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Kai's POV

Darkness became my refuge, my home, my sanctuary. How long has it been? Months? Years? A Decade maybe? I lost track of everything. Time became an agony for me as I imprison myself inside this cave. I tried to end my life so many times yet even falling from the top of a mountain doesn't hurt that much and my regeneration capabilities are so great that it even restores any amputated parts. I am always hungry as well, for human blood and flesh to be exact. I don't eat humans, although my senses tells me that they will taste good but I'm not that kind of person. I only go out of my cave every other day to find a meal, yet my hunger never stops. I usually eat any animals I see, even bears are afraid of me now. As I lay myself to sleep every night the same questions hunts me over and over again. Why!!? Why should it be me of all people? How did this happen? I got so many questions that no one can answer but there is just one thing that I'm dying to know. Is Selah ok?

Here I am again tonight, hugging myself inside this cave. I can feel the cold ground in my paw, and my fur is my only shield against the weather and it also tells me if something is nearby. I have different stages on my transformation but I haven't mastered controlling it yet. Right now I look just like a plain wolf, yet during the full moon or when I'm enraged I can become a big werewolf with super human capabilities, you can visualize me as the hulk but I'm blacker than lacquer and my body is covered with thick fur. Ever since I shape shifted I started to see in the dark,I got heightened sense of smell (the stuff you see on werewolves on TV). Plus I have 1 talent that I love, I see colors on living creatures representing their intent, mood or motive. Red for anger, yellow for envy you name it. This ability lets me see through different objects too. Kinda cool huh? Well I'll trade it all to have my old life back.

I love nights like these when the moon is hidden by thick clouds. I keep my sanity during these kind of nights. I always look back a couple of years ago, when everything was still the way they were. Me and my friends used to hang out and play Mobile Legends. Its the only game that never gets old if you ask me. It's an addictive MOBA type of game. My main role on the games that we play? I'm a tank, it fits my personality perfectly. I take all the damage and make sure that I die on behalf of my team mates. In real life I would rather take the blame to cover up for my peers, I would say that I am ok but I'm not, I will wipe someone else's tears and shed mine silently. That's how I have always been.

One day me and my friends Niko, Vince, Christoff, and Ed are in the library. Not to read ok? Just to give you a heads up, were not like that. We came there to play. We started hanging out there ever since Niko dragged us here to hit on some hot girls. He called us to check someone out on the other side of the library, clumsy and curious as we are ,we all rushed take a look. While we are trying to locate the "target", a book fell on the floor all of a sudden and it created a loud thudding sound. I yelled so loud that everyone looked at me and that felt completely terrible. The moment of silence after what happened killed and the guys? Well they are laughing their hearts out. I saw that the book is entitled "LYCAON", its black and it has some creepy looking symbols on the side. It looked scary if you ask me, and it seems to be locked with vine like packaging all around it. We all sat to figure out how to open it. Christoff said "It has good packaging for publicity if you ask me". We tried to open it by force to no luck. I touched one of the vines which I thought was not sharp and it pricked me! A drop of my blood flowed all the way to the core of the book. Then a voice whispered "come".