The key (2)

"Was that Desmond?"

Sara asked me worriedly the moment Desmond ended the call. She was talking to the girl from earlier but came over as soon as she heard me confirm it was Desmond on the phone.

As for Andy, he said he was tired from fighting his way here and decided to take himself a nap on his cot.


"Where's he at?"

" He's standing in front of the door up there."

I point to the door on the second level of the gym. It was a grey security door.

"Then le-"

"However, the door is locked. Which is why I'm going to ask a person in charge if they know where the keys to the gym are."

"Do you have someone in mind?"

"Yeah, earlier while you were asleep, me and Andy asked around the gym about the people in charge and managed to hear the name of a person me and Desmond know personally."


"President Yang."

"Wh-what! I didn't know about this! When did you guys meet?"

"Haha, I'll tell you some other time, follow me."

With an interrogative Sara tagging along, I walk towards the middle area of the gym.

When we got there, we see a few students either standing or sitting around with bandages covering their arms or heads, this is the area where students who got injured on the way here go to get somewhat patched up.

It's also where one of the people in charge are at.

" Who would've thought Robert would turn into one of those things outside. This shit feels so unreal."

"For real, those things outside are scary as hell! One bite and you're dead, it's like a damn horror movie out there…"

"Yo, can you tell me where President Yang is?"

I asked a boy student who was busily talking to his friend about what's happening outside.

"Huh? Oh, she's over there."

Although a little surprised at me suddenly interrupting him, the boy kindly points towards a black haired girl not to far from us.

She was sitting on a chair with first aid supplies around her as she cleaned and wrapped an injured student's arm in bandages.

Giving him my thanks, me and Sara walk over towards the President Yang.

"Don't let these bandages get dirty okay. There's not enough for everybody so we gotta  use these sparingly. Do you understand?

As President Yang said this she tightly tied the bandage wrapped on the students arm, causing him to yelp in pain.

Quite a way to prove a point.

"Ouch! I understand...Thank you!"

wincing at the pain delivered by the tightly tied bandage on his arm, the boy student gratefully thanks President Yang.

"No prob, it's my job as the Student Council President to take care of her students."

With a roll of bandages in one hand and disinfectant in the other, President Yang gets up and leaves the boy student.

And when she did, I managed to get a good look at her.

She has a pair of seemingly glaring red ruby eyes and a beautifully sculpted white face, clearly showing off her Asian descent.

Not to mention, she has the aura of a leader around surrounding her, which makes people feel reassured and safe.

Yep, she's not called "The Beautiful General" by the boys for nothing.

I would go into more detail but since I have a girlfriend now, I can't stare too much, I don't want to get slapped just yet.

"Are you two alright?... Where's Desmond?"

President Yang asked us when we approached her.

"That's pretty much why we're here."

"What do you mean? Did something happened to Desmond?"

Worried, President Yang asks.

"It's like this…"

I then briefly go over what happened. About how we met up with Desmond, about how we made it to the gym and about how Desmond is right behind the door on the second floor of the gym but can't get inside because we need a key to unlock it.

"So you want me to find the person who has keys to the gym?"

"Uh-huh, your one of the people in charge of here so I thought you probably keep tabs on important stuff like this."

"Hm, lemme think for a sec...."

As President Yang slowly thought about this, a pensive and stern expression slowly formed on her face.

This can't be good.

"....I have some good news and some bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Do you want hear good news first?"

I asked Sara, who replied.

"Give us the good news first please."

"Okay then. The good news is that I know who has the key."


"The gym teacher, Mr. Cole."

"And what's the bad news."

"The bad news is that I nor anyone of the teachers know where he is. We can't get in touch with him whatsoever."

"Since he's not in her your implying that he's outside somewhere?"


President Yang reluctantly nodded.


I cursed in a low voice. How in the hell are we supposed to find him in all that outside? He could be dead for all I know!


"Do you have a general idea of where he went missing?"

"Yeah, some of the students who managed to get here said that they saw him directing students to the gym in G-wing."

"That's literally right next to us! Let me call Desmond. Maybe he can search around and see if he can find him."

"But it's getting dark outside. Do you expect Desmond to search in the dark?"

"It's the only way."

"But still…"

Ignoring Sara's complaint, I dialed the phone number Desmond called from earlier. I understand what she's getting at but this is the only way Desmond can get in.

We could break the locking mechanism on the door but that'll become a safety hazard in the long run. Plus, I don't feel like becoming public enemy number one at the moment.


As I was thinking of this, the ringing of the phone entered my ears.

"U-uhm, hello?"

After a few seconds of ringing, the soft voice of a girl answers the phone.

This unexpected voice caught me off guard for a moment before I quickly I realized that this must be the person Desmond saved. He must be using her phone.

"... Can you give the phone to Desmond."

I asked.

"Hold on a minute…here you go."

"...Thanks. So have you found the key yet?"

Desmond in a whisper asked me with a hint of expectation in his voice.

With a heavy sigh, I say this to him.

"Sigh, no I haven't."

"...Eh? Why?"

Desmond said dumbfounded.

"Because as it turns out…"

I then briefly went over what me and President Yang talked about a couple of minutes ago, explaining how she nor the teachers can find Mr.Cole or the keys.

"Phew, it seems lady luck is finally cutting me some slack today."


Now it was my turn to feel dumbfounded, when I was finished explaining about what happened, I expected Desmond to start cursing. But on the contrary, he was actually quite relieved that I said this.

How come?

With this question in mind, I asked him. The response I got back was.

"We actually walked right past him. He's literally right down the hallway at the corner just standing there!"

Hearing this made me breathe out a sigh in relief too. At least he doesn't have to run around G-wing with his head cut off anymore.