You can't be jealous, Nii-san~

I showed Malika to the place that Father decided to use for the gates. It was 100×300 meters and honestly, I think it was a little bit too big... How much space would that gate take up?

"Mito, you can rest somewhere if you want. The process will take around 2 to 3 hours. In fact, maybe it is better if you go home." After surviving the area with her eyes, she turned to me and proposed something unspeakable.

"No! You will be building something that is not yet possible with our seals. Do you think I'll be missing this out?! No way!"

When I started practising Fuinjutsu, I fell in love with this bunch of shinobi techniques. Just by drawing some symbols, one can do almost impossible. With some practice, only a few hand signs are needed to perform a miracle! And here I have something that is not possible with this miraculous art! As if I'll miss this!

"Okay, okay, just don't fall over after you see that." She said with a tired face. 'Fall over'? Why would I?

I soon found out why. She turned around to face the clearing and walked right into the centre and stopped. She froze on the place and looked like a beautiful statue. Not a single string of hair moved on the wind, nor did any muscles twitch. Suddenly, she raised her hand into the air. I felt the space becoming restless and following her hand, a thin, black line appeared in the air.


It started to rapidly expand itself and a moment later it was wide enough to fit half of the person. I was about to move closer and move her away from it; however, before I could take a single step, she shoves her hand inside and it disappeared in the starry darkness of the space. My face paled. Why was I even reacting this way? I literally just met her and she doesn't seem to mind. Somehow, I just felt like we were lifelong friends with each other.

While I was contemplating my complex feelings, her hand was back from the space with a bowl of the jet, iridescent ink and a brush.

'She is going to use this to make the gate?' Well, we use ink to create paper tags and bombs, so maybe it follows the same principle?

She put the bowl on the ground and performed some seals.

[Shadow clone Jutsu!]

five more of Malika pooped into the existence, holding a brush in their hands... SINCE WHEN CLONE JUTSU COULD REPLICATE OBJECTS?! As I stared at her in awe, all four of them bend down, dipped their brushes into the ink and began to write symbols all over the ground. Careful, yet full of mastery movements, slowly formed a circle around them. Complicated runes that were never even remotely mentioned in the secret documents of the clan, were appearing one after.

They then dispersed and moved in six different directions, still writing without any extra movements. An hour later the ground was covered in circles within each other that were connected from six sides. If I were to guess, the diameter of the largest circle was around 50 meters.

"Alright! The hard part is done!" The silence was broken by her sudden, cheerful statement, but before I came closer, she placed her hands over the last-drawn symbol and muttering something under her breath she started to pour chakra into the majestic and unfamiliar formation. The formation started to glow, illuminating everything around it. Malika stood up and raised her hand once again. instantly all of the runes on the ground gathered on her palm. She closed her palm, crushing them and jumped away.

Seconds passed and massive gates emerged from the ground. Three meters tall, metal gates were covered in stunning carvings. Sun, crescent moon, stars and living beings were beautifully depicted on the surface. Humongous pillars were lined on the outline of the last circle, surrounding those gates from all six sides and between each one of them, thin golden energy was circulating in continuous flow.

She ran up to me smiling.

"Welp, I'm done with the gates! All that's left is to build the detection system and the building itself."

I stared at the gates and, honestly, couldn't really make out her words.

"C-can you please repeat what you had just said?"

She heaved a sigh.

"I knew it... Well, I'm finished with those gates. Now can you please stand inside the circle of those protective pillars? I will be constructing the building and the security around this place."

"All by yourself? Where will you get the materials from? Will you be using those strange runes again?" I forced myself to speak even though my throat was dry. I think any more of this and I would faint. I now knew, what she meant by 'don't fall over'.

"Nope. Agh... it's too complicated to explain, so if you are not going to move, just watch."

She closed her eyes and her face showed deep concentration. Her hand moved in the direction of the gates and a building materialised out of nowhere with a 'poof'. Large, white with many tasteful decorations, building just appeared and stood in the middle of the large garden. I felt my consciousness escaping my grasp and the world turned black.


I caught unconscious Mito and placed her in the shade of one of the trees.

"That's why I wanted you to leave. Well, I guess it is my fault for not insisting, though..."

I scratched the back of my head, placed a water flask next to her and went inside of the newly built 'Gates'. Checking the connection between the villages, I was relieved that everything went smoothly. The six pillars of the protective array were working perfectly fine. They will prevent any attack, below Madara's Susanoo level punch, and capture those who harbour hostile thoughts, motives or being manipulated. OP, but who cares. Safety first.

I began to instal the pseudo screen and 'surveillance camera'. When a person pours his/her chakra, the camera will be activated and the image will be sent to the other side. Yeah, the process is as simple as that. Then I made the accept/decline panels that glowed in soft blue colour and floated next to the entrance.

The finishing touches, such as a reception, staff room, bathroom and a waiting room were quickly taken care of. It has been around three hours from the beginning of the process, but I've finally finished with final adjustment. Mito finally woke up but was still shaken. She sat under the tree and ate some of the sandwiches I made before we departed from Konoha. The time in my space is stopped, so they as fresh as newly made.

Mito was able to recover and we reported back the end of the construction to the Lord Ashina. He was stunned and didn't believe my words.... until he almost fell on his butt from shock.

"Who the hell are you....." He asked with an exasperated voice. His guards were already on full alert and even drew their weapons out.

I raised my hands up into the air.

"Just a shinobi from the allied village, Konohagakure," I answered with a smile. I love their reactions. Even though those weapons that are pointed at me are annoying, I can't send them for 'training' since this is not my village.

Lord Ashina raised his hand and the guards let go of their weapons. A smile blossomed on his wise face that was outlined with deep red hair.

"Thank you for your hard work." He said while ruffling my hair with his big hand. Is this a trend or something to ruffle my hair when you want to say something nice? They become all messy and I have to brush them all over again!!

"Could you and your escorts stay here for three more days? I need to prepare all of the required documents, as well as my daughter."

"Of course, Lord Ashina. I am staying in the Okina inn. When everything is ready, please contact me."

"I will do just that."


I returned to the inn and contacted Hashirama-nii-san. After reporting my mission as a success, I told him that we will be arriving with the daughter of the Lord so that the alliance ceremony could be held.

{Oh! Mito-chan will come as well! I haven't seen her since her fourteenth birthday!}

His voice brimmed with delight.

{You are excited to see her more than my return...} I pretended to pout.

{O-o-of course not! I'm waiting for your return! It's just she is... a friend from childhood, who is dear to me.}

Oh? So Mito has a chance to turn that friendship into love, if it is not on that stage already, that is.

{We will be coming through the 'Gate' in three days. See you, Hashirama-nii-san!}

{See you!}

Days passed by peacefully. I let my escorts relax since their mission was merely an act of my caring brothers. They visited some beautiful places and went to the hot spring. I was in my room, trying to get some decent sleep. The spell is one thing; however, a normal night rest can't be replaced. Some emotional fatigue just kept on building up inside of me, making me mentally exhausted. The idea to rest during the daytime didn't really work. I would sleep for 3-4 hours and wake up with tears.

The same thing would happen every night and no matter how much I tried to fall asleep again, I wasn't able to. I tried casting a spell that prevented the forming of dreams, but it was soon proven to be useless. It didn't work since what I was seeing. were my memories and with every passing night, a few more of the details would emerge.

Soon the day finally came. Our team and Mito were sent off by many people and her father. Her elder brother was also present. He was smiling like a fool and when it was his turn to say 'bye' to his sister, "Try your hardest to whoo him, alright?" a light whisper was his wish instead of 'have a safe trip' or things like that. Mito's face turned bright red and she sent her brother a glare that made him chuckle. They get along pretty well~

"Alright! Everyone, come here. I've already sent a request to open the 'Gate' and they will be opening in a second!" I addressed people who will accompany me and we walked into the, now opened gates. If one was to look at them, he would see nothing but black, ominous matter; however, once one crossed the boundary, he will find himself in the similar-looking building, but in Konohagakure.

We were met by Hashirama-nii-san, Tobirama-nii-san and Madara-nii-san. They all greeted our arrival with a smile and I noticed a moment of surprise when he saw Mito.

{Hey, Hashirama-nii-san, why do you look so surprised?} I asked him teasingly.

{She became such a beauty.}


{Now I'm envious of whomever she likes. He will get such a fairy as his wife...} He brooded over this fact for a split second, but didn't let it show on his radiant, tanned face. He and his brother escorted Mito into the office to decide the date and other formalities. Madara took his men back into the station and told me to go home and rest.

I sent a glance in the direction in which Hashirama-nii-san left and went home.

'You can't be jealous of your own self, Nii-san~'