
A single call and every student that heard Thomas hurried at the hallway where the crime scene is clearly exposed. And of course the students were just the beginning the principal also heard the call and went rushing at the hallway where he did his only job at that moment.

"Everyone go to your rooms, Now!" Principal Hugh ordered the students away from the crime scene.

"What happened?"

"I just want to go to the bathroom when I saw the body and..and…" she didn't continue her thoughts but just cried after what she saw.

"Did you call 911?" Coach asked.

"Sheriffs on the way, I called him already." Thomas answered.

"Then what are you still doing here Mr. Smith?" He asked.

"I just heard the scream and went here."

"Go to your room now kid." He ordered Smith and off he goes to his friends immediately talked and shared his thoughts about what happened. On his way to the room he is block by his friend Fred and asked about how did the body got there.

"I don't know what you think of but it only means one thing…"

"… It's weird and we are going to play cops and try to investigate it?" Fred continued.

"You're not going to investigate it are yah?" Julie Harpson suddenly showed up out of nowhere.Now here is a young lady Julie Harpson a punk-like girl who wore a leather jacket and dark lipstick with matching eye shadows who also have the guts to be friends with Fred and Thomas, and the second person who knew about Thomas' secret.

"Why? You care to join in our little crew?" Fred said.

"Maybe, but we are not going to go beyond the cops' job" Julie warned. Our hero now has his very own team going out to the wilderness and to go beyond their boundaries, they never knew what they just got into.

As they welcome their selves to the darkest parts of Hoverdrive the sheriff stopped them before they got their selves into trouble.

"What ever your thinking don't do it."

"Dad, we're not gonna' do something that can get us into trouble." Fred replied to his father.

"I'm just worried about your future life guys." he added.

" Dad, just help us with this, I just need something to write for my article." Fred requested. Heard that right Frederick is the school's only known journalist for the academy's newspaper, the H.A.'s Morning Bugle.

"A big NO, you don't have to spread this thing up." His dad answered at a high toned.

"But dad everyone at Hoverdrive knew this already." Fred disturbingly answered to his dad. "Sheriff Sanders, we understand you, so… I guess we'll take everything as a no and just mind our teenage life and let the cops do their job. Right guys?" Julie answered back and turned unto us with an obviously faked smile.


"No more buts."

Fred kept on pushing it harder to his father but then Julie grabbed his hands and went off.

"What is wrong with you?" Fred asked Julie.

"We just have to let them know and I just used it as an excuse besides, we are teenagers we never listen to adults." Julie answered back.

"So, you mean you got a plan?" Thomas asked.

"Of course…" Julie boastfully answered. "Okay, boss what is your wonderful plan?" Fred asked.

"Well, we first check if Marcus Danvers got into a fight or something, right?" Julie said. "Basically your right, but how?" Fred continued to ask.

"Well, bright eyed kid, You are the son of the sheriff who also

take parts of the investigation so…"

"…so you're saying that I'm going to break into my dads files and steal every single document about the murder?" Fred added.

Julie just grinned ,while on the other hand our very famous hero started to asked "Brilliant, now what am I going to do?"

"Smith you help us investigate by… talking to coach or the other players of the baseball team?" Julie said.

"Technically I am the eavesdrop?"

"It's called gathering evidence ex-cap." Julie sarcastically answered to Thomas.

The day passed and the evening falls the team did their assigned jobs but as for Thomas, He stayed at home and didn't do his assigned task but instead he just kept on searching in the dark web about the other known secrets at Hoverdrive that has a probability of having a connection on what happened on the best Pitcher Marcus Danvers. He was doing a pretty great search when accidentally he saw something. A photo secretly shot from the stormy night of July 7 2011 a man who was struck by an oak branch and a boy who stood beside it with its head blurred by the heavy rain, "O my god, who shot this photo?" He asked himself and all the guilt and the nightmares of his past returned. "Who?"

Sanders Residence, Town of Hoverdrive

At the Sanders Residence Frederick walked silently in the night and carefully opened his fathers room. "Dad should never leave his room keys at the bottom of the pot." He whispered. He looked at the his watch. "20 minutes more before dad returns, man this gives me the creeps. I just can't imagine Julie being my boss on this one." He whispered and ran swiftly towards his dads closet.

"Where are you? Where?" He opened his flashlight and searched for evidences with his pitch black gloves trying to cover his tracks.

"September 10, September 10 2013… man this is hard…"

He continued looking at the papers when he saw a paper with the date September 23 2011 with the report of a man dug from the pathways leading to the Summersalt River at midnight with an oak branch struck from his heart.

"How come dad have this?, Wait oak? Is this Thomas'?" He said with a shock. His focus was distracted when he heard a sound of a cars engine being turned off. "Dad!" He shockingly said and fixed every papers he messed as if nothing happened and he ran through the door and shut it, hid the key at the pot and hid at the side of the bookshelf. A sound of a boot being stepped on the floor, he breathes deeply as his nervousness wrap his entire body.

"Fred!, Are you home?" his dad began to call him. As the footsteps draw near to him his heartbeat pounded like a drum from a festival.


Knock Knock

A knock from a front door crack up Fred's nervousness as a girl called outside. "Sheriff Sanders?" the girl knocked repeatedly and with that Fred's dad opened the door given the chance for Frederick to went upstairs and acted as if his just about to go down.

The girl from the door was Julie and she was there because Frederick secretly called her and actually saved him from the punishment he was about to receive.

"What brings you here at the middle of the night Julie?" Sheriff Sanders asked. "Oh, it was Fred…" She was about to continue when Fred went down and signaled her not to say a word.

"Fred what?" Sheriff Sanders asked.

"…I…was just…" she kept on trying what words will she spill and just looked at Fred for signals on what she has to say.

"…concerned, yes, concerned."

"O-okay? Care to come inside?"Sheriff offered her.

As she was about to say no ,Fred forcefully signaled Julie to say yes.

"… Yes?"

"Then come inside" Julie entered slowly while Frederick acted as if he was awaken by their conversation,

"Oh, Julie, What brings you here?" Frederick acted as if nothing happened and he was grabbed by Julie at his arms and went up.

"Ow, ow, ow" Fred hurtfully whispered "You owe me, BIG time" Julie whispered back.

At Fred's room on the second floor Julie and Fred began discussing about the clues they found and what things can be connected to the murder at Hoverdrive Academy.

"What did you found out?" Julie asked,

"Well, I didn't found an obvious clue… yet, but, I found this." And Fred showed the papers he saw at his dad's closet.

"Whoa, wait are these events related to who I think it is?"

Julie asked. "Yes, It's the evidences about the accident that happened two years ago." Fred said. "Then, they must have found the body. This is bad." Julie replied. "Very bad, if the Sheriff investigates this any further and found out that Thomas is behind all this then he will spend all his teenage and adult life in hell's gate." Fred said. "He already opened Hell's Gate." Julie said.