, she flushed the toilet and washed her hands in the sink. Madara who was squatting down beside the bathtub, also stood up and began to wash his hands in the other sink.

After she finished washing her hands, she raised her head to thank him but after seeing his face she discovered a very rare occurrence.

For some unknown reason his face was extremely red.

Madara felt his heart beat excessively, her current appearance was too tempting. The top of her shirt came loose exposing her well endowed chest. her eyes were glazed over from vomiting and she was slightly out of breath.

*ML is weak to FL's sex appeal huehuehue

His pearly white face was now covered with a layer of pink, Seira could not help but think how much of a tempting sight he would be for other men. He would surely be attacked with this sort of expression.

"Why is your face so red?" She asked a glint in her golden pupils.

Madara facing the other side snapped and angrily spoke "Take the trouble to look into the mirror and see your current condition"

She turned to look at herself in the mirror, at this moment the first button of her night suit shirt came off, happily exposing her chest region and due to vomiting earlier her eyes were misty with some shortness of breath...

All in all, she appeared seductive and alluring.

The cunning smirk that graced her features made her look like a succubus as she edged towards him, speaking in a seductive tone

"Do you find my body attractive?"

She held back her laughter watching him with amusement as he hurriedly retreated out of the washroom. She buttoned up her shirt as she followed him out.

*ML is so shy~~