Contingency Plan

Mr. Cole's office was located in the hallway on the westside of the gym.

"This hallway stinks."

"How can it not? The boys locker room is situated directly in front of the office after all."

However, because the hallway also housed the boys locker room, the lingering scent of sweat and feet could be smelt. It practically covered the entire hallway!

The smell caused Big Sis to knit her brows and frown in displeasure.

I, on the other hand wasn't all that particularly bothered by it since I've been exposed to this odor every time I had gym class, thus effectively becoming nose blind.

*Sniff* *Sniff* Yep, I can't smell a thing!


Unable to withstand the smell of man musk and stinking ass feet any longer, Big Sis knocked on the door to Mr. Cole's office.


And almost immediately, the door was opened by a handsome twenty something year old man who's hair was slicked back with grease.

Oh, great, another ikeman.

"We've been waiting for you Ms. Yang. Come on in."

The middle aged ikeman said as his eyes covertly moved his gaze up and down Big Sis.

...Ah, so he's that 'type' of teacher is he? What a sleazy bastard.

"Sorry, I had to finish taking care of the injured students. Let's go inside Desmond."

Ignoring the ikeman's stare Big Sis looked back at me and said.

"Oh? And who might this young man be?"

The middle aged ikeman asked as if to suddenly realize I was here....Did he really not notice me?

While still feeling suspicious about whether or not this ikeman really did notice me, Big Sis introduced me in my stead.

"He's my trusted friend. He's the one who warned me of what might happen later on. Desmond, this teacher here is Mr. Ackland. He's one of the two teachers who helped guide the students here."

"Oh, so you're the young man who told Ms. Yang about the possibility of how the students may want to leave and find their family. Are you sure you're not overthinking things?"

The ikeman, now named Mr. Ackland looked at me with eyes full of skepticism and a little bit of scorn.

Who in the hell does this guy think he is?!

I get the part about being skeptical but why does he have to look down on me as well? We haven't even talked to each other yet!

Can I punch this guy? Because I will gladly turn that handsome visage into a work of heavily pixelated art!

Trying my best to hold back the urge to punch his good-looking face, I give him an annoying look and say.

"Yeah, that's me. I fear that those students who saw the video earlier may cause a ripple of worry within the gym. Because many students right now are too busy worrying about themselves they're not thinking about their family. But what will happen when they do? There will be chaos. If you don't believe me check your phone. It's better to make a contingency plan just in case."

"But still…"

"It's just a precautionary measure. It's better to have one than not right?"

Seeing how Mr. Ackland still wasn't believing me, Big Sis vouched for me.

"...Since that's the case then please Mr. Desmond! Come right on in."

Mr. Ackland suddenly said with a smile as he walked back into the office. This guy really is a sleazy bastard.

"Is this why you brought me here? To deal with his ass?"

"No. Like I said you're the only person I can fully trust here. And besides, do you think I can't handle him?"

Big Sis said with a confident smirk. She doesn't even put that sleazy bastard in her eyes.

"Yeah, you can definitely handle him. If he ever tries to harass you, you can just give him one strong kick to the jewels and his future generations and then some will be gone forever."

She does have unnatural strength after all.

"... You're making me out to be quite the barbaric woman aren't you Desmond."

Big Sis sent a hard glare of anger as she said this. And sensing her displeasure about what I said, I immediately changed tune.

"I would never! Big Sis is a woman of culture. A very sexy one at that!'

I honestly said as I admiringly scanned her body.

Even when she's wearing her uniform, her trained and very voluptuous body was apparent.

Especially her boobs, by my estimated calculations, she's a D cup who has the potential to become an F cup later on in the future!

I wonder what she'll look like in a bathing suit?

"Where are you staring at?"

"You're boobs."

I said reflexively. Shit!


Finally noticing where my gaze of admiration (self-proclaimed) was looking at, Big Sis, with a reddened face, calmly covers her chest with her arms and throws me a glare before entering the office. Leaving me absolutely speechless.

Perhaps I went a little too far?

While pondering such a question, I enter the office and close the door behind me.

"So what's the plan?"

"We need to find a way to get out of here while keeping the students safe."

Upon fully entering the office, a familiar voice was heard. It was Mr. Braxton's.

Turning my head, I see him, Big Sis (who no longer has an embarrassed expression) and Mr. Ackland hovering over Mr. Cole's desk with a map of the school placed on it.

"What're we looking at here?"

I asked Mr. Braxton while walking up to the desk to get a closer look of the map. Many of the places on the map have been crossed out.

Looking up from the school map, Mr. Braxton answered.

"Things are not looking to good. More than half of the school has been taken over by those infected. Here and here are crawling with them. So going through or near these places is a no go."

Mr. Braxton then pointed to three of the crossed out places. They were the front main entrance area and the cafeteria.

"I agree. Those places usually have high student traffic with the entrance being the highest."

Big Sis said in understanding. Me and Mr. Ackland did as well.

The front main entrance was where all the students enter and leave from school. So it's a given that it was a place with the highest student traffic. This however also makes it the most dangerous place.

As for the cafeteria, it's the second most dangerous place. After all, who doesn't want to eat free food? However, that's only for basic meals. If you wanted to have a meal fit for a king such as steak and lobster, you would have to pay a little extra. Well, that's for the rich kids anyway.

"Okay then what about the school yard in front of the gym? Isn't the infected there a little thinned out? If we move in small groups, we can move across it while avoiding the infected and make our way to the parking lot. That's where all the students and faculties vehicles are located."

I asked puzzled. And the one who answered my question was Mr. Ackland who once again gave me a look of scorn. He's really pissing me off!

"The infected there may be thinned out there but school yard doesn't necessarily mean it we're heading that way. And even if we went there what are we going to do about the engine noise of the vehicles? By what I saw yesterday those infected are attracted to sound. Not to mention, we don't know who all has their keys. All in all, going to the parking lot is a gamble."

"Then where are we going to go?"

I said a little grumpy. It's irritating having him shoot down my plan like that.

"I have an idea."

Mr. Ackland suddenly said.

"You do?!"

Me, Big Sis and Mr. Braxton said in unison. Does he really have a way?


Not missing a beat, Mr. Ackland places his index finger on the map.

"There? Really?"

Now it was my turn to look at Mr. Ackland skeptically. Because the place he was pointing at was completely on the other side of the fucking campus!