Getting it back at you.

I stood there dejected but didn't let it show on my face. Years of practice to become a good princess did play their role.

"So you are saying that the role of Hokage is to stay in the village and protect everyone?"

"Well there is that, that's why I want to put you, who protects his clan with all of his might or Malika, who helps in a lot of various ways while protecting the village and its future."

Well, at least I know the reason why he thought to choose me. I might have a chance to persuade him from recommending my humble self.

"And for the future generation to remember faces of their great leaders, I want to have yours or Malika's likeness carved on the surface of the cliff beneath us!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Madara and I shouted at the same time.

"Although...." Hashirama winked at us with one eye and a mischievous smile formed on his tanned face." Your face is a bit too stern and would have to be softened here and there. Maybe Malika's soft facial features will fit the bill perfectly. It can also become a great decoration for the village!"

Oi!! Hello, ask the person in question first!

"Well, it certainly better than that sad mug of yours." Madara teased him back, but all I heard is that he wasn't against this stupid idea. I think I heard the bells of gloom above Hashirama's head and a strong aura of darkness surrounded him.

"Hey! What are you dawdling here for?! Elder brother we need to hurry up and move! The council will start sooner than we reach it if you'll keep wasting our time!"

Tobirama showed up and took his foolish Elder brother with him to prepare for the future journey. As soon as they left, I sat on the ground and asked Madra to do the same. He looked at me with puzzlement in his eyes but still sat down.

"Madara, regarding this 'Hokage' title. What do you think?"

"I think Hashirama is a little too naive." He answered. Looks like we are more or less on the same page.

"I think that he will be chosen for that position." I honestly told him. He didn't react, only shrugged his shoulders.

"In the eyes of people, he is the one who proposed peace and I, of not an outsider, then someone who helps the village. Not someone they can see as their leader. Besides, my body also doesn't look so reliable, right?"

Since our first meeting, I didn't age a single day.

"True. I was kind of curious why won't you age. Would you mind sharing?"

"Not at all." I shrugged my shoulders. "It's really simple. Remember I told you that the time stops when the portal opens? Well, it stops for my body as well. It still functions properly, but I don't age. That is all." I said nonchalantly.

He stared at me for a second and heaved a sigh. "I should probably stop being surprised with you by now..."

"Back to the topic. Let us imagine that Hashirama was chosen, what will your clan think? What will you think?" I asked him seriously.

"I would probably be alright with that. I know that people are a little fearful of us because of our Doujutsu, but I'm not sure about my clan."

"They will revolt," I stated. Madara's eyes shot wide open and he wanted to say something back, but I stopped him.

"Let me finish. I meant that they might feel discriminated against and this might cause troubles in the future. Emotions can easily swing them in the wrong direction." I looked at the sky. No matter what kind of troubles do people face, it remains ever stable. "There is news about other nations creating their hidden villages as well."

"Yes." Madara noticed a sudden change of topic but still answered. "Uzumaki clan, in the Land of Eddies also created one and requested an alliance with our village."

"Hm," I nodded. "What do we know about them?"

"Their clan specialises on Fuinjutsu, the art of sealing. They have a very strong life force and have big chakra reserves." Still confused Madara gave me this information. "Why did you suddenly ask?"

"Let's create a special unit in the village." I blurted out.

"Eh?" He blinked rapidly a few times with round eyes. I think he didn't expect this kind of statement. Hehe, it's fun.

"We will create a force within the village. They will be the ones who will be responsible for the safety of the village and the public order. Police of Konohagakure. Let's put Uchihas in charge. Well, of course, other clans will be welcomed to join as well. This way they will have some kind of important role in the village."

"The idea is good, but if other clans can join as well, wouldn't my clan think they are not trusted?"

"Here is the best part. We will accept the Uzumaki clan and their village as our allies. Now, don't you think their abilities will be of huge favour to us if we accept them?"

"It certainly will. If we could get those seals and their experience, our village will rise in power greatly." He made a face that showed that he understood where I was going. "Other nations will fear such power." He finished his thought.

"Precisely. Other nations will fear such power. Uzumaki clan can seal Chakra beasts that can threaten the whole nation. They have special bodies and Kekkei Genkai. They are fearsome on their own already. Now, imagen they joined hands with one of the biggest villages? Every nation will try to make its existence cease."

"Hn." He nodded.

"This is where we will take actions. In our police force, we will have one, a special unit that consists of only Uchiha. They will be responsible for the protection of our allays. This unit will be a secret of our village that only Hokage and a few other individuals will know about. Even when we will help, they will be disguised as normal shinobi. This will be an extremely important mission, so I think they will be satisfied."

He stared at me and then drowned in his thoughts. We spend around 5 minutes in silence before he finally opened his mouth giving me a profound look. Eh?

"This idea is complicated and meets our objective. I truly admire how you were able to come up with this on the spot."

"When I was crowned as the crown princess, I was taught to think fast and efficient. Honestly, there is another reason why started this talk. I wanted you to help me to prevent Hashirama from recommending me. No matter what, a small chance that your or mine candidatures will be acknowledged still exists and I surely do not want to be someone of power."

"Why? Isn't it usually kids dream to become someone great? I know many who dream of becoming the clan head or even next Daimyo." He joked.

"Madara, I'm not a kid. In my world, 12 is already almost an adult age. Truth to be told, I never wanted to be someone of power. Never. That title of the crown princess was forced onto me and at that time, I was way weaker than I am now, so I couldn't oppose the Queen-mother or those who wanted to see me on the throne. In this world, I want to enjoy my life with my friends until I will have to return there."

"I see. However, I won't help." He said with a stern voice.

"Why?!" I shouted in desperation. His face twitched and an ominous smile formed on his face.

"I found it funny."


"You like to drop bombs at us, so if I have an opportunity to pay back, why would I miss it? I'll go and support Hashirama in his decision!" He stood up and used body flicker jutsu to vanish from the spot. I sensed his aura getting closer to the place where Hashirama was and launched after him.