Chapter 16.

After a long dash, Danzo, Hiruzen and the rest finally reached the safe zone. Even if the terrain didn't change much, the surrounding forest stopped looking threatening and felt welcoming to the sight.

"Stop!" - Danzo, as the appointed leader, commanded. Their sensor quickly scanned the premises and after confirming the safety of the place, they set up a small camp. Akimichi Torifu started the fire and began preparing a humble meal. Koharu got concealing seals from Homura, who was in charge of most of their belongings and hid them inside of some trees around them. Shimura and Med-nins began to set up small tents, while absentminded Hiruzen volunteered to go and get some sticks and wood for the campfire.

Shimura observed his teammate from the corner of the eye with concern.

Hiruzen was acting a bit out of the norm.

His skills as shinobi remained the same. He jumped, followed commands, used some ninjutsu just like he usually does, but when it came to normal, everyday movements such as walking, he felt foreign. Something about him changed.

"Minari, are you sure you found nothing wrong?" - He asked one of the Med-nins. He was in a team with her from graduation. The plain, a bit timid girl matured and now was a skilful and capable kunoichi and the Head of the hospital.

Sometimes, he would catch himself looking at her mesmerized, but that was it. He didn't really have time to deal with that or his personal life. Root, missions and reports were filling almost all of his free time. It was mostly the same for her as well, thus, they never talked about it.

"Nothing, Danzo-kun." - She shook her head, causing her caramel hair to waver.

"And Biwako said the same?" - He raised an eyebrow, pulling the rope of the tent.

"Believe me, if she found anything foreign in her beloved, the thing would be long gone." - Minari snickered and Danzo mirrored the sneer. Yes, Biwako would definitely feel the change in her Monkey. Shimura and Hiruzen once tested it and Danzo had to defend himself from the angered girl.

"Don't worry, Danzo-kun." - Torifu came closer, giving him one of the roasted fishes. - "I think, his demeanour is caused by... well..." - He stumbled and wasn't able to finish the sentence; however, the Head of the Root could understand him.

The fact that they left Tobirama-sama alone.

Danzo turned away and bit on his food.

Maybe, it would be better if they didn't obey and stayed with him. Their team is tremendously strong. Homura might not have great chakra reserves, but he can but up descend barriers, seal things or a few Jutsu in his scrolls and has a few interesting Doton Ninjutsu up his sleeve. Koharu was an excellent sensor and was able to track down or set up hidden traps. Proficient with senbon and shurikens. Biwako and Minari were A and S ranked Med-nins, which speaks a lot on its own. While Hiruzen, Torifu and he himself, were considered second to only a few in Konohagakure!

And Tobirama-sama was Hiruzen's Sensei... Of course, he would be upset!

"Maybe..." - He nodded. Who knows, maybe he is just overcomplicating the situation?


Sarutobi walked a bit further from the camp, made sure that no one can see him from there and crouched on the ground. His hands were gripping his head tightly, threatening to crush the skull, but the person in question didn't seem to notice his actions.

Silent tears were streaming down his cheeks as he bit on his lip.

They abandoned Sensei.

'We should have insisted on staying!' - His thoughts swirled inside of his head. - 'We are strong! My abilities terrify myself, so why didn't we stay?!'

He sat on the ground devastated until something in his gaze clicked.

"What the hell..." - He sighed and lied down feeling exhausted. - "I don't even know him in person!"

In fact, he knew nothing of the people that were around him! When he woke up, he spends a few moments just adjusting to his new body, that felt way too unfamiliar! Only when he looked at the teenager before him again, did he have some recollection of his identity - Shimura Danzo. Friend and foe in one face, annoying but strong opponent. A character out of the anime and manga...

He tried to play it off and it appeared that his poor spectacle managed to deceive Shimura only due to the risk of the situation that might be caused any further delay.

He wasn't sure at first, but as he followed the reflexes of the body, he felt thrilled by the power inside of him! Chakra! When he got used to highway transportation, he began to wonder, what was going on? Where were they running to?

The memory of Sarutobi Hiruzen instantly revealed the reason and he realized just at what point of the story he was in. But then, a question popped up.

What was happening to the set up of the team? If he remembered correctly, there wasn't supposed to be any girls apart from Koharu, which his memory instantly identified in the group and one more guy was missing.

"Danzo..." - New Hiruzen wasn't sure how to address the teen before him, so he went with a bit rude form that his memory approved of, - "Where is Kagami?" 'Uchiha' - he was about to add, but something inside of him advised not to.

That was when he almost gave himself away. After an awkward response to Shimura's answer, the treacherous memory finally gave another piece to his story.

He didn't dare to open his mouth since then.

He reckoned his life before he got into this messed up situation.

A twenty-year-old, average looking man with a new part-time job going by a common name Alex. Was on the second year of university. Wasn't great, but did have some strong points about himself. Had a few pals and friends he would hang out sometimes and a group of close people who shared his hobby - anime and manga.

His mother was a florist and father was an office worker. They had a more or less stable income and weren't pressured by depths or loans.

Average guy with a common lifestyle that died in the most cliche way - hit by a car of some dude who didn't know how to read a sign. Maybe the driver was drunk, but who cares? Alex still died. He could remember his past life just well.

However, he couldn't remember much about his current position.

He tried reckoning some incidents from the past of Sarutobi Hiruzen, yet he could gain nothing until he spoke and got some outside clues, which was a dangerous procedure. He tried whispering some questions to himself but noticed how Danzo was keeping an eye on him, so he stopped. He didn't want to end up dead again this soon.

For some reason, his memory triggered by Danzo's glare and his thought about death as if they were keys to another puzzle piece.

It happened when they had already landed and started to set up the camp. He remembered his Sensei. Unable to hide the sudden surge of emotions, he excused himself and drowned in feelings of a stranger.

"Just give me the information, damn brain!" - He pulled his hair in frustration. He despised it when he had no idea of the subject he was involved in and currently, this was the exact case!

Nevertheless, even after fifteen minutes of fruitless attempts to gain some understanding, he still remained mostly clueless.

Irritated, he stood up, got what he excused himself with and returned to the camp. He will gain the necessary knowledge, but with time. All he has to do - be cautious.


Just when Biwako was about to head into the forest in search of her stupid Monkey, he returned with a bundle of brushwood.

"What took you so long? You are even slower than..." - She wanted to continue her small runt but noticed faint traces of tears under his slightly moist eyes.

"I was collecting firewood! Didn't I say that already?" - He asked playfully, but his hoarse throat gave him away.

He walked to the campfire, as if nothing happened, placed the wood down and accepted his portion of food. The mood around him started to lighten, as he was conversing with his teammates on the natural subjects. Sometimes he would make a fool out of himself and other times he would speak like a wise old man.

She watched him and her heart sighed with relieve. He was still himself. Nothing had changed, contrary to Danzo-kun's worries. In fact, as the conversation continued, the hidden worry slowly faded away from the dark orbs of the later.

"Are you alright?" - She hugged him from behind when everyone was about to head to sleep.

Hiruzen stiffened, but then turned around and hugged her back, burying his face in her hair.

"I'm fine."

"You don't have to push it, you know?"

"It's alright." - He let go and turned to his tent. - "We are shinobi, we have to make hard choices..."

"I - " -However, before she could respond, Koharu flew out of the girl's tent with wide eyes.


"Hi! Your students are excellent! I just refilled some of your chakra and she had already sensed it!"

"I did my best." - A light snicker escaped the lips of the other person that appeared out of thin air.

A man with such familiar and dear features arrived on the clearing with a young girl supporting him. Her denim hair was tight into a ponytail and flowed like water in the night, and her white eyes shone in the darkness of the forest like two fallen stars.

"Tobirama-sama!" - Danzo instantly appeared before his mentor and help him to sit. - "Thank you Malika-san!" - He bowed his head.

"What makes you think that I would've died if it wasn't for her?" - Tobirama-sensei raised un eyebrow.

"She stated that she refilled you reserver, meaning you were most likely empty. You were left behind in enemy territory, thus, if it wasn't for her, you would most likely be no longer here." - Shimura didn't lose his composure and gave his analysis on the spot. Tobirama nodded with satisfaction and looked over the people who gathered around them. His students and students that Izuna trained. He was proud of them.

"Well, I'm back."