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Call me Kai, a happy go lucky and a peace loving person who is a little bit of an otaku on the inside. My life in a nutshell is mostly about anime, online games, and my beautiful girl Selah. She means the world to me. She's my kryptonite, yet she's also my source of strength. I plan to be with her 'til the very end. Well, thats the original plan before all of this happened.

Now my body feels itchy, and its craving so bad that it hurts. It gives me a different sensation more than what a human feels when hunger strikes. Now I'm always hungry, and my whole being craves for blood! But I must keep it together to keep my sanity.

Let me tell you a story, it happened on august 26. The day my peaceful life turned upside down. It's a typical Monday afternoon and we decided to hang out on my friend's house since his parents are gone for a day or 2 on a vacation. We started partying when the sun set and it felt great! Booze everywhere, friends singing and me? I'm hitting it off with my girl of course on the basement of my friend's house. Things are going smooth, everything feels great but all of a sudden I lost consciousness.

I woke up, and saw my body is soaked in blood. I felt weak, while still not grasping what happened I slowly walked. My vision is still far from okey so I walked while clinging through the wall to maintain my balance. I stepped on something, Something soft. I looked closer and saw that I stepped on foot. wait these are my . . My friends! my childhood friends ,the very people I consider brothers. Dead , in front of me. Wait where's Selah? I searched every where, I ran even though I feel so weak. I heard a sound coming from the basement, like something fell. I thought whoever or whatever is making the sound may be the culprit. I grabbed a broken bottle as a weapon and shouted "I don't care who or what the F@£# you are but don't think I'll let you off of this place safely!" I kicked the door and manage to break it open. My instinct is set to stab the first thing I saw. All of a sudden something grabbed my feet! I prepared to stab it on that very moment yet it whispered "help".

It's Selah! "Talk to me babe, what happened?" tears fell from my eyes. I carried her to my arms and embraced her. Thoughts of revenge and anger clouded my mind. She opened her eyes slowly, and screamed all of a sudden. She pulled herself away from me, as if she saw something horrible while screaming the word "monster!"

I looked around to find it, and swore I will kill it even if it kills me. My sight landed on a broken mirror. I saw an image with sharp tooth, gleam eyes and wolf like features. I felt fear, I stepped back and it also moved. Wait, could it be. . .


I ran and found a larger mirror and saw my horrible form. I became a blood thirsty beast , something I thought that only existed on horror movies and folklore. I fell on my knees while crying so loud. The pain of loosing my friends, and almost killing Selah strangles my very being that I can barely breath. I tried to end my life in despair of what I have done. I stabbed my stomach with the broken bottle on my hand to end it all. I did it as quick as possible , It hurt a lot but I on that moment I cannot think anything else to do to end my agony. I thought I'm going to loose consciousness back then , but then I saw the wound heal like nothing happened. I screamed


I ran away from the city, from the family and place I grew up with. I now lurk in the darkness, eat wild animals and made the nearby mountain my own. I am a werewolf. A beast who swore not to slay a human ever again. I may even be the strongest human on earth. The strongest yet the loneliest.