
During lunch, Hashirama inquired from others, when should they start building the village. It was decided that the construction will begin in 2 days and until then, some of the shinobi will go and buy tools, materials and other things required.

The next morning, I woke up early again. Looks like this will continue for some time... I'll have to get used to it. I left the note in front of Tobirama's tent,( otherwise he will scold me again) and left. Repeating yesterday's training session, I noticed that Fukushū was here again and I think he tried to hide his presence... He never showed himself. In the end, when I returned, I received a 'Hn' for some reason.


After breakfast, I went to speak with Tobirama. He was sitting under the tree next to his tent, looking at a paper in his hand.

"Morning! What is it you're looking at so intensely?" He lifted his head and turned back at the paper after saying 'Good morning.'

"Hey, what is it?" I snatched the paper from his hand, leaving him shocked. On the paper were carefully draw patterns and runes. Isn't this...

"Are you interested in my world's runes and formations?"

"Yes. In fact, I was hoping you would teach me how to use them." He admitted honestly.

"I can teach you their meanings and ways to apply, but I don't know if you'll be able to use it."

"Why? Is it because 'mana' and 'chakra' are different?"

"Correct!" He looked a little down after my statement. "I'm not saying it is impossible. First, I need to check if chakra can be used for them. Then I can tell for sure. Actually, this is the reason I wanted to find you. Can you teach me basic chakra absorption technique??"

He looked at me with concern. What is it? Is there no technique for that?! "I don't think you can have chakra. You were born in a different dimension so your body shouldn't have the necessary pathways ." So that's it. Thank god.

"You don't have to worry about it. I checked my body and surprisingly, I have a system very similar to your 'Chakra system", the only difference is the size. Mine is a little bigger and stronger. But they are empty, so I thought that since I have them, why not try to use them?"

He stared at me in shock. "Hey, I was also surprised to know! Don't give this look." I think he has many questions, actually so do I. "Can you just teach me for now, please? I really don't know anything about it."

He let out a sigh seemingly giving up for the time being. "Sit down." I followed his instructions and soon was concentrated on meditation. It was a little bit different from meditation I did to increase my mana capacity, but still shared a lot of similarities so I got the hang of it really quickly.

Time passed by unnoticed and when I woke up from my trance, it was already evening. Tobirama was gone, but I could feel two presences keeping a watch over me. I turned in their direction and waved my hand.

One of them calmly came from the shadows into the open, bit the aura of the other became chaotic. Soon two people were standing in front of me. Long, messy, jet hair was covering half of the face of one of them. He smiled and sat down opposite of me, gesturing the other person to sit down as well.

"Good evening, Madara! Why were you hiding? You know it won't help."

"Heh, I just wanted to show the student of mine, that there are always ways to perfect one's self. Do you understand now, Fukushū?"

"Yes, Sensei.." the other figure answered in a crushed manner.

"Well, there is also another reason I came. Tobirama asked me to check on your progress and I must say... are you sure you never trained with chakra? It felt so calm and completely under your control, not something the beginner can do. Also, the sheer amount was ridiculous... I think you have around three-quarters of my chakra reserves."

Fukushū stared at his Sensei and then me with a stunned expression. Have I overdone myself again?

"Is that a problem?" I asked a little concerned. I did want to master new things, but if it's going to harmful to me or others, I'd rather not.

"Well, not a problem in particular. If you have good control over it and the amount is big enough, it can save your life. It's just surprising that is all."

" 'Surprising'!? This is way beyond that level, Sensei! It's monstrous! To have this much only after 2 days, it's unheard of!"

Looks like I really did something outrageous... Hold up.

"Did you say 2 days?!" - It can't be! The time in meditation flowed so fast, that I was sure that It had been maximum a day. What the hell!!

"Two days. Did you not know?" - Now it was him sounding concerned. I stared into space and my mind refused to process the information. How is this possible? Was my concentration so high or was the meditation so easy??

A hand of the loudest person was waving in front of my face and I finally snapped out of my daze.

"Are you alright, Malika? You suddenly stopped responding." Madara asked.

"It's nothing. I was just trying to comprehend what I just heard. I'll be going to sleep. Goodnight."

I stood up and walked away. I didn't run away! I was just feeling really hungry and sleepy all of a sudden. I was barely able to reach my tent before I dived into my sleeping bag and dozed off almost immediately. This night, I had no dreams at all and had a good rest. I decided not to practice anymore until I find a reason for that occurrence.

The next day, the team that went to secure materials, returned and everyone started to work on their new home.


Days turned into weeks and weeks soon became years. Our village became bigger and stronger day by day. We now had houses, some shops, a hospital and finally the shinobi academy. Hashirama and Madara loved to stroll through the village and villagers would always show them their utmost respect. Well sometimes children cried when they saw Madara's face.... he should probably cut his hair a little... Tobirama was seen as a model figure of a shinobi by many and was really welcomed by everyone.

I wasn't treated any worse than those three. I fulfilled my promise and now, our hospital was considered as the best one in the whole Fire nation. I spend a lot of time researching plants in this world, their effects, combinations and reactions, so now we have a lot of new, to this world medicine. Many people migrated to our village and some clans such as Sarutobi decided to join our ranks. Our hamble village was growing into a big home for many people and shinobi.

During these few years, Madara brought Fukushū over to awaken his EMS. When I asked, why did he need that power, I got a reply that he wants to surpass his teacher. I was a little hesitant at first. I've seen the power those eyes held and I didn't know if it was a good idea to awaken them in him. The weight of his memories was still concerning me. Madara saw that I was hesitating and we decided through the telepathy that I won't use mana to reinforce and change his eyes, but chakra. It should make them a little bit weaker for the time being. In the end, Fukushū was jumping like a six-years-old baby that finally got the desired toy for Christmas. He even stopped saying his annoying 'Hn' every time we met.


Madara and I were called by Hashirama on a stroll to that mountain where we first spoke. Our village was located right next to it, so the march route of our walk laid throughout the whole village. We passed by many shops where many of my female friends worked. They gifted us with some things from their stalls. Some of them were selling sweets and I got many as a present. I love sweets, so as long as they are vegetarian, I don't hold myself back.

Children were running around, playing with kites and other toys. Students in the academy were studying and of course, there are lazy heads just like in any other school. I think it's about time for their chakra control training and medical classes. It was now compulsory to learn some basic medical ninjutsu by their graduation. The level wasn't high. As long as you can heal a cut that is 2 mm deep, you pass. In hospitals, we provide further courses for those who want to become a medical-nin in the future.

Soon we reached the top of the mountain and wind was blowing through our hair. Hashirama wore a white, long-sleeved robe and looked really elegant. Madara stood by his side and looked like a shadow that will protect everyone and the leader from the hidden dangers.

"The Daimyo called me to nominate a leader of this village," Hashirama told us with a smiling face. "I think we should come up with a name for this village. I already thought up about the title of the leader! 'Hokage', the shadow of the fire!" Madara gave Hashirama a funny look but didn't say anything about it.

The wind blew stronger and carried some fallen leaves. On such leaf was caught by Madara and looking through a small hole in it, he spoke, "The village hidden in the Leaves. Konohagakure." Hashirama reunited with a world of gloom after a long term suppuration. "You naming sense sucks, Madara.."

"Oh, shut up! How is it any worse than 'Hokage'?!"

'They are always so close.' I could feel the warmth from their interactions and a smile formed on my face.

"I personally like both of the names. Hokage, the leader of Konohagakure. It has a poetic ring to it."

"Than it is decided!" Hashirama became lively in an instant.

"So who are you going to recommend?" I asked.

"I was thinking to recommend Madara..."

"Well, that's to be expected..."

"And you." His last word almost made me choke on the candy that I was eating.

"S-sorry, but could you repeat what you said just now, please?" I asked him stupefied.

"I will recommend Madara and you as candidates for the position of Hokage." He said brimming with confidence. I wanted to refuse, but Madara smiled and told me to give up. Hashirama, if he once decided on something, he would never give up.