Let Start Over.

As she leaning against the wall she hears footsteps coming behind her and then she starts to walk again without looking behind her. She walks and walks but the footsteps down seem to stop. Then a man grabs her should and she was shocked and start to scream because she thought is a bad guy. When she turns around to look it was Li Chen, he went to her room but didn't seem her there so he comes to look for her. He saw a woman walk slowly down the hall so he comes to see if it was Jane but it was actually her. As soon as she saw Li Chen she hugs him and says "why you come so late? I'm was very scared." Li Chen replies "I was helping the soldiers that why I come late. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Why you come out the doctor tells you not to move for now or your wounded will get infected." "I ran out of water so I come out to get more water but I can hardly walk so I was leaning against the wall to get some rest" Jane replies. Li Chen picks Jane up and carried her back to her room. Then he went to go get water for Jane and as soon as he walks out Jake come in.

Jake come to see Jane because he hears the news and comes all the way from M city to visit Jane. He left his girlfriend behind and come to find somebody else wife. Jake asks "how are you? Are you feeling better? I'm was so worried about you." Jane sitting at the bed silently for one minute and says "I'm fine if there nothing else then can you please leave I need to get some rest." Then Jake comes near her and grabs both of her hand and says "I miss you. Let start over. How about you go and divorce Li Chen tomorrow and we can get married. Then we can be together again." She slaps his face and shoves his hands away from her and replies "I will never divorce with Li Chen even if he left this world and you are the only guy left I won't marry you." Then he grabs both of her hand and push against the walls and start kissing her. Jane kicks his leg and ran toward the open door then she bumped into Li Chen and as soon as she saw it was Li Chen she says "help me". After that, she fainted because of the bump her wound started to bleed again. Right behind her, Jake was chasing her but as he saw Li Chen holding onto Jane he stops.

Li Chen asks "General Jake what are you doing here in my wife room"? Jake replies "I'm come to visit Jane but it seems like she doesn't want to see me so I will go and come back tomorrow". Li Chen days "Jeff send General Jake off". Jake replies "It ok, I can go by myself". As he leaves Li Chen tell Jeff to go get the doctor to check on Jane wound. He carried Jane back bed and lay her on the bed. The doctor finishes changing the bandage and tells Li Chen "I told you not to let her move around. If her wound started to bleed again I'm afraid she wouldn't make it because her wound is near her heart. It can cause damage to her heart if she starts to bleed again". After telling Li Chen the doctor leave and he tells Jeff "tell Captain Xu to remove General Jake position from the general. Let him be a soldier again and tell Jake not to show up in front of Jane again or he will not only lose his position but he will lose everything". Then Jeff went to do what he was told to do.