The beginning of the journey.

A small, clean orphanage was buzzing with excited voices and the air was filled with anticipation. Many children from 3 to 5 years old were impatiently standing in line. Everyone was lively and laughing. Everyone but one four-year-old girl. She stood in line and didn't talk to anyone. She was reading a book about the history of the capital. A boy next to her was playing with his friend and accidentally pushed her.

" Sorry!"

He quickly apologized and continued to play. A girl turned away from him and picked up her fallen book. Her horse-like ears twitched and her wings slightly tensed when she heard someone approaching the room. Yes, horse ears. The girl and everyone else in the world had horse ears, two horse-like, strong legs, and tails.

The door opened and a peerless beauty entered the room. Her long, golden hair was let loose, outlining her round face. Her hazel orbs were emitting determination and all of her body was brimming with confidence and strength. Dressed in gorgeous clothes, The Queen of the Nutrashi Empire, which is basically the whole world united under one supreme ruler, entered with few bodyguards and a lady that looked after the children.

The Queen looked over everyone present and a gentle smile bloomed on her delicate face.

" Hello, everyone! How do you all do?"

The Queen often visits this orphanage and plays with small kids. Every time she would come, kids always lined in front of the door and waited for her. None of them had parents, so she played their roles.

The Queen Kindatru de Futra took a hand of one of the girls and led everyone outside to play.

All of the children started to run around, engaging in different games, but the girl from earlier just went into the shade of the nearby tree and paid them no heed. Kindatru was sitting on the bench, closely observing the girl. She turned to the nanny and smiled, pointing her slim, long finger at the quiet girl.

The Queen soon returned to the castle, carrying a four-year-old child in her hands.

"From now on, I'm your Mother and this palace is your home, Sweety." - The Queen smiled gently at her, waiting for the reaction.

The face of the excited girl met the Queen's eyes. However, deep inside, only a dark feeling of loss was present.


I woke up with my face buried in books.

'Did I fall asleep while reading again? What was the dream even about? Hm... oh, the time I was adopted... huh... To think that it was 8 years ago... Time sure does fly when you do what you like.'

Before I could drown deeper into my thoughts, the massive doors to my room opened revealing a slender, brown-haired young woman.

"Princess Malika de Futra, the Queen is calling you to her cabinet."

The maid said those lines while keeping straight face, but her eyes betrayed her. She was barely containing her laughter.

"Huh... Govardhani, you don't have to act as a servant around me. You are my only friend!"

"No can do, Princess... pff... Hahahaha! No matter how many times I call you, it is still funny! That tiny, lost girl that I met on the street, was actually a crown princess of a whole Nutrashi Empire from another world! Seriously, if I wasn't here and saw everything with my own two eyes, I would never believe you!"

"Heh, do like it here? "

"Of course I do! The world of Magic, dragons, and a mix of mythical creatures and humans as its population! Why would I not like it?"

"But you are forced to act as my personal servant..."

" You don't have to worry about it. I made my choices and you know what, I'm happy that I can take care of you..." She looked around the room and her gentle, warm smile turned into a chilling grin.

"Princeeeeeeeeess..... how many books did you take from the library again?"

I looked around and saw a pile of books in the corner and around 10 books on the flour. I looked back at Govardhani's face and saw what you call ' a smile of the devil'... Is she mad?

" Well, I took everything that I haven't read yet, so it should be around 35 books I guess?" Even if the smile was that famous 'devil smile', I'm not affected at all. Being a crown princess is a lot tougher than one might think it is.

" 'I guess' Is what you have to say?! You already read like the whole library of books. That is the Royal Library! The library that contains each and every book in the world!!! That. Huge. Library! Why do you even read so much?!"

I scratched my head, waved my hand and a tear in space was opened by my magical power. I took out a greenish, ancient scroll and showed it to her.

" See this? This was the last thing my parents gave me right before they died when magical beasts attacked the village where I lived in when I was 3. I'm known for my knowledge of magic and many other different kinds of research. However, the reason why I even bothered to do all of that, was to open this scroll."

I looked at it with confusion.

" No matter what I tried, it never opened."

She reached out her hand, indicating that she wanted to touch it; however, this thing was the only thing that I will never allow to be touched, so I threw it back inside the hole in the air.

"Sorry, Govardhani, but this thing will not do you any good. It will suck your life force out leaving an only dry corpse behind."

Her face paled.

"Isn't it like super dangerous then?! Why did you touch it?!"

" It doesn't affect me. For some reason only I can hold it without any prob...."

Something was wrong. Govardhani who was cleaning the mess I made suddenly froze. Wait. Wrong. Everything froze. No sound could be heard and not even a leaf moved outside.

"Portal?! "

Sometimes, portals to different worlds open around me and when they do, the time stops in this world. Why? I have no idea.

I was super excited. So far I've been to two worlds. In one of them, I met Govardhani. The other world... Was more fun? However, it is a story for a later time.

I looked around to find where did the portal opened but couldn't see it.

"Where is It!?"

Suddenly, the floor was no longer present and I fell into the hole.

" So this time it opened right under my feet.... sometimes I really should use my wings for thing other than training..."


Senju and Uchiha clans clashed against each other yet again. The ground was littered with corpses, scorched with fire and numerous weapons were forever embedded on this battlefield.

Madara Uchiha clashed against Hashirama Senju and the battle of the leaders of the two of the strongest clans continued.

[Wood style: wood clone Jutsu!] Three more Hashirama's emerged from the ground and continued to attack their opponent.

"Madara! Let us end this war! We have no reason to continue! Remember we had a dream?! Why.."

"Hashirama! What are you saying! Do you really think they will listen!? Stop blabbering and finish him off already!"

Tobirama shouted at his brother, interrupting another attempt of Hashirama to talk. Hashirama opened his mouth to say something but had to close it since all of his clones were defeated by Madara, who was now swinging his sword aiming for Hashirama's head.

Hashirama ducked and send a lot of shurikens at Madara, who was forced to retreat a few meters. This gave Hashirama enough time to make some earth clones and move towards his friend and foe in one body.

Tobirama was busy with Madara's brother, Izuna. Both of them had some wounds and were fighting without holding anything back. Tobirama fired a wave of shurikens at great speed; however, Izuna easily avoided them seeing their trajectory with his Dojutsu, the famous Sharingan.

'Here is my chance!' Tobirama was about to use Hiraishin when a beam of multi-coloured light descended from the sky. The beam hit the ground creating a very strong earthquake. If it was not for all of the people present being a fine shinobi, they would long ago be lying on the ground.

The beam dissolved into the air revealing an enormous crater that was filled with dust. When the dust finally settled, a young girl,12-13 years of age, was sitting on the ground before everyone's shocked gazes.

Her big, clear, reddish- bluish orbs looked at everyone present with great curiosity.

"Where did the portal take me this time?"