Garrett's Revenge

(A few minutes after Desmond and Faith ran into the staff area.)

At a safe distance away from the cafeteria, me and my two lackeys Stan and Mikey are looking over at Desmond's current situation.

He was in a precarious situation.

"I got you now you son of a b*tch!" 

I cursed hatefully as I stared at that son of a b*tch named Desmond as he and that girl rushed into the kitchen area of the cafeteria. He was trying to run away from the infected that dumb wh*re named Faith attracted over when she slashed her forearm. 

What a crazy b*tch! I mean, who would willingly try to get eaten by those things? Not to mention, she's a girl with okay looks, so it'd be a waste if I didn't get a chance to taste her, right?

Oh well, it doesn't matter now, she'll be dead in a couple of minutes anyway. 

Combined with my good looks and me being the quarterback of the football team, there's more than enough girls out there who'll spread their legs for me.

Even more so because of what's happening. It's the start of the f*cking apocalypse! Talk about not having to worry about the rules anymore, I can do whatever I want whenever I want!

R*pe? I can do that. Steal? I can do that too. Haha, nobody can stop me! But that's not the best part. The best thing about anarchy other than raping and killing is...wait for it. 


What can the cops do when they are too busy trying to fight infected? Nothing. Absolutely nothing!

I can kill any bug who disrespects me and no one will do anything about it. Just like when I left Jack, Bill, Tyrese, and Arnold for dead. they thought they could try and get me kicked off the team? Haha, fat chance! They wouldn't have made it to state without me.

I'lll kill anyone who dares to cross me.

Which brings me to my reason as to why I sneaked off from that group of dip sh*ts and risked my life to follow after Desmond.

It's to kill him.

How dare that piece of s*it embarrass me like that! Who does he think he is? Making me apologize? What's worse, he thinks he can take away my prey? MY PREY!

That golden haired girl looked like a timid kitten. A perfect target outlet for my lust.

 If I'd gotten to talk to her, I'd have her eating out the palm of my hand right now. Hell, I probably could've gotten a chance to motorboat those two mountains on her chest.

...But Desmond ruined that chance and made a fool of me on top of it! I knew people were talking about me. Talking about how stupid I looked. They just didn't say it to my face. 

Therefore, I want that bastard dead.

But before he dies, I want that piece of sh*t to suffer being eaten alive. I want to see his face in agony and despair.


Just thinking about it brings a cruel smile to my face. 

I'm really loving the apocalypse.

"Isn't there another entrance to the back of the cafeteria?"

While relishing in my fantasies of Desmond's dying face, I asked Stan. Compared to Mikey who dumber than a bag of rocks, Stan is the smart one. 

Thinking for a moment, he replies.

"Yeah, I think so. I saw a door that said 'Staff Only' on the way over here."

"Is that the only entrance?"


"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. I come here everyday and sometimes help the lunch staff so I know the layout of the cafeteria. Why you asking this?"

"Haha, just wait and see. Mikey."

Having a plan in mind. I turn towards Mikey. His face swelling seems to have gone down.


"Cut your finger and attract some infected over here."

"Sure thing...wait. What?"

"You heard me. Cut your finger and attract some infected over. I need a good sized group, like 10 or 11."

"A-are you crazy!? There's no way in hell I'm doing that!"

Shaking his head side to side, Mikey profusely refuses. Tch, what a p*ssy. But I anticipated this.

Mikey's a person who's easy to manipulate. He's a simple minded loser who's a sore loser and a grudge bearer. So as l ignite his grudge towards Desmond, he'll do anything.

So I said.

"Don't you want revenge?" 


"Don't 'hmm' me. I know you hate Desmond just as much as I do. He did kick your ass in front of everyone. How's that hole in your mouth feel? It's hard to chew ain't it?"

"Yeah, it is. Every time I try to eat I have to make sure I eat on one side. Not to mention, all I taste is blood. The constant taste of iron is making me sick."

"Right. And who was the cause of that?"


Mikey said squeezing his fists in anger. The humiliation of getting his teeth knocked out is ingrained deep into his bones.

This is good. Just a little more.

"Exactly. Don't you want him dead?"

"Yes. I want to kill him! I want to beat his whole face in!"

"Then this is the perfect chance. Right now, due to that girl cutting herself, Desmond has a horde coming after him. And seeing how they're pushing against the door leading into the kitchen, I can tell Desmond put a barricade up. Meaning he must be trying to buy time to find a way out of there."


Sigh, this green haired dude is stupid as f*ck! Why did I even pick this guy up?

Feeling a little pissed I say slightly angry.

"For Christ f*cking sake. It means that this is our chance to kill him! Wipe him off the face of the earth! All you need to do is lead some infected towards the other entrance to the kitchen and then he'll have nowhere else to go! It's as simple as that."

"Oh! I see. So all I need to do is attract infected?"


"Alright. I got it. Heh, I can't wait to see that f*cker dead!"

Finally having the courage to do what I told him to. Mikey slowly walks towards part of the horde that was in the hallway.

"Follow me you dumb f*cks."

When he got within 10 ft(3 m) of the horde, Mikey bit his fingers hard enough to draw blood and splashed some on the floor ahead of him.


This attracted a few infected over but it wasn't enough. Noticing this as well, Mikey bit his fingers harder to make more blood flow.

This time he pooled the blood into his hands and threw it. With a loud *SPLAT* the blood splattered on many infected.


As if his blood was a precious thing,a lot of infected were attracted over.  As a matter of fact, it attracted more than I expected.

"Now bring them over. Stan, lead the way."


With enough infected to be considered a small horde. We lead them down the hallway.

When we arrived at the other entrance leading into the cafeteria kitchen, I quickly said to Mikey.

"Smear you hands over the door."


Like a child finger painting, Mikey slapped and smeared his blood all over the door.

"That's good, now they won't follow us. Let's go."

"...Garret, I don't feel so good."

"It's probably from losing a little bit of blood. Come on, you can make it. Stan, help me carry him. You better be thankful."

If I didn't want to leave behind any evidence of me being here, I would've left his ass here. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm scared of being caught. I just want to nip the problem in the bud to avoid future troubles. And besides, even if David finds out, I wouldn't care. He's always been against me.

 Hmm, maybe I should kill him next.

And when I kill him I'll take his girlfriend. She's quite the sexy one. I saw her once on the school track in her track uniform and couldn't help but notice she has a smoking hot athletic body.

Mn, I should do that. What's killing another person going to do?

"Damn, you're getting heavy. Pick up your feet...ah, sh*t!"


"Agh, my fingers!"

Due to Mikey being unable to keep up with our pace, he tripped over his feet and sent us to the ground.

Getting back up as fast as possible, I yank Mikey up by the arm and say.

"Get up. We need to go. They shouldn't have gotten far. If we hurry, we can catch up to the group and rejoin unnoticed."

"I-I'm just tired."

"Well, you better be fully rested by the time we get there. Let's go. Oh and you guys better not tell anyone what we did here otherwise…"

I looked at both of them and smiled widely.

"You're next. Do you understand?"


The two said in unison. 

"That's great."

With that said, we continue moving.

It was also during this time, I noticed that I lost my championship ring that I'd gotten from winning the state championships. I usually kept it in my blazer's pocket because it got in the way during practice. It was also a good pick up tool.

Well, not like I can do anything about it now. It's not like I can go back there and get It. It wasn't even worth that much anyway.

After about 6 minutes of walking, we managed to reunite with the group. They were in the middle of fighting infected so it was a perfect time to blend back in.

Although I couldn't see him dying myself, the thought of having killed Desmond makes me feel happy and somewhat excited. 

Haha, I'm really starting to love the apocalypse!


Author's Note

-Thanks for reading the chapter. Leave a review!