The Girl

"Please still be in one piece when I get there!"

I said as I ran down the hallway at full speed towards the nearest flight of stairs.

Hopefully, by the time I get there, I wouldn't be Interrupting an all you can eat human buffet.

That'll give me nightmares and I don't wanna have any more nightmares. Just remembering how it feels being eaten alive still has me a little shook up. Even if that was dream!


"Move it!"


Using the wide part of the shovel, I hit an incoming infected to the ground without killing it.

After many encounters with the infected, I figured out it was a lot more effective and less energy consuming to just hit them to the ground rather than killing them.

Since infected are slow moving, it'll take a while for them to get up from the ground.

Therefore, by the time one gets up, I'll be far away from them.

"The stairs!"

With a quick turn of my feet, I go right

and quickly run up stairs.

When I got to the top of the stairs and on to the second floor hallway…


I saw the girl again. She was screaming in fear because now the four infected were only ten feet near her.

I run towards the two infected that were blocking her front with my multi purpose shovel raised.





When I got near, I swing down with the bladed edge of the shovel with all my power. I hit the infected so hard that I could hear his skull crack was split open.



Not wasting any time, I kick the other infected towards the window which caused hairline fractures to appear on it due to impact.

"Look out!"

When I turned towards the girl, I shouted.

Because right behind her was one of the remaining two infected!

"Huh?... Kyaah!"

Before the girl could even react, I grabbed her left arm with my right hand and pulled her towards me while I simultaneously swung the shovel in my left hand…



And lodged it into the infected neck. It dropped to its knees and fell to the ground from the weight of the blow.

But it'll be back up soon.

"Come on, in here!"

Using this chance, I pull the girl's hand and run into the opposite direction of the infected until we found a classroom.

"Let me check if occupied."


Cautiously, I opened the door a sliver and peeked my head through it.

Luckily, nothing was in here.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I enter the classroom and say to the girl.

"It's safe here...Come help me put desks in front of the door! We can't let them get in."


Very quickly, we stacked desks on top of each other and made ourselves a makeshift barricade.

It should hold...for now.

"Sigh, now that that's done what's"

I asked the girl as my eyes slowly widened.

I didn't realize is before because of the commotion, but this girl is beautiful!

She has a cute face that goes well with her long golden hair and amethyst colored eyes that are fitted with sleek black framed  glasses.

But that's not the most amazing thing about her.

It's her body!

She's a head shorter than me but she has boobs that can rival gravure models!

And just below those two heavenly mountains lie a smooth and curvaceous figure! She has all the right stuff in all the right places!

She's a masterpiece!

"...My name is A-Amanda Wilson thank you for saving me!"

"You're welcome. You were lucky that the air horn was getting empty otherwise I wouldn't have heard you."

"I guess I'm lucky then."

"You sure was."

God was protecting his masterpiece!

"...U-uhm, can you please not stare at me like that? It makes me a l-little nervous."

"Huh? Oh, my bad. I was stunned by your beauty. You're too pretty."

I said as embarrassingly I rubbed the back of my head.

"... T-thanks!"

Amanda said as she blushed.



"Cough, anyways, it looks like we'll sit here for a little while before we can get to the gym."

With a light cough, I try to change the awkward atmosphere to something more serious. Those cheesy lines makes me want to cringe. It's best to try and forget that moment.

"I'm sorry. Because of me you had to give up your chance to get to the gym."

Amanda said sadly. It bet she feels responsible for me not making it to the gym.

"Don't worry about it. I wouldn't have made it there anyway… ten fucking seconds."


"Nothing. It's nothing."

Who in the hell thought I could run like Usain Bolt? I'm not that fast!

When I find that person, I'm going to kick his ass so hard I'm literally going make him talk shit!

"Hey, what time is it?"

Curious, I asked Amanda.

"Uhm, it's...3:43."

Amanda replied while peeking at her phone's lock screen.

I regret having used it as a part of an experiment. I'm a teen. Therefore, it's a requirement for me to have my phone on me or near me at all times.

It had all my music, my games, my por- I mean research videos.

"I miss my phone."

"A-are you okay? Why are you crying?"

Sniff. Sniff.

I miss you smartphone!


"Is Desmond okay?"

I asked David with a worried voice.

"I think he'll be okay. Let's find a place to rest for now. I'm sure he'll pop up soon."


When Desmond was about to run towards the gym, we heard a cry for help. It was loud enough for us to barely hear over the air horn.

And upon hearing the voice, Desmond hesitated  a moment before he turned around and ran towards the voice.

Whenever he heard a cry for help he would try his best to save them. Even more so for his friends.

Of course, that didn't mean he would help any and everybody. I bet the reason Desmond helped this person was because she was a classmate.

"Eh, David and Sara? You two must be tired. There's a few empty cot over here! Follow me!"


"We appreciate it."

Under guidance of a surviving boy student we were led to two cots.

"Did you guys get these from one of the storage rooms?"

David asked the the boy while I sat on the cot. I don't know if it's because of what happened today but this usually uncomfortable cot feels very comfortable right now.

"Yeah, they were being stored for natural disasters and emergencies. We even have enough for to last us for a month."

"That's good. Well I won't keep you any longer."

"See ya!"

With a wave goodbye, the boy went back to his duties of tending to nearby survivors.

I looked around the gym. Students and a couple of teachers were going back and forth between students, giving them canned food and blankets. It's quite nice to see people handle this so calmly.

"Quite the diligent people aren't they?"

With a smile I told David as I observed the scene around me.

"If I were them, I would do the same."

David said while he laid down on the cotand   stared at the gym ceiling with his hands behind his head.

"How come?"

"Doing stuff keeps the mind from wandering about. These guys are working to keep their minds off what's actually happening. If not, who knows what'll happen."

Hearing his explanation, my smile slowly turned somber.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I would've done the same thing.

"But I do know one thing is for sure now."

Smirking, David said before continuing.

"Whoever gave the order for them to close gym door in ten seconds made Desmond pissed. When he gets here he's going to give that person a piece of his mind."

"I can imagine that. But before he does that I hope you'll stop him before things get out of hand."

"I'll try my best to. Now let's rest a little and try to find some more of our friends here."

"Alright. I'll take a nap then."

Closing my eyes I slowly go to sleep.