Chapter Seventeen

The gleeful expression in his eyes resembled that of a little girl ready to plan her next mischief. Thinking about it, he won't look too bad if he dressed up as a woman, with a touch of make up he could easily pass off as a woman.

Now Akiyama looked at her smilingly and said "Why are you trying to avoid me, are you scared that you won't be able to stand and give into the temptation of my charm?"

She rolled her eyes internally thinking 'what charm?'

"I invited you to work here so what nonsense are you thinking, huh?" she would like to ask the same thing in return, she was uncertain whether he was pretending to be serious or was truly serious. Nonetheless, seeing the idiotic man's sunny disposition towards his professional life, she no longer bothered to ask for a new position.

"Mr. Akiyama, I will be in your care" leaving aside her suspicions. Akiyama chuckled to himself, looking very pleased and satisfied nodded his head.

Since morning the secretary job was not so bad, it was not too difficult on her part due to her experience. Despite her unambitious behaviour, she was sufficient in her work. As for the more demanding problems, Akiyama should be able to fix them. Very quickly noon arrived, her most favourite time, lunch break.

XXX advertising company had an inbuilt cafeteria for employees, according to what Akiyama said, the cafeteria's food taste was not bad. So in order to welcome his new employee to the company he invited her to lunch. Thinking she had only came for a interview she did not make herself lunch, in the end Seira went along with him.

She ordered some chicken and vegetable dishes then found a good seat to sit in. When she raised her head to look around she found many strangers staring from all directions. She didn't know if they were staring at her, the new employee, or Akiyama.

"Why is everyone looking at you?" She concluded they were staring at him.

He laughed, saying "Probably because I am too handsome"

She disregarded his words as she added "Why are men also looking at you?" Why does it seem the men she have met since returning to the city are all sexually attracted to men?

Akiyama went on to explain, "I rarely come here to eat, since I came today they must be wondering about it"

She clipped a piece of meat and put it in her mouth, nipping it. The taste was okay.

Akiyama did not even lift his chopsticks and was just staring at her, asked "well, how is it? Taste is not bad, right?"

"It's edible, had I known I would get the secretary position I would have cooked my own lunch" she was talking more to herself than responding to him.

"Do you really want me to try the food you cook?" speaking calmly with a soft smile.

"..." Who wants to cook for you? Madara is more than enough, she does not need another mouth to feed.

When Akiyama found no response from her side, he asked "Your husband must be enjoying the food you cook daily? In fact he must be a gastronome by now"

Internally she was pleased with his flattery, of course her cooking is not inferior to any of these restaurants chefs. "Whether I wish to or not, he coaxes me to cook for him"

Akiyama got very excited and further inquired "So how does he coax you?" Now why should she tell him? She had no intention of telling anyone of their living conditions.

"Secret" she added returning her gaze on her meal, continuing to eat.

In order to repay back the favour of getting the job she shouted Akiyama dinner. This will be the first and last. She left it up to him to choose a restaurant, it wasn't far from the company so she would rather walk then get into another man's car. The restaurant he chose was one he had came to once with his ex-girlfriend or so he says. Apparently the food was so good he remembered it.

His sense of direction was not bad, compared to hers. In Sakuya's words she has the worse sense of direction, if she were stranded and left alone she certainly would not know how to return on her own.

The restaurant had his approval but she did not understand why such a good restaurant was hidden between so many alleys and lanes.

Just as she was ordering some side dishes her phone rang, it was a call from Madara. She picked up the phone, from the other end he very impatiently asked "How come you are still not home?"

Although she was his 'wife' was it necessary to speak to her in a condescending tone? "I am having dinner right now, you go and find something to eat on your own"

Madara lost his temper "You quickly come back to cook for me or else we will seperate"

This time she snapped, who does he think he is threatening her with 'separation'?

How did she not realise how childish he was?

Her temper was usually good but having her temper oppressed for so long, made her snap but she still tried to contain her anger, speaking coldly into the phone "If you want to seperate then seperate" she didn't wait for him to reply and hung up.

Akiyama had stopped eating his food and was staring at her. Annoyed she spat venomously "What are you looking at?"

"There is no need to get this much infuriated. Anyways couples quarrel should be resolved in their bedroom and..." Akiyama said with a smile.

"...It was my misfortune to have married such a man" she said out of spite.

He very smoothly said "Yeah, it was better to get married to me, right."

She was not in the mood to joke around, glaring at him icily. After dinner he offered her a ride back but she readily rejected his offer and waited for a cab.