Cigarette Break

While I was leaning on the wall puffing my cigarette, I took the time to think about a few things.

Such as the origin of all this sh*t.

It couldn't have come from out of nowhere like the big bang theory, there has to be a source to all this.

I tried looking through all my recent memories to find anything that screamed 'Apocalyptic' but to no avail, I couldn't.

There were no news breaks, no social media alerts, no newspaper headings, no nothing. There was absolutely nothing that could have forshadowed this.

After a few minutes of trying to think of an answer, I gave up and decided to turn my thoughts on to another subject, my plan. 

Which is to break away from the student body and leave this school alone the moment we reach the bus garage. Using the overcrowded bus as an excuse.

And the reason for that is simple. To me, they're a burden. It may be harsh but it's true.

I can't expect to safely move in and out of streets if I tag along with a group big as 88 people now can I? That's basically putting a large target on my head. Not to mention, when sh*t hits the fan, it may not be the infected that kills me. It could be a fellow classmate instead.

After all, it's been shown that during times of extreme stress, humans become scarily unpredictable. So who knows what these students are capable of when their lives are on the line.

Getting stabbed in the back is not a risk I'm willing to take. 

However, I came across a problem.

"Should I bring David and Sara or leave them here?"

I'll admit a part of me wants to leave them here with the rest of them but that's only a small part. 

I know that despite everything going on between us right now, it doesn't change the fact that they're still family at the end of the day. Even if we're not related. 

That's how much they mean to me.

Of course, I can't forget Big Sis, Andy and Amanda. They're just as important to me as David and Sara. 

Big Sis is older sister I never had. We've fought side by side together and she's like my confidant. I can tell her anything. Plus, teasing her is hella fun.

Andy, he's the very first friend I made at this school, he's basically another me, making him my best friend. 

As for Amanda, well, even though we only met yesterday, I grew quite fond of her personality. To strangers she's may seem timid and meek but once she warms up to you, you realize she's a kind and courageous girl. 

The other reason I won't leave her behind is because I'm worried about Garrett. Like Big Sis said, he's a brat with enormous pride, so I can't say for sure about what he'll do to her when I'm gone. 

I brooded over this for a couple of minutes before I finally made up my mind. 

I decided to bring them with me. It wouldn't sit right if I didn't.

Getting off the wall I was leaning on, I take one final drag of cigarette before throwing it to the ground to be put it out under the grinding of my shoe.

After putting it out, I leave the locker room refreshed. Like all my troubles have been washed away! Blown away in this case.

Smoke breaks are the best!


"Sara, are you nervous?"

Beverly suddenly asked me as she turned her head towards me. Understanding what she meant, I gave a small nod and said.

"Mn, it wouldn't be a lie if I said I wasn't. Those monsters out there are seriously terrifying."

One bite from them and your toast. Your fate is to either become a monster like them or become their food. 

Who wouldn't be scared?

"Ugh, tell me about. Every time I remember how those monsters, my heart starts to shiver in fear.  Anyways, are friends with that hoodlum?"


I said a little blindsided by her sudden change in topic... Due to how good she is at track and her usual display of hot headiness, I sometimes forget that she was this type of girl. 

One who loves to gossip. 

If you ever want to get the latest update on what's happening on the girl's side of school then she's your girl.

But as for an answer to her question. I could only show a sad and bitter smile.

"He's our childhood friend."

"Yours and David's?"

"Yeah. But we're having a bit of a fight right now."

Well, I wouldn't say fight. It's more of like the cold shoulder. 

Although Desmond's laid back and easy-going (and a little perverted), he doesn't forgive so easily.

Unless he has to, he won't talk to me or David

"Oh? Do you need me to fight him?"

As she said this, Beverly flexed her left arm and patted it with her right.

Seeing this, I shook my head side to side and said.

"I'm not to sure about that."

"Why's that?"

"Well as Desmond puts it, he's a true advocate for gender equality."


"Meaning he has no qualms hitting you. You hit him and he'll hit back."

I experienced it myself. Back in elementary school, I was what you would consider a tomboy. I liked making mud pies compared to playing with dolls.

Thankfully, I grew out of it.

Well, anyways, back then I broke one of Desmond's action figures and the next thing I knew, I had a fist in my face! This then led into a full blown wrestling fight in the dirt until the teacher broke it up.

So yeah I know his gender equality first hand.

Of course, there were also a few times in middle school except I wasn't the one being hit. Girls from a delinquent gang was.

"Hmph! We'll see about that! Speak of the devil. Here he comes."


Follow her gaze, I turn my head to see Desmond steadily walking this way.

"Hmm? Desmond?"

Noticing this too, David, who was talking to his football friends said. 

Right now, there was only one thought going through our minds.

What does he want?


Author's Note

- Thanks for reading! Have a nice day/night