I Will Make You Remember Me Again

But when he went to find Jane it seems like Jane didn't remember him. So he went back look very sad that she doesn't remember him. That why he asks his dad to ask Jane, dad, to let his daughter married Li Chen. Right after Jane broke up with Jake, Li Chen tells his dad and his dad talk with her dad about the wedding right away.

So now Li Chen knows everything about what happens when he went to the military and suddenly he stops receiving letters from Jane. But know he knows everything and it, Anna and Jake fault and Li Chen will surely make them suffer twice as much as Jane had to suffer this whole time. He gently touches her head and softly says "get well soon, I will wait for you and I will make you remember me again."

In the morning, Jane seems to slowly open her eye and the first person she sees was her husband who was asleep holding her hand. Jane gently touches his face and Li Chen wakes up. He looks up and very happy that she wakes up and he asks the doctor to come and do an examination on her. After the examination, the doctor told Li Chen that she fine now but be careful not to move around too much and don't let the wound get water in it or it will be infected. Then the doctor leaves and Li Chen went to make a phone call to their parent. Soon after they arrive and Li Chen went back to the military to help clean up after the war. After Jane was shot, it makes Li Chen very angry and he makes the enemies retreat and so they win the war. He went to talk to General Zu about ending the war and so they make a deal. So the Zu armies will not start the war again.

When Jane looked around the room and didn't see Li Chen she asks her mom "mom where is Li Chen?" "He went back to the military to help the soldiers to clean up the mess and help citizen to build their houses. He also says that he will come tonight and stay with you" her mom replies as she peeling the apples for Jane. When night comes her parents and Li Chen parent went back to the hotel to get some rest but the main reason is to let Jane and Li Chen spend more time together. But it already 11 pm and Li Chen still haven't come to the hospital. Jane was very thirsty but she ran out of water so she went to go get more water. She walks slowly to go get more water but she still very weak because of her injuries. Since she was shot near her heart she carefully walked very slow because the doctor tells her not to move for now since she just wakes up. If she moves too much it can infect the wound and it will get worse. But since she very thirsty carefully and slowly to get more water. She began to walk slower and slower as she was tired. She was standing at the hallway leaning against the wall to rest for a bit.