A Sense of Foreboding (2)

The walls were stained with bloodied handprints and smears and the lockers were severely damaged beyond repair. Some even had blood dripping from them!

But this only served as a background to what was truly horrifying! 

On the floor, in pools of blood...bodies of students and teachers alike could be seen lifelessly strewn everywhere. They had pieces of flesh torn mercilessly from various parts of their body, whether it be from their necks, arms or abdomen…It was as if they had been chewed on!

"...I-I think I'm going to be si- ugh!"

Amanda, who's been quiet this whole time, suddenly announced before vomiting all over the floor. She was no longer able to handle the sight of the half eaten bodies.

Not that I can blame her though. If it wasn't for the fact that I developed a strong mentality over the years due to my training, I would've been in the same position as her right now, vomiting everywhere.

Actually, it's taking every fiber of my being right now just to keep a calm face. My hands are feeling clammy.

So I said as I gently patted her back.

"Amanda, how about you go back to where the rest are okay? This is too much for you."

"N-no. I can h-handle it. It just caught me by surprise that's all. Just give me a couple of minutes to calm myself."

Amanda said weakly while wiping her mouth with her sleeve. 

"Are you sure?"

I asked in confirmation.

"...Y-yes. I'm sure."

Although still a little weak from just vomiting, Amanda determinedly squeezes out.

"... Okay but if you start to feel light headed or queezy just tell me alright? I can't have you passing out on me." 

Seeing her determination, I could only comply and let her stay. However, I'm still worried. 

Despite how much courage she has it doesn't necessarily mean that seeing stuff like this won't affect you in the long run.

I'll have to watch her for a bit and make sure she doesn't faint.

"What's that over there?"

Andy said as he pointed a little bit past the dead bodies. Following his finger, I saw what appears to be bloody drag marks and footprints that lead down the hallway before taking a left.

And counting the number of footprints, I'd say there's around 16 people or should I say infected? 

...Either way, it's concerning.

"... Let's take a look."

Raising my vigilance to the maximum, I reaffirm my grip on my javelin and suggested to Andy.

"Got it."

Contrary to his crazed like smile earlier, Andy had a solemn and serious expression on. It seems he finds this odd as well.

"We'll stay here with this girl."

"Yeah, we'll make sure nothing happens to her."

Staring intently at the bloody drag marks, the two boys said. They're scared.

Although, I was slightly disappointed at how cowardly these two were acting, I knew how unreasonable it was to make them follow us so I gave them the okay to stay.

"I'll take the lead."

Trying his best not to touch the blood or the bodies of our teachers and classmates, Andy nimbly weaved through them with light steps.

Quite unexpected for a chubby guy like him.

Not wasting time, I quickly followed behind him.

Ugh, the smell of iron stings my nose, causing me to scowl. The smell is almost nauseating.


Finally, when we made it through that and was at the corner, I released an unnoticeable sigh of relief. I'm afraid that if I looked down I might've froze in place.

But I gotta stay as calm as possible. I'm the Student Council President, people are depending on me. So if I fall here all hell will break loose!

"What are we looking at?"

I calmly asked Andy who was leaking around the corner. In reply to what I said, Andy looked back at me and said solemnly.

"Nothing but the same bloodied drag marks and footprints. If you don't believe me take a look for yourself."

Stepping away from the corner, Andy suggested. Taking his spot, I look around the corner myself.

"... You're right. There really isn't nothing but bloody drag marks and footprints. They seem to be heading right this time though."

"Should we follow it?"


After a few short moments of contemplation...

"No, there's too many uncertainties here. I feel that if we follow it, it won't end well for us. Let's head back."

I gave up on following the trail. My sixth sense tells me that if we continue following this trail, we'll see something absolutely terrifying!

Which is rare.

And since it's in the opposite way of where we supposed to be heading, it was all the more reason to give up on following it.

"Alright but what should we do about...them."

As for what 'them' meant, it of course was the bodies of our teachers and classmates.

Giving them a quick glance before putting my eyes back on Andy, I shook my head and said a little saddened.

"Leave them where they are. We don't have time to waste. Not to mention, I don't think any of us could being up close and personal while moving them."

"You're right. If we told them to suddenly move a bunch of dead people, I bet some of us will probably ball our eyes out in straight up refusal."

Andy stares at the bodies for a minute and mumbles in a bitter and somewhat fearful voice.

"I'd played tons of gory games so I seen plenty of blood and guts but... this sh*t right here is a whole other level!"

"... When we get back, let's try to find something to cover them up with."

"I think I saw a couple of huge rolls paper teachers use to put on bulletin boards in one of the classrooms we passed. We can use that."

Andy suggested.

"Okay then let's use that."

Upon deciding on how we'll handle this situation, me and Andy went back to where Amanda and the other two boys were and told them what we saw and how we were going to cover up the bodies so nobody has to look at them.

When Andy told them which classroom he saw the huge paper rolls in...

"I'll go find the paper rolls right away!"

"Wait for me!"

The two boys volunteered themselves to go fetch them. They wanted to leave here fast but should they be worried about meeting an infected?

Well, it should be relatively safe considering we didn't too long pass through there.

"Anyways, let's go tell everyone what's going on."

Saying this, I walked back towards the students and teachers who were looking at us questionably.

When I stepped in front of everyone there, I silently inhaled a deep breath and explained what we saw and what we're going to do.

After telling them.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Mr. Ackland and Ms. Chester both had pale faces while soft attempts of trying to keep from crying could be heard.

Seeing how everyone's acting now, it's a good thing we didn't try to make them move the bodies. Otherwise, people would be having mental breakdowns.

"Luckily, we found something to cover the bodies. You'll be fine as long as you don't look down."

Right after saying that…

"Here's the paper rolls!"

The two boys arrived carrying two huge rolls of white paper on each of their shoulders.

Giving a nod of approval, I walked over, took a roll off one of their shoulders and said to Andy and whoever else was listening.

"Tear these at a reasonable length and throw them over the bodies. We can't waste time so let's hurry up."

Finished with what I was saying, I turned around and walked back towards that gruesome scene in the hallway.


Thankfully, thirty minutes later, we managed to get past the scene of dead bodies. A few of us silently cried while others vomited but other than that and a few encounters with the infected we were pretty good.

"It's the garage!"

"We finally made it!"

"I can leave!"

Several voices of relief could be heard as we neared the door of the bus garage. Finally, we made it!

"Now, my only hope is that nothing goes wrong on Desmond's end."

Feeling worried for some unknown reason, I mumbled this as I entered the garage along with everyone else.

Desmond please be safe.