The Runaway Hero

Senior Corridors,Hoverdrive Academy, Town of Hoverdrive

The next day has arrived and the two friends of Thomas gave the news to him about what they found out yesterday. "Is this real?" Thomas asked. "You think an evidence of a dead body is Photoshop-ed" Julie answered. "I found this on my father's drawer, instead of Marcus Danvers' evidence and reports I found this. You're lucky we two are the only peeps who knew about your accident." Fred added, "I'll keep these and we focus on Marcus." Thomas said while Fred handed the evidences on Thomas.

Paging Mr. Thomas Smith kindly please go to the Principal's office, again paging Mr. Smith kindly please go to the Principal's office.

The announcement broke the discussion of the inner circle. "What was that?" Fred asked.

Might be about being a witness right? " Julie asked.

"Let's hope."

"What are you gonna say?" Fred added. "The thing that I saw and what I am doing those moments." Thomas answered and headed to the Principal's office.

He opened the door "Sir?"

"Oh its you… Please take a seat I'm just gonna ask some questions for the investigation."

"Ummm,…, Yeah, Sure." Thomas agreed. "So, what were you doing at that certain moment? Where were you and who are you with?" The principal started asking questions. "I was with Coach Lee and we were having a meeting that time." Thomas answered as honest as he possibly could. "I wish I could believe you. Coach?" Thomas has his eyes wide opened as he saw Coach Lee approaching the table of Principal Hugh. "What were you saying Mr. Smith?" Coach asked. "I was just saying the truth, I was with you that time." He keeps explaining. "I believe we're not." Coach answered. Thomas' face looks questioned.

"What but we were together having a meeting remember coach?"

Tomas keeps asking. "I said we are not! That is lying Mr. Smith!" Coach angrily said. "We'll take it from here Coach Lee. As for you, Mr. Smith you are under the detention for lying and we will keep in touch, Go forth, We will inform your parent." Principal Hugh said. "But,…, We were together, How can you do this to me coach?" Our hero tried to fight back through words but it has no use, it is as if nothing happened between Coach Lee and Thomas yesterday.

"I can't believe it. Coach Lee said that we were not together yesterday." "Wait, Coach called you yesterday for a meeting right?" Fred said.


"I don't know Tom, but for sure Coach is hiding something." Julie added.

"Julie might be right."

"I don't get it but that can be added to our list right?." Fred said. The three friends happened to continue their lunch together and at the same time continuing their research about how the body was found from the Summersalt river and the murder yesterday. The three were discussing and at that very moment Coach Lee approached Smith. "Mr. Smith come with me." Coach Lee said.

"Where sir?"

"Library, now." Coach said.

"Just go, we'll take it from here, we'll wait for you." Julie said to Thomas and handed over his bag.

Library, Hoverdrive Academy,Town of Hoverdrive

On their way to the Library Coach grabbed Thomas' hands and quickly went to the Library. The huge room with a collection of Fictional and non-fictional books, Educational References, Comics and Manga's all together, and at an empty corner of the Library Coach pushed Thomas at the wall and began talking. "What were you thinking?! You caught me up with this murder thing Thomas, I have no issues with you yesterday! What is your deal?!"

Coach Lee angrily said.

"Co-Coach,…,I-I didn't use your n-name, we were together yesterday" Thomas hardly talk to Coach as his neck being grabbed by Coach's hand. Coach's eyes slowly turned red and his teeth began to sharpen.

"Coach Lee? Are you okay?" He asked nervously.

"The kid who murdered my kind. You must die." As Coach said those words his hands began to change and slowly turned into a dagger-like biological weapon ready to struck Smiths arm.

"How, can you see my true form Smith?" Coach asked.

"Are you a?"

" A what?, coach. What can I possibly be? Coach whatever your thinking or might do please don't." Smith said.

"So,…,You don't know do you?" Coach Lee began saying but he was interrupted when something hit him. "Stop this you Grine Hunter!" It was Fred, he came out just in time which also Thomas never knew how Fred knew that he needed help.

"Where did you came from?" Smith asked.

"Whatever question you have lets deal with it later, right now you run!" Fred started to give Thomas orders and with those his hands began to glow and released a clap that stopped the flow of time for a moment. "A Time Clapper, So you challenge a leader now, I'll show how manners work here." Coach started to change his appearance and with those his nails turned into claws and his teeth started to sharpen even more. "Now fight like a real Wicked!" Coach shouted.

Everything around the library seems to really not moved and within the eyes of Smith everything looked really really weird, Looking at the changed figure of Coach Lee he felt really scared and as he turned his head he could see how his friend's hands glowed as if energy has been collected and covered Fred's entire hand.

"Be my guest, Grine." he said pointing his hands to Coach Lee that now he called a Grine, and with that the energy beamed out of his hands trying to shoot the now running Grine. Both Coach and Fred seemed to have very flexible and amazing moves as if two video game characters fighting with such great effects a very slow motioned frame.

"Go to the corner Smith." He ordered Thomas. "A runaway hero eh Smith, He is mine Clapper!" Coach Lee began to move as fast as a human could possibly be.

Fred shoots randomly at the floor, the shelves, the ceiling trying to target Coach Lee at its fastest phase trying not to hit a single human being. And after a few shots he finally hit Coach Lee at its ankle slowing him down and making him paralyzed.

"Smith! Grab my hand!" Fred said as he approached Smith's hand and with that a shining globe surrounded them and the wrecked library slowly changed, reversing to it's proper place the way it should be 5 minutes ago, while on the other hand the Grine Hunter now changing back from being Coach Lee and running towards the green globe, but he was too late Smith and Fred suddenly disappeared as if they were teleported to the schools empty backyard where the trash bins were placed. And the flow of time began to return to normal while Coach Lee stood right there with a very angry face and a clenched fist.

Hoverdrive Academy Back Alley,Town of Hoverdrive

"What just happened?" Smith asked Fred. Fred just looked at Smith in the eye.

"Come on dude what just happened? What are you? What is Coach Lee? What is a Grine?, Dude Answer me!" Smith asked many questions but Fred just stood there.

"He can't answer you 'till he reach 5 minutes and 7 seconds" It was Julie who talked behind Smith while she looked at her navy green watch placed at her left wrist then back again at Thomas.

"Its the side effect of his abilities. " she explained further.

"So let me answer your questions, Coach Lee is what you call a Grine Hunter a creature that almost resembles a werewolf but no fur and can create limited bio weapons on his hands and also feed on someone like me ,Fred and you who we call Wickeds"

"Wickeds? That was something coach said earlier."

"Wickeds are inborn superhuman with incredible abilities. This is our real difference among normal mundane human beings." She answered to him.

"I think your wrong, I'm not a wicked or something like that, maybe you and Fred are but how come I am a Wicked?" Smith said questionably

"The only being in the world who can see an Indifferent like that of Coach is a Wicked." She said to Smith.

"Yep and I guess accidentally you killed one of Coach's Hunters without being known." Fred started to speak.

"Your back. How?" Julie said.

"Obviously, We studied the picture and found evidences of Grine Hunter marks on the body and also in line with that I know you have plenty of questions but we'll start here, I am a fellow Wicked a Time Clapper specifically and you've seen my abilities. While.."

"I am a Hyperior, a Wicked with the possession of super strength." Julie continued the introduction Fred began.

"How about Sheriff? And Your parents? You said Wickeds have inborn superhuman abilities so it means your parents…" Smith asked the two, but before they can answer Sheriff suddenly showed up out of nowhere and also do as Mr. Harpson.

"You kids continue your talk later." Mr. Harpson said. "Dad?" Julie called.

"Get in." Mr. Harpson said while Sheriff began to spoke a language that could possibly be a password.

"Nepour Yuwen"

with those words the wall started to produce cracks and suddenly it magically exploded sucking the five of them inside and slowly the wall began to come back at its normal state.