Here's the Plan (2)

"There's more injured people than I imagined."

I quietly mumbled to myself as I looked at the groups. In front of me were three groups filled with nothing but injured people. In other words, we got 27 injured people to worry about.

"Okay. I will start explaining the plan. Do you guys know where the bus garage is?"

I asked the crowd.

"I do. it's on the other side of campus isn't it?"

A boy from the front most group asked as he pushed up his glasses with his middle finger. He gives of a ' no nonsense, always serious' type of vibe... I'll call you Glasses-kun.

Yeah, that sounds right. He fits the bill perfectly!

After deciding on the boy's nickname, I thoughtlessly said.


Probably not liking my answer, Megane-kun puts on a stern expression and says.

"So, you're telling me we're going to have to make our way through dark, zombie infested hallways just to get to the bus garage?"

"Exactly. You're a smart guy you know that?"

"Please elabora-"

"You're crazy! Don't you know how dangerous it is doing that?"

Before Glasses-kun could even finish what he was saying, he was cut off mid sentence by a person who was in strong opposition with my plan.

"Are you insane! That's suicide!"

One boy angrily shouts.

"I don't have to listen to your sh*t! You're  trying to kill us?"

And following right behind him, another boy furiously said.

There were other voices of opposition but I didn't care. What matters to me right now is to finish explaining my plan. My back is practically soaked in sweat! So the faster I am with this, the better!

However, in order to finish explaining, I need to calm down the crowd

"Everyone, shut up!"

Just as I was about to shout out the same thing, Big Sis was one step ahead of me. With her loud and commanding voice combined with her ruby eyed glare, the groups quickly quieted.

Man, her charisma never ceases to amaze me! I actually felt my heart flutter when she shouted that sentence! Her becoming a delinquent leader and earning the nickname, 'Lady General' is truly well deserved!

"Since there's a lot of people who are against this plan then tell me, do you guys have one?"

Big Sis asked, scanning the crowd.


At every person she looked at (starting with the two guys who lashed out first) they flusteredly turned their head away in shame.

Noticing this, a look of disapproval appeared on her face.

"Listen, Me, Mr. Ackland, Mr. Braxton and the others teachers already gave our approval on this, so I suggest that if you don't have any to contribute then stand there and be quiet. Is there any objections?"


"Desmond, continue."

With all the groups silent. Big Sis gave me the go ahead to continue.

.In the most calm and clear voice I could muster up, I proceed to tell the students my plan

"Since the gym is surrounded by nothing infected, we got no choice but to use the upper level entrance of the gym to get out of here. Compared to the number of infected outside, the ones in the hallway are far less.

Once we're in the hallways, we'll slowly make our way to the other side of campus using the route Mr. Ackland showed me. It's the most direct one and I like that. However, because it's too dangerous for all 88 of us to go at one time, we'll make three trips."

Saying this, I raise three fingers.

"On each trip, 3 groups will enter the hallways and head towards the bus garage. And out of the three, one of them will an injured group. But because they can't defend themselves very well, they'll be placed in the middle and protected by the other two groups."

"If that's the case then how will we know if they ever made it to the garage?"

A girl said with a raise of her hand.

"Easy. Use your phones. The moment one of the groups reach the garage, have a person call back here. That way, we'll know if you made it there safe. Anymore questions?"

"I do."

"What is it, Glasses-kun?"

"...Err, what about weapons? You don't expect us to go in empty handed would you?"

Glasses-kun asked after being somewhat caught off guard with the way I was called him.

"Of course not! I'm not that stupid...Look over there!"

I pointed towards where Mr. Braxton and the other teachers were as they brought push carts filled with bats and other sports equipment over here.

When the teachers finally brought the carts full of weapons (sports equipment) to where I was, I asked Mr. Braxton a question.

"Where did you find all these?"

I'm surprised.

They found more weapons than I thought they would. I was kind of expecting that we would have to make weapons 'caveman' style if we didn't have enough.

With a good natured smile, Mr. Braxton says.

"We found all these stuffed in boxes in a few of the storage rooms! They're brand new! I remembered that at the beginning of the semester, Mr. Cole ordered some new equipment for the sporting teams. He wanted them to have a competitive edge on their opponents, you see?"

"I understand. Well, there should be enough weapons here for everyone. Thank you!"

"Haha, you shouldn't thank me. Thank Mr. Cole instead! I'm pretty sure he made it out of with the students he was protecting! Next time you see him, give him a hug in appreciation."

"... I'll make sure to give him a nice bear hug the moment I see him then."

Feeling both, a little awkward and bitter at the same time,I somewhat managed to say.

Judging by how Mr. Braxton fondly talks about Mr. Cole, I can see the both of them have an amicable relationship. Possibly a senior/junior one.

Knowing this, I can't help but feel even more bitter. I can't tell Mr. Braxton that Mr. Cole didn't make out alive nor can I tell him that I killed Mr. Cole by chopping off his head!

I'm not that cold. Not to mention, I can't risk the possibility of an old man crying. That would be too heartbreaking to see.