Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover


"I guess, I'll go get something to eat. Tss, damn that hurts."

After getting my ass beaten by Big Sis, who took the gym key and left with 'I'll give this key to one of teachers'', I walked down the stairs and straight towards the makeshift lunch line.

Luckily, I didn't have to wait long because by the time I got to the line, only two people standing in it.

Once the two gotten their meal that consisted of a bottle of water and a random can of food, I was next.

"Here you go… Whoa! are you okay? Your uniform is covered in blood!"

Surprised at my bloodied appearance, the grey haired teacher handing out the food exclaimed.

With a tired smile, I said to the guy.

"Don't worry about it, I'm alright. It came from outside."

"I see. Does that mean you…"

Understanding what he's getting at, I said with a nod.

"Yeah. I did."


After a few moments of silence, the teacher spoke with a sigh.

"Sigh, in all my years of teaching, I never thought I'd see a day where students and teachers alike would attack and eat each other. It must've been tough on you…"


", although it isn't much for all you went through, I'll give you an extra can of fruit. Don't tell anyone though."

As he said this, along with giving me a bottle of water and a can of corn, he covertly handed me an extra can of peaches. Being just as covert, I took the peaches and put them in my pocket.

"I appreciate it!"

Giving him my thanks, I leave the makeshift lunch line and head towards the corner I saw Andy sleeping.

But before I did, I scanned the area to search where Amanda and Sara are at.

After scanning the area, my eyes landed on Sara and Amanda eating and talking as they were sitting side by side on a cot.

"She'll be okay."

Seeing Amanda getting along so well with Sara, I walked towards where Andy was in an elated manner.

'Huh, is this what superheroes feel after saving a person? A sense of accomplishment?'

While thinking this, I arrived where the sleeping Andy was. Hearing his loud snoring, I can't help but shake my head and harshly say.

"No wonder nobody's sleeping near you, you snore like a goddamn fat giant!"

"I heard that!"

"That's exactly why I said it!."

As I said this, I took a nearby empty cot, slid it close to Andy and sat on it. Then I put my bottle of water and canned food on the floor beside me.

I'll save these for later.

"What's wrong with your face? It's slightly swollen."

Andy asked a little amazed at my slightly swollen jaw.

Rubbing the back of my head, I said awkwardly.

"It was the ending result of a 'talk'"

"Okay, but why do you look so proud about getting your ass beat? Are you possibly an M?"

"Helll no,...maybe. Anyways, the reason I'm a little proud is because I was able to dodge most of Big Sis' attacks."

"Huh? Now that I think about it, you've been going on about this Big Sis since we met. Who is she?"

"Student Council President Yang."

"Eh? You're kidding right?"

Not believing what I said, Andy asked.

"No, you heard right the Big Sis I've been that I've always been talking about is President Yang."

"T-then that means President Yang used to be a delinquent? Cool!"

Surprised at who my Big Sis was, Andy shouted. This drew a couple of inquiring gazes. So very quickly, I covered Andy's mouth and said quietly.

"Shh, it's supposed to be a secret. Other than you, only me and David is suppose to know... Well, not that it matters now."

As I said this, I removed my hand from Andy's mouth.

"I'll keep it a secret. But in return tell me how you guys met."


"Because, I'm bored. Come on tell me."

"Sigh, fine. It's not a long story anyway."

I then proceeded to tell him about the relationship between me and the President.

"Have you heard about the gang called Golden State Brawlers?"

"Yeah, it was a gang that consisted of around ten members, they ran the infamous Golden State Middle School behind the scenes. They fought and destroyed many other delinquent gangs that tried to invade on their territory. However, despite being a delinquent gang with an intimidating title many of the students looked up to them. Why you ask?"

"Well, Big Sis, I mean, President Yang was the head of that gang."

"Wow! As expected of her. But why would she attend there? She's from a very prestigious family after all."

"I don't know. The only thing she told me was that it was 'training'."


"Yes. Anyways, have you also heard about the delinquent duo called B.M.? They were freelance enforcers."

"Uh-huh, according to the rumors surrounding them, they were two brutal delinquents that fought other delinquent gangs for money. I remember hearing about one of them going to juvie for assault."

"...That was me and David."

"What! So which one of you went to juvie?"

"Sigh, that was me. I spent two months in Central Juvenile Hall. I was in my second year of middle school then."

I said a little bitter.

It was a history I didn't want everyone to know, especially mine. If it wasn't for the fact that that delinquent had a code of silence, I would've got charged with battery instead of assault...I could've went to prison!

Do I regret not doing what I did? A little. I admit that what I've might have went a tad overboard with the beating, I didn't mean to put him on life support.

However, if I didn't do what I did, I'm afraid Sara wouldn't have been they way she is now.

But that's a secret only I know. I couldn't let both David and me go to juvie, who would protect Sara then?

"That's crazy! You guys don't look like you're capable of doing anything like that though."

" Hey, don't judge a book by it's cover. And besides that was over five years ago...Oops, I've derailed the conversation a bit. Kuhum, now as I was saying earlier, during a certain incident the B.M. duo (me and David) we worked alongside the Golden State Brawlers."


"You see, there was this gang named the Blazers, they were an up and coming delinquent gang that was taking over various other delinquent territories left and right. Feeling threatened because of this, the delinquent gang that hired me and David teamed up with the Golden State Brawlers to take them out."

"Then what happened?"

Andy asked as he leaned in attentively. For some reason it feels as though I'm telling a bedtime story to a kid.

"Well, exactly as you thought it would. We destroyed the group. However, little did we that the gang that hired me and David would suddenly betray us. This led to both us and the Golden State Brawlers, who were already tired to fight even more. Luckily, despite being in such a disadvantageous state, we kicked their asses. Do you know what happened next?"

"I don't know, what?"

"Me and David were recruited by President Yang to join the Golden State Brawlers."

"Did you accept?"

"We were a little hesitant at first but having seen how their camaraderie was, we decided to join them. And then, for the rest of our middle school years, we were apart of the Golden State Brawlers. I managed to become second in command while David became the treasurer. But then…"

"Then what?"

"It was time for President Yang and a few of the others in the gang to graduate, they were in their last year of middle school after all. President Yang went here and as for the others, well, I don't know. I heard they went to become even bigger delinquents in high schools across California."

"So, did you become the leader, after they left? You were the second in command weren't you?"

Andy asked but I shook my head and said no.

"Due to certain circumstances, I left the gang after that and so did David. But before we did, we voted for a leader."


"Hey, believe it or not, the gang was actually very democratic, we always voted on important things such that."

"Then who became the leader then?"

"It was a boy named Rashad, he was my protege within the gang. And with me being the second in command. I nominated him to become the leader since he was both ruthless and fair, and if need to, be reckless. He was a perfect candidate to become the leader. And so, with a few votes from David and the others, he became the leader of the gang Golden State Brawlers."

"So what did you guys do after that?"

"I attended school more than I normally did, of course, I would help the gang out in times of need but other than that, I took my school work a little more seriously. After a whole grade's worth of hard work, I gotten my grades up and managed graduate middle school in upper echelon of my grade. And started to attend here. As for the rest, you already know."

"Wow! What an amazing story! The way you told it made me feel as if you left a real street gang! Man, let me tell you, if you wanted, I bet you could sell your story to become a film!"


Very enthusiastically, Andy clapped. Feeling embarrassed about how he's acting, I ignored him and laid my tired body on to the cot.

"Go to sleep. We'll need to discuss something in the morning."

"Haha, is a big bad former delinquent like you perhaps embarrassed?"

"...Go to sleep."

Once again ignoring, Andy who was going 'you're totally embarrassed', I effortlessly drifted into sleep.