My first impression.... was alright?

"Where did the portal take me this time?"

I said while rubbing my butt. That damn portal just had to open under my feet! I can't use magic in there! My wings are also useless! The portal changed my appearance to that of a human. Well, It doesn't mean that I can't turn back to my original appearance later.

I stood up, looked around and was stunned. I don't think that a battlefield, littered with corpses would be a pleasant thing to see as the almost first thing in the morning...

Many people, fully equipped with battle gears, were staring at me and I looked at them in return. On their faces, I could see a mixture of wariness, curiosity and..... fear? Why would there be fear in the eyes of people I just met. As soon as I looked around me, I realized the cause. I was standing in the middle of the crater. A huge crater with a diameter around 20 meters... Damn you, portal!!! Every time I get to a different world, it would play some tricks on me or the surroundings! In the world where I met Govardhani, it literally dumped me in the middle of a traffic road!

Many of them were wearing armour made of many metal protectors. All of them had some kind of weapon in hand. Swords, strange-looking knives, ninja stars... However, what caught my attention were the eyes of some of them. Scarlet irises with 1 to 3 markings in them. Those eyes were locked on to me as if reading my every movement. I couldn't help but admire their beauty.

Suddenly, three very strong presences moved in my direction. The first person to descend into the crater was a young-looking guy with spiky, silver hair. He stood on one of my sides, keeping his distance. His blue armour had some kind of fur on the collar. On his face were three reddish markings and his phoenix eyes looked at me with caution and some hostility. He was immediately followed by a guy of similar age that was wearing the red plated armour. He had long brown hair and black eyes. There wasn't any hostility in his eyes, but a certain amount of wariness was present. He stood at my other side also keeping some distance from me.

'This 'red' guy seems a little too innocent even though he is on the battlefield. The other guy looks more mature and collected. I can sense that their powers are on par with Grand Magicians back in my world...'

Finally, the last strong presence entered the crater from behind. I turned around and saw a guy with long, messy, black hair and glowing red eyes with those mysterious markings in them. His pale face showed some shock and he also became vigilant.

I turned back to take a look at two previous people and let out a sigh.

'Why I had to land in that kind of manner... Now I have to break the ice... Not that I can blame them. From what I saw, they probably at war and here they have a beam of light falling from the sky... huh....'


As soon as the dust settled, I saw a young girl sitting in the middle of the crater. She looked around with curiosity present in those clear and innocent eyes. When I saw those eyes, something inside of my heart got shattered.

'Those are the eyes that Hashirama and I were dreaming to see on happy faces of children. Our dream was about a bright future, where children didn't have to go through endless wars and losses.'

Her long, smooth indigo hair reached her thighs and had two strips of purple and red in them. Her small face had that freshness of the early spring and red-blue eyes were brimming with life. Red-blue eyes. It wasn't that one of her eyes was blue and the other was red. Both of her eyes contained both colours.

Nevertheless, I couldn't let my guard down. She appeared after that beam and cannot be your ordinal girl.

I saw how Tobirama and Hashirama descended into the crater and stood there keeping some distance between the girl and themselves.

'So they also thought of surrounding her.'

I hid all of my presence and was now similar to a ghost. Something that cannot be sensed, but can be seen. I activated my Sharingan and stealthily crept behind her. What happened next gave me goosebumps. As soon as I got behind her, she turned around at the speed that my Sharingan couldn't follow. She did nothing, but standing there and silently observing me. My gut was telling me to run making my vigilance raise to another level.

She looked back at the two brothers and let out an almost invisible sight.

"Who are you?"

Tobirama was the first to break the silence. The girl turned her head to face him and smiled.

"And you? Isn't it rude to ask someone else's name before giving your own?"

There was absolutely no hostility in her voice or movements. Tobirama was taken off guard and froze. The girl looked at him with confusion and made a few steps in his direction. I wanted to come a little closer, in case the fight will break out, but she stopped when I removed my foot from the ground.

And vanished from the spot. She literally vanished. Not a trace could be seen or sensed... Behind!

She was standing behind me with a friendly smile.

"I don't know what's going on, but I'm not your enemy or anyone present here."

She addressed everyone who was standing around the crater. Senju and Uchiha were standing side by side. I doubt they even realized it themselves.

" Your eyes look really pretty. But that's not it to them, right? When I looked into them, I sensed some kind of illusion forming. What was that?"

Now she was talking to me. And my legs were getting weaker. I, Madara Uchiha, was way too confused by all of the things happening. I wasn't surprised that she broke through the Genjutsu that I tried to use on her, rather it was to be expected. What caught me off guard was two things: her speed and her obliviousness of the situation. Senju and Uchiha clans are way too famous not to be known and our eyes are feared by many.

And here she was stating that they were 'pretty'


I didn't get any of my questions answered, so I just returned to the centre. Like this, I'm closer to everyone.

The guy that asked for my identity finally came back to his senses. Was he not feeling good? He just froze at some point and didn't move an inch.

"Hashirama, I think we first need to capture her. Her appearance and behaviour are way too suspicious." ' Blue said to ' Red' whose name turns out to be Hashirama.

Hey! I was considered beautiful back in my world!

"Let me join in." When the guy with red eyes said that, Hashirama and ' Blue' were really shocked.

"Why would you, the Uchiha help your foes?" 'Blue' inquired with suspicion.

"She appeared from that beam and I as a leader must protect my clan from dangers."

Hold on! Why did they label me as dander?! Didn't I just say that I'm not an enemy??

"Looks like we are in agreement on this one!" Hashirama replied with a grin on his face. " Tobirama, Madara, I'm counting on you!"

The three of them came to some sort of understanding and ran at me with their weapons in hand.

'Blue' or Tobirama threw some ninja stars and started to move his hands at the speed that is hard to perceive. I stepped aside and let those stars pass past me. I was way more interested in the movement of his hands.

[ Water Release: Water Colliding Wave!]

A giant wave appeared from the thin air and rushed in my direction. Hashirama jumped on it and didn't drown! He was standing on the water as if it was soil. When the wave was getting closer, he jumped off and attacked me with his sword from the above. I wanted to retreat but an enormous heat came from behind.

[Fire element: Great Fire Annihilation!]

A sea of flames came out from Madara's mouth.

"A pincer attack, I see."

I moved my hand and used some of my mana to capture all of the fire. Now it was a huge ball of blazing flames. I had no use for it but to throw it at the water that was sent at me. Water vapour filled the air.

"Now, for the finishing touch.."

I used a spell to partially transform into my original look. Two strong, pale pink wings appeared on my back. I flew into the air, blowing away the wall of vapour. Madara, Hashirama, and Tobirama stood there like some statues.

"Hey! I'm up here! You know what? Thank you for the spar!"

" Just who the hell are you!?" Madara screamed. There was some desperation in his eyes. I looked around and saw a mountain not too far from here.

"If you want to find out, come to that mountain. I'll be there." I flew off. It's not that I didn't want to speak to them, quite the opposite. I wanted to know more about the world, them, their clans, history... everything!

Everything, apart from 'me=danger' part, was within my plan. I wanted to show them that they don't stand a chance and come to me without the thought to fight. I could see that they are proud warriors, so the only way to make them listen was to show off some of my strength.

I stood on the mountain and saw how Madara led everyone from his side away leaving Hashirama's side alone. They soon also moved away. I don't know if they will come or not, but I'll stay here for a night anyway.