I Will Make You Pay

Next norming, Captain Xu call Jake and tell him that he no longer a general. Jake was shocked and can't believe what he just hears. Then Xiao come out from their room and says "what happen? Who call you"? Jake says "Captain Xu just call and says I no longer a general but he didn't tell me why". But in Jake mind, he already knows that it Li Chen who did it. He clenches his fist and says "I will make you suffer more than what you did to me". But in Xiao mind, she thinks that it was Jane who tells Li Chen to remove Jake from his position. She whispers to herself "I will make you pay for what you have done to me and Jake. But she didn't know what Jake had done to Jane and that what makes him lose his position.

At the hospital, Jane was waiting in her room for Li Chen to come back from filling her discharged paper. Then she looks at her phone and saw the news about Jake losing his position as a general. When she was reading the news Li Chen walk into her room and asks "what are you doing"? Jane replies "I was reading the news about Jake. Did you do this to him"? Li Chen replies "whoever bullies my wife I will not let them get away with it" he continued "I already done with your paper let go, Jeff and Lilith, waiting outside for us". She nodded and follow him step by step trying to catch up with him. He saw that she can't catch up he went to where she was standing and carried her to the car. He makes a promise to himself that he will protect Jane and won't let anything happen to her again. He takes Jane to his house because when they get married didn't have time to go to his house or the house he bought just for the two of them.

At the house

It was a big house with a big garden and there are flowers against the fence. It was a two-level house and only one maid which is Aunty Ivy. She had been watching the house since Li Chen and Jane went to the military. Jane was shocked as she walks into the house and asks "what is this"? He replies "this is our house from now on. I didn't get a chance to show it to you because after we married we went straight to the military. Now that we back and you injured I think it a good place for you to get some rest".