Chapter 14: Harvest Moons


Aeron stepped forward and grabbed my wrist.

Oh, of course he won't concede, I thought. I almost forgot about Aeron.

"I want to help them!" I insisted.

"No. You should go back home for dinner." Aeron uttered with his usual assertive tone.

"But it has been a pleasure working with you today, Mr. Roderick!" Aeron offers a handshake, turning to him.

"The pleasure is all mine" he bows down almost in ninety degrees stance while holding Theah securely in his arms.

He left Aeron's hand hanging though.

This feels rather déjà vu.

"Ah. But I will stay for a little while longer. I hope you don't mind if I can also visit your home? I haven't seen Alessa in a while"

"Of course, young master!"

I saw Aeron's brow twitch for a split second.

He then sweeps a glance at me.

I wonder...

Has he figured it out as well that it's not the real Mr. Roderick?

But if he did—

I opened my mouth to object but Aeron cuts me off, "It's not Lady-like of your status to still be strolling outside during evenings, Aerra. Let me handle this. I'll make sure..." he paused and glanced at Theah and Recca before looking back at me, "I'll make sure to keep them company"

Oh god, Aeron figured it out as well!

I think these are one of the moments when I hope my brother isn't that sharp.

"I'll be going ahead then, young master. I'll tell my wife to prepare for your arrival! I'm sure she will be ecstatic to hear you'll join us for dinner!" Mr. Rodericks says in a soft tone as we all watch him walk away along with the children.

Aeron releases his grip on my wrist. I studied him as his lips move, "Only Leon calls me young master" he stated barely audible but with my heightened sense of hearing, I am able listen— and he knows that too.

Grantzæl soldiers soon came to us and reminded Kain that he needs to go.

"I suppose I should be going." Kain sighed in a frown. "But I'll visit again very soon! By then, we can play again!"

"I better leave too. This day has been fun." Levi subtly smiled. "I'll visit again some other time" he added, looking at me.

I smiled at them gingerly. "Travel safe, guys." I bid them my farewell as some of their own soldiers escorted them back to their ride home.

Aeron went to some of our soldiers by a corner and spoke to them quietly but I listened. "Leon seems to be missing. If he returns, capture him immediately."

Watching him made me remember what happened few years ago... when we strolled around Grantzæl city for the first time, Aeron noticed my bodyguards are gone so he insisted to keep me company.

I still remember that day so clearly. He asked his own bodyguards to not allow anyone to come inside the apothecary while I bought candies. Before I didn't understood why he did that but now I do. And so when someone did enter... he knew it was time to run.

That was the time we were kidnapped by Ouboros' men.

And this time— he's not planning to run.

He's still looking after me...

If he keeps doing these sort of things, he's bound to get involved once again.

And I don't want that.

Aeron is one of the most important person in my life. If someone hurts him...

I can hear my own voice, whispering directly to my ears:

'...accept the darkness'

I will make them pay.

A cold and gloomy whisper that's making me feel so numb and yet cold at the same time.

...I will...

'...kill them all.'


A hand suddenly lands on my shoulder and I flinched in surprise. I snapped back to reality and realized I was clenching my fists so hard that my hand is turning white.

I unfolded my fingers and saw my nails has dug red marks on my palm.

"You're staring pretty intently at Aeron, what's wrong?" Eriol asks, I look at him and his eyes were set on my brother as well.

"It's nothing"

"You're so easy to read." he chuckled.

"Me? What do you mean?" I murmured, pulling away from his hand.

"Just answer this, did you saw it?"

"Saw what?" I fully faced him and studied his deep purple eyes.

"You were running to us looking so pale and rattled with Mr. Roderick who happens to be following after you instead of Leon so I figured something is wrong." Eriol explained, "Aeron did so too."

I sighed.

"Did you see how he killed Mr. Roderick?" he asks, his gaze focused on mine.

Such a sad look in his eyes.

I shook my head, "I didn't... When I saw him... he's already gone."

I closed my eyes and I remembered that scene. Mr. Roderick's glassy eyes that stared blankly in a lifeless gaze.

"I see...." he replied.

Aeron soon walked up to us, "I'll have some soldiers search the perimeters for other Ouboros members. For the mean time, I'll make sure nothing bad happens to Alessa and the kids."

Eriol nods, "Alright. Just summon me if things gets out of hand"

"No. That's what Faram wants. You look after her." Aeron argued.

"Wait— you're seriously sending us home even though you know it's dangerous staying alone out here?" I stomp my foot down, "At least have Eriol stay here!"

"And who will look after you if I take Eriol with me?" Aeron crossed his arms. "We're already playing on their trap. Right now, Faram might have figured everything out and covered all the what ifs."

"What do you mean?"

"The first time I met Leon, I already felt a strange air around him. Now I understand why."

Oh. So it wasn't only me who noticed that.

"I bet my ass that's Scias right now acting as Mr. Roderick. Damn him...!" Eriol cursed under his breath.

I raised a hand up, "Wait, who is Scias?"

"Remember when I told you Faram and his comrades are dark elemental magus? Well, Scias is one of them. I'm not particularly familiar with all their abilities but from what's happening right now, I just remembered the Eighth member of the elite mercenaries is an 'enorcist'. He can use the face of a person who is already dead." Eriol answered. His fists clenched on his side, "I'll make him pay for what he did to Roderick!"

"If that's the case then I'm guessing Faram and his men is behind the blockage on the road Lady Mirel is talking about earlier. They might have killed the real Leon by that time and then sent this Scias guy to play the role of Leon. That way, he has one of his men infiltrated inside the castle; so close for us to even suspect at all that Faram has already made his move" Aeron uttered with his jaws tightening.

"Right now, he more or less has Alessa and the children as hostage. If we act too hastily, they might get hurt. If I ask our soldiers to capture him now, it would look like we're oppressing Mr. Roderick instead. Alessa is bound to react and surely get hurt either way. Some workers might even try to get involve and make such an uproar here. They wouldn't understand or believe even if we say he's not the real Mr. Roderick.

That's why I need you to stay away from here as much as possible... even though that might also be part of Faram's plan, to get you separated from me and Eriol..."

"But if Eriol goes home with me, then you're in more danger being alone in this, brother." I tagged at his sleeves, "I somehow wish you're a real dimwit. That way you can just allow me to stay here on your stead."

Aeron grins, "Don't worry I won't stir up a fight. I'll just look after Mr Roderick's family while keeping an eye out at that Scias guy." He pats my head and added, "Whatever happens, don't leave Eriol's side. He can protect you. You just need to trust in him as much as I do."

He took my hand that held him and carefully places it down on my sides. "Besides, we have a guest. Princess Isera is on courtesy call. It will be rude if you leave her alone in the castle."

I heaved a sigh of dismay.

"Fine, I'll go. But you becareful." I uttered as Eriol ushered me back to where Princess Iserra sat down, watching us.

I watch Aeron from over my shoulders as he waved his hand at me, turning to walk the opposite direction.

Aeron has changed so much, I thought as I took a side-long glanced at Eriol.

"What?" he mumbled, eyeing me tentatively.

"For Aeron to trust you this much..." I murmured. He usually would prefer protecting me on his own. But now, he learned to rely on this guys named Eriol...

"Forget it."

He pats my head all of a sudden, "Faram is on the move. Make sure you don't blindly follow him again. If you do, you're either smitten with him or just really plain stupid."

How rude.

"I'm not blindly following him! I do respect him at some point but that doesn't mean I'm that permissive!"

"Yeah, right. He had Mr. Roderick killed and you still respect the guy?" he shrugs. "Great devotion there, snow head. You might as well thank him for erasing your memories of me if you happen to see him again."

"I... Yeah, sure. I'll do that!" I scowled at him for a moment and just strode fast till I reach Princess Isera.

"Is something the matter?" she asks, standing up.

"It's nothing. We're just talking about who stays for the harvest moons tonight." I replied.

Eriol really annoys me.

Even though he has a point.

I still feel so annoyed somehow.

"Let's go back, Isera. I'm sure you're tired for the day."

"How about Sir Leon?" She asks, looking pass over my shoulder, perhaps trying to search around for him.

"It's alright, you don't have to worry about that. Umm, you're from the far west, so I'm assuming you'll stay for the night, right? After all, the trip back is too long."

She nods. "Yes but just for the night, thank you for having me."

"I hope you're enjoying your stay so far."

"I am!" she beams, "I never thought harvest seasons are this fun."

Well, I still do have to extract information from her about what she saw when she read my future.

I watch the sunset sky above us. It's already turning dark and stars are becoming more prominent.

This will be a long night.


After dinner, Isera finally went to rest in one of the guest rooms we set for her, so I was left alone to walk the corridors.

Well, not entirely alone.

"Are you planning to tail me around so extensively?" I halted from my walk

"That's a stupid question" Eriol retorted.

"I'm going to take a bath. Unless you're planning to follow me there as well then I no longer need to ask a stupid question, should I?" I said in obvious sarcasm.

He throws a hand to his waist and just tilted his head to the side, "I actually considered that. There's nothing to see there anyway. Who knows, Faram might join in there as well, assuming you wouldn't mind if it's him because you respect the guy at some point as you said."

I wanted to argue back but that smirk on his face tells me I won't be having the last laugh if I argued back.

"You're getting on my nerves. Just leave me alone!"

"Make me" he challenged, crossing his arms together snuggly.

I ran my hand across my face.

"You said you can handle yourself, right? Then make me leave. Go ahead. Let's see how you handle this situation."

I stared at him appalled. "You—!"

He shrugs. "I thought so."

I seriously want to erase that smirk off his face.

"I'm going to ask Isera to take a bath with me. So fine if you'll join us. So be it."

He straightened his back in retreat.

Hah! I got him!

"Now if you excuse me, I'll go ahead and invite her now."

Eriol just watched me as I went to walk back.


I knocked three times.

The door opens and I immediately asked Isera if she wants to join me.

I watch her eyes widened in surprise for a moment before she looked away and turned around. "I'm not really used to sharing a bath with someone..." she says very politely. "Even in our land, we don't let our servants help me bathe. It's more like a culture than preference."

"Can I come in at least?" I insisted,

"Please, do." she replied as I stepped inside her room and slammed the door behind me where Eriol stood.

"Brat!" I can hear him cursed from the other side of the door.

I can't help but sneer in triumph at his reaction.

"I'm sorry to impose on you" I began as Isera walked towards the edge of her bed and just sat there. "But we do have a huge bath hall where we can just stay there for a bit to relax. It has hot spring waters so I bet it would help if your arms are feeling sore from the harvest earlier."

"That really sounds delightful, Aerra but..." she sighs.

"Please? You want to get to know me better, you said it yourself. Well, we can chat in there while relaxing."

Plus I'm really trying to get Eriol out of my hair for a bit because he's being so annoying.

"Alright. But please just us. I'm not comfortable if other people would join along, even chambermaids."

Wow, she's making exemptions for me.

"Great! I will have them sent bath robes in there so we can change into them. That way you wouldn't feel worried about... too much skin-ship." I murmured, not sure how it sounds like.

She beams at me, crossing her fingers together in front of her skirt, timidly. "Thank you, Aerra. You are most kind."

"I'm glad to have a female friend like you." I grinned. Having a demure and graceful figure like her is a breath of fresh air.

"Oh? You don't have... other female friends? But you're very friendly and kind. I mean, unlike me... I'm actually very nervous to even visit you here by myself but Rohan was so insistent." she bows her head down, "but it's not like coercion of sort! I really want to become friends with you too just like our parents!"

I perched on the nearest table, "I actually had a female friend once. Just one. Her name is Nora."

She veered her eyes at me, "Where is she now?"

"Well, she— she's no longer... here." I said simply, pursing my lips in a straight line.

"Oh— I'm sorry for asking" Isera frowns.

"No, it's alright. I'm just glad to have a female friend now."

She nods and smiled sheepishly, "And I you"

"I'll go ahead and tell the servants to prepare us that bath." I stated as I opened the door and found Eriol just standing idly by a corner like a soldier.

Our eyes met but I quickly looked away.

I gestured at one of the chambermaids and asked them to prepare the bath for us. "Call us when everything is ready, please" I concluded.

"Right away, m'Lady!"

I glanced at Eriol and realized he's still staring back at me in silence.

I ended up staring back at his stern dark purple eyes. If I look at it like this, it does seem to resemble amethyst after all.

"If you're going to say something, say it. Otherwise, what's the use of that mouth for?" he says with a sneer.

"Why are you being so irksome?" I said in exasperation.

"It's not that being irksome, you simply just can't admit that whatever I do or say, I'm inside your head." He taps on his temples

"Nope. Pretty sure you're being irksome." I retorted.

"And I'm pretty sure you can't nag me out of your head. I'm that effective!"

"As what? Effective as what?!" I bit my lips in frustration. "This is not making any sense." I slammed the door behind me again.

I turned around and realized Isera is watching me. "You're pretty close with Lord Eriol, so it seems."

"Does it really seem that way? I rather think he's an annoying guy."

Isera giggled, "To be honest, when I first saw you at your party dancing with Lord Eriol, I assumed he was your fiancé. But Rohan clarified its not."

"Why?— I mean... well, my memories of him was actually erased by someone later that night so I'm not really sure how close I was with him before but I'm so bewildered how I manage to be in good terms with him if he's always treating me like this."

Isera taps a finger on her cheeks, "I'm not quite sure how to explain why I naturally assumed his your fiancé but it's just how you two were interacting with each other. When you danced with him, you were glowing."

"Glowing?" I arched an eyebrow indifferently.

Isera giggled. "Both of you were."

"L-Levi is my fiancé." I mumbled.

Isera nodded, "Yes and I heard very well how you defended him when some group of mischief were talking bad about him. I rather take that as a friendly gesture since he's a friend of yours as well, yes? But isn't that you admire him?"

I pondered. "Yes, I do admire him. Levi is an amazing Lord. He's a brilliant guy and he's very kind and caring to us"

Isera nods. "The feeling of admiring someone is different from being with another who you can't even explain if you admire him or not, yet you glow unknowingly. A heart of a maiden is that fickle."

I just blinked my eyes several times.

I honestly don't understand what she meant by that.

I sense someone coming. "Oh, the bath is ready. Shall we?" I stated as a door knock emitted.

Isera nods and walked beside me.
