Chapter Sixteen

The last few days she decided it was time to do something, that was to find a job.

Although they were married, Madara and her, but they had their seperate lives. She certainly will not spend his money. Even if he did not mind, she objected, after all she did not need to depend on a man for anything.

She had yet to find a occupation suitable for herself, she did not want a job where she directly dealt with customers, or hard labouring jobs.

While online she came across a company that currently had a vacant position for the Vice Presidents general secretary. It didn't sound so bad, in addition she had worked as a secretary after entering University.

She emailed the email shown on the site that she was interested in the position. The users email seemed familiar but she didn't pay any heed to it.

Not long after they replied by sending a PDF containing basic information about the company, she would just need to go through it, other than that she did not need to prepare anything.

"Thank you, when can I expect the call to schedule a interview?" She typed back.

However, they just told her to report to work tomorrow. Telling her to just go to the company, the address and telephone number is mentioned on top of the document they sent, all she needed to do was tell the receptionist that she was scheduled for an interview to be the new secretary for the vice president.

*Next day

XXX advertising company was certainly not a small scale company since it has a little name in the advertising world. Naturally this was specified in the document.

Once she saw the company address, she stared at it for a while since it seemed more and more familiar to her. Eventually she realised that this company was part of the multinational group, Southern Star Corporation. Earlier she had bought some shares of this company, later on discovering the price of those shares kept increasing more and more. Although the number of shares she bought at the time was small, the profit generated was very high, that is why the Southern Star Corporation had left an impression in her mind.

First impressions are always important. So in order to leave a good impression on the interviewer, the next morning she woke up very early and changed into a work outfit and tied her hair in a neat bun, only applying a light coat of lip balm giving her lips a slight glossy touch.

*work outfit: white collared blouse, black blazer, black tie, above the knee black tight fitting skirt, black stockings

She headed to the kitchen and prepared his breakfast before grabbing her papers to go.

When Madara saw her elegantly dressed, unlike her casual style, he curiously asked "Are you going on a date?" Just picturing men beside her made his expression darken, his eyes narrowing on to her figure.

"No, job interview" she replied, fixing her tie in place. He would have told her to stay home and he would provide for her, but knowing her she wouldn't change her mind if she set her mind to it.

"Your breakfast is in the kitchen, don't forget to lock the door on my way out" she cleaned up a bit before grabbing her black heels from the shoe rack and left.

*Arriving at the company

She went to the front desk of the advertising company XXX, told the female receptionist "I'm looking for the Head of Human Resources"

The lady looked at her stunned, politely smiling and said "May I ask Miss Kisaragi to follow me, please? Mr. Akiyama is waiting for you" The female receptionist was internally shocked to have seen such a great beauty that was easily more beautiful than those actresses and idols on TV.

Akiyama? Where has she heard that name? Seira wondered.

The cool beauty looked at her and nodded, following her to the elevator. So tall! Even in heels she did not reach the cool beauty's chest. Even her breasts were full, looking at her own the receptionist wanted to cry.

The receptionist took her to one of the cabin like offices; on the plaque hanging on it's door 'Vice President' was written. She walked into the room, when she entered a person was sitting at the desk, holding a newspaper in front of his face while reading it.

"Hello, I am here for the interview" she spoke breaking the silence.

The man slowly put down his newspaper, revealing his face which was being hidden by the newspaper. The subtle smile on his flowery face irked her for some reason, there was some familiarity with the mans face too. She just could not put her finger on it, why his face was familiar.

Is this man the Head of Human Resources or the Vice President? Akiyama watched her near blank expression with great interest trying to probe a reaction out of her.

Looking at that unruly blonde hair of his made her want to pluck them all out, that way they would no longer be an eyesore to her.

After some time she put two and two together and came to a realisation that this man was the same annoying vermin from Maldives, he is also the Vice President.

Akiyama overlooked her dissatisfaction with a serious face smiled and calmly said "You know I did not plan to surprise you"

"Is that so?" She replied coolly. Hm, she didn't believe it. He must have realised earlier that it was her that emailed him for the position, thus taking advantage of the situation to get back at her for what happened at the Maldives.

"I did not" he 'assured' her, looking very innocent, that fake hurt look in his eyes made her want to throw her phone at his face.

Do not tell her this is her new boss? How is she to treat him? She cannot seem to find it in herself to respect him. The secretary position was no good.

"Do you mind giving me another position?" She asked.