The gates

We arrived in front of the building that served as the office of the Lord of Uzushiogakure and were stopped by the shinobi guarding the entrance.

"What business do you have with Lord Ashina, shinobi of the Konohagakure?" I understand that they are only doing their job, but maybe they could be less stern and at least try to appear friendly? They basically just called me an outsider! Well I was one, but it still hurts, you know?!

"I came to see Father with my friend. Is there a problem?" Mito butted in. Her intimidating aura and sweet voice made a strangely beautiful, yet scary impression...

"No, Mito-sama. However, Lord Ashina is now very busy, thus I would like you to wait in the lounge, while I will carry the message." One of the unfriendly guards bowed and left to deliver the message. The two of us were escorted into the waiting room and were served some herbal tea and sweets.

"H-hey, Malika, what will you tell my Father?" She asked nervously. "If you just tell him 'She likes the Hokage so I'll be taking her home' he will be sure to explode with rage. I told you previously, he is a very doting parent and overprotective Father." Even though she was telling me about his 'not-the-best' sides, she wasn't embarrassed, on the contrary, her voice was filled with love.

'This kind of girl will surely be suitable for our jokester at home. She will be able to enjoy his company and family life while keeping him and things in order.' Just as I thought about that, the guard from earlier came over. Slightly bowing his head to Mito he told us the news.

"Lord Ashina will be free in 15 minutes. Please wait here before you were summoned." Telling us this, he turned around and went back to his post.

We waited and soon one of the guards came to fetch us. We entered and were told to sit down.

"Mito, what did you want?" He sat opposite of us and ignoring my presence, asked his daughter. Yup, a loving parent he is.

"Malika wanted to meet you and I tagged along."

He turned to face me and that gentle expression became a little more serious; however, it still remained really friendly.

"You two became friends?" He asked with curiosity.

"Well, we met around an hour ago and talked a little... Maybe we are friends?"

"I would love for you to think of me as one, Mito," I answered with a small smile.

"Lord Ashina, I came here to rely on a message from the Hokage that I had no opportunity to discuss with you, yet."

Mito's aura faltered. Don't worry, your role will come in a minute.


"We would like to install special space-gate in your village. It will connect our villages and make it possible to reach each other in mare seconds."

His frowned. "Will this not make our village easily ambushed? I do not suspect Konohagakure; however, can you guarantee that spies from other nations will not use it? Moreover, how will Konohagakure do that? This kind of construction cannot be made from regular ninjutsu and even our Fujitsu is not capable of such a feat."

"First of all, the gate will not be able to get activated from our side, nor from your side. To travel from one end to another, the user will first send a little bit of chakra. This will create an image of the one who requested the transaction. The other end will receive it and if they decline, no one will enter. To answer your second question, I will be the one installing it. How? You will see."

"Why would you want to connect our villages? We are not too far from each other."

My smiling expression vanished. Now the serious staff must be taken care of.

"We are forming an official alliance between a big shinobi village and one of the strongest clans that specialise in Fuinjutsu. Other nations will not be able to ignore this; however, they will not be able to eliminate Konohagakure, since it is located in one of the five great nations. The only possible option to weaken us would be to get rid of your clan altogether."

"We are not weak. We will be able to repel attacks of 1-2 shinobi villages combined." He stated with a dark face, but his voice couldn't hide his pride over his clan.

"There is a saying: 'The enemy of my enemy, is my friend.' It is not one village that will feel threatened. There are at least four great nations and some small countries that are copying our village system. Now imagen, three or four villages combine? Are you sure you will be able to hold your fort?"

He fell into deep thoughts. I could feel that his aura getting more and more disturbed. He thought through many possibilities and came to the same conclusion: if not total annihilation, then almost total extinction of the Uzumaki clan, except for a few lucky survivors.

"I can see that you also understood. That is when the gate will come into play. IF such a scenario is to occur, one of the Uzumaki could send us an emergency signal and we could immediately come and help." I'm almost done...

"And what makes you think, that the forces that will be gathered in a hurry, will be able to help?" Yup, he is in. Hashirama-nii-san, can you see how excellent I can be? Well, maybe this much won't surprise him. We have to spend a lot of time together.

"Because Uchiha Madara will be the one leading the troops." His face showed a bit of shock, but soon it blossomed into a wryly smile.

"Your Hokage is an excellent leader... To think that the brat who would get depressed after a single joke, will be able to come up with something like this."

"You were underestimating him. He was able to think wisely from his childhood. His joking nature or habits have nothing to do with this. Moreover, this strategy was thought over by four people. Hashirama, Tobirama, Madara and me. Of course, it would be good!"

"Okay, okay, I agree... Wait, You were part of the discussion?" He asked. Hey suspecting me o lying isn't nice.

"Yes, I was. I was the one who came up with the idea and it was further polished by the four of us!"

Now there were two shocked people in the room. Mito and her father just stared at me, without uttering a single word.

"No wonder Hashirama trusts you. Huh... When and where should we instal the gate?"

"It is better if you choose the place. It would be good if it was closer to the centre of the village and easily reachable. Then no matter the situation, it will not be destroyed before help arrives. The time doesn't matter. Just tell me the location and I'll do it."

He stood up, took a new map of his village and spread it over the table. "Here." He pinpointed the place. It was near one of the shelters and a training ground.

"This is a good place. I will build the gate and our team will leave through them. Yes, we already have them at our side." They were located in one of the biggest rooms in the police station.

"Then go. I will continue with my work." He was about to stand up. Mito grew a little anxious. I smiled at her and called out to her father again.

"Lord Ashina, there is one more thing."

He sat back down confused.

"Can Mito come with us?"

He stared at me and I could feel how some killing intended was directed at me. Was this much meant to scare me?? It was so little that I hardly felt it. "Why do you need my daughter to come?"

" Since we need to make the agreement official a few formalities must be followed. I came here on behalf of the Hokage since he is too busy with the village. She can come in your place and officially sigh the papers there..." He nodded. He could understand that. He is the head of the village as well and knows that it is not the easiest work there is.

"Moreover... I wanted to show Mito around our village. Just walk around and things like that. So can you please permit it?" I asked shyly. She was the first friend from this village and we had a small mission on our own, that we can't reveal just yet. If we were to tell him about her crush, he might not let us go.

After a few seconds pondering, he agreed with a large smile on his face. Why is his aura emitting hope?

I bowed and exited the office following Mito out. As soon as we were far enough, both of us shared a glance and loud "YES!" filled the busy street.

"Mito, now all we have to do is build the gate and leave after some time. Can you please lead me to the place your father showed?" I knew where it was, but it would be strange for a person who came yesterday to know the layout of the village, so I asked her to guide me.

"Yes! Follow me!" She walked a little in front of me and was humming some sort of song. It was a cute picture. 19 years old who was brimming with happiness, was leading a Hidden Leader that looked like a kid.


They left the office and I returned to my duties. Sitting behind the desk, I couldn't hide my smile.

"Maybe when she goes, she will be able to catch his heart. They would be a perfect match." I muttered under my breath.

Senju Hashirama is probably one of the few, who could match my talented daughter... However...

'If he hurts her even a little bit, I will make sure he regrets it."

That girl, Malika, sure isn't your average kid. She didn't even flinch at the killing intended I sent over her. I made sure to send enough to scare elite shinobi's shirtless though... She can hold such a discussion with a person, who was the clan head for years as if it was your everyday chat. The new generation is a little scary.