Chapter 15.


The second this command was uttered, the genins fled using Kawarimi or Shunshin. When I said that Jiraya's control over chakra was the weakest, I didn't mean bad. No, my group is exceptional and really talented.

Even now, I have a hard time locating them with the usage of regular sensor techniques. I wanted to make it a bit fairer, so Mana and Magic are out.

I stood firmly in the centre of the training field and closed my eyes. The air was still and didn't carry in scents that could betray the location of young shinobi. The leaves in the forest didn't rustle, meaning, they are somewhere in one of the numerous clearings here.

"Good try." - I nodded, swiftly jumping away from my previous spot dodging the rain of shurikens. After fifteen minutes of waiting, they decided to take action. - "Orochimaru-kun, use techniques you learnt in the advanced lessons. Shadow Shurikens and metal wire. Combine them." - I had to point somethings out. I'm not an enemy, but sensei. My responsibility is to make them strong.

He didn't reply and from what I could tell, he had already switched his hiding place. Suddenly, I felt a massive surge of chakra right above my head and Shunshined away. I wasn't given any time to admire the crater made by delicate girl's fist, because Jiraya popped out from the bushes I was led to.

With his kunai, he charged right for me and we engaged in Taijutsu. Senju pair definitely had the knack for it.

"Alright. Let us revise a few rules from the books in your Academy." - I announced. Jiraya's pupils contracted for a second, but he never lost his concentration. Good. Orochimaru also joined the exchange by throwing kunais from the tree above us.

"Jiraya! The third rule in the Taijutsu manual!" - I shouted, hopping into the air avoiding a flying boulder from Tsunade. Jiraya gritted his teeth and jumped out of the way of that kicked madness.

"Rule #3. Do not engage in Taijutsu with an enemy with unidentified strength, unless the situation requires the opposite." - He quoted the discipline with a bitter voice, retreating with swollen hands. I do not take punches. Some blocks are painful to the foe.

I was about to chase him but was cut by a smock bomb from Orochimaru followed by a fire jutsu from... Jiraya!

'He hid this as his trump card.' - I was surprised by this but wasn't allowed to be reckless. Orochimaru continued his assault with poison gas. His homemade supplies are quite dangerous, especially for me, who cannot ingest anything animal-based. Food, medicine or poisons based on the animal materials is way deadlier for me. My mana reacts to the components, dissolves them very rapidly and would become almost impossible to control. The body of Mayuma would start to break down at an alarming rate and it is really hard to survive. So, no thank you, Orochi. I got your message.

Tsunade and Orochimaru began using bomb-tags and poisoned weapons with their attacks.

"Orochimaru! A disadvantage of the airborne poison!"

"Will not affect those who did not inhale and has multiple ways to counter and make useless." - He evaded the redirected shuriken and answered with a sigh as he watched the poisoned cloud dispersing from Wind chakra.

In the mists of our confrontation, I sensed the hint of medical chakra. Hiruko is in the reserve. I used Shunshin in that direction and was almost caught in a trap. Huge wood logs swang violently and multiple senbons coated in poison were fired at my dodging self.

I blasted them away and evaded the cooperated assault of Jiraya and Hiruko.

Chakra Scalpel missed me by only a tiny bit, while Jiraya's Tai continued to be a bother.

Tic-Tak. Tic-Tak.

"Hiruko, the second rule from 'The polices of a Med-nin?'"

"No medic ninja shall ever stand on the front lines" - He nodded and used Kiwarimi to get away from there. Too late to think about it now.

"Well, my dear genins, your time is up." - I happily announced with a frosty gaze. - "My minute begins!"

I used Shunshin to get behind Jiraya's back and knocked him off while simultaneously trowing a few senbons with paralysing liquid at Hiruko.

"Good reflexes, Hiruko-kun." - He instantaneously moved out of the way and continued to run. Only to hear my words right by he ear and feel a sharp pain on his back. - "Sleep."

With the two of out of four done, I chased my other pair.

"That is crazy." - I heard Tsunade's whisper as I crept behind her. I turned off the ability to feel auras, but it was quite easy to make out what made her frown.

"Yes." - I answered to the startled girl. The next moment a senbon was stubbed into a wood log. - "I had to wait for thirty minutes right? So I just took it a bit lighter and didn't use my full speed." - I smiled and reappeared behind her. - "The lesson must be taught in a way that will be sure to be remembered." - I said just before she lost consciousness due to a small scratch from an almost dodged kunai.

'I have twenty seconds left. Let's see if you'll last long enough to win, Orochimaru-kun.' - I smirked while running to his direction.

His shocked face was hilarious when he saw me appearing right before him.

"Good spot." - I acknowledged the underwater cave he was sitting in. - "Orochimaru, rule number 1 in the shinobi handbook?"

"Never underestimate your opponent!" - He hissed as he attempted to flee, distracting me with a shower of shurikens with bomb-tags.

"Correct." - I Shunshined outside with an unconscious teen on my back. - "I won. five seconds are left."


"Good evening, sleeping beauties." - They woke up near the dusk. Even though I got rid of any poisons and wounds they sustained during our spar, their organisms needed some rest, so I allowed them to continue sleeping.

We were at our training field under the trees. I was finishing writing down today's results after analysing them.

Their sleepy faces soon sobered up and, as the memory was returning to them, they became grumpier or embarrassed.

"I can see that you had already realised it."

They nodded in agreement. They couldn't deny the fact that they did lose to me.

"That was to be expected. You were going against the S-rank kunoichi." - A closed the notebook. - "To be completely honest, I am very much impressed." - I smiled gently. - "You were very good."

"We didn't bit you, Malika-sensei!" - Jiraya fell back on the grass, spreading his arms and legs, sounding very irritated.

"I wouldn't have a high rank if it would be possible to bit me by newly graduated kids." - A snicker escaped my mouth. - "Overall, your performance was great. Good usage of Tai and Nin" - I looked at the smirking brat, - "as well as teamwork. Traps and surprise attacks were well planned.

"Hiruko, your mistake was in your presence after the traps had been put up. A med-nin must never be out in the open."

"Orochimaru, we will direct some more of your training to Taijutsu."

"Tsunade, your Taijutsu training will be a little bit reduced. Concentrate on Nin."

"Jiraya..." - I wanted to get his attention back but a flow of information made me pause.

"Disperse. The training for today is done." - I quickly got on my feet and threw the notebook into my space.

"Is something the matter?" - Hiruko inquired.

"Yes, I'll be leaving. Do not come here tomorrow. You have a break. I will notify you when we will resume." - I teleported away.

Do you think I will allow you to die, Tobirama-nii? As if!


"Hey! Hiruzen, wake up!" - Danzo shook his friend who suddenly stumbled on a tree branch and fell down headfirst. If it wasn't for Hamura, who caught him, he would most likely become a corpse.

Hiruzen struggled to get his eyes open but when he did, he appeared to be lost. Danzo heaved a sigh of relieve but began to grow impatient, as Sarutobi wasn't in a hurry to stand up and continue their escape.

"Get up! We must proceed! Tobirama-sensei didn't stay behind with a high chance of dying for nothing! We must get away from here!"

The young man only stared at him with confusion written all over his face.

"Tobirama-sensei...?" - He muttered with uncertainty and disbelieve mixed in his whisper.

"Hey... Monkey, get up..." - Danzo started to get restless. He was already having a hard time from feelings of betrayal that he felt towards his Sensei. He could shake it away and now his sworn friend is acting way too suspicious.

The rest of the team was standing on guard and they were sending worried gazes their way. The two Med-nins already examined Hiruzen and didn't find anything wrong.

Just as Danzo was about to repeat his words, Hiruzen's gaze filled with understanding and he seemed to recall what was going on since he sprinted on his feet.

"Move!" - Danzo commanded without even a second of delay. His work in Root drilled the skills of quick evaluation into him firmly.

All of them jumped onto the trees and dushed forward. Danzo was leading the way and always kept an eye on Hiruzen, fearing that something might have been done to him by their opponents.

At first, Sarutobi was a bit uncertain in his movements, but as time passed and kilometres flew by, he regained his composure and looked like he usually did.

Danzo sighed. Hiruzen remembered everything.

"Danzo... where is Kagami?" - But Shimura was quickly proven to be wrong when his friend asked this nonsensual question after looking around.


"EH?" - His eyes dilated - " Why is he there?!"

"He is the Head of the clan. He had to stay behind."

Sarutobi stumbled in shock but continued to proceed. After a few seconds, he facepalmed himself. - "Oh, right. How could I forget that!?"

"You never were good at memorising."

"Oh really, Shimura?!"

"Keep it down, you two!" - Koharu hissed, but a relieved glance did appear in her eyes for a moment. - "We are still not safe."
