Danger (5)

"What do you mean, you can't fit?"

Faith said anxiously. The hole was only wide enough for a girl to fit through. My body is too wide for me to fit all the way through it.

 While trying to wiggle a way through the hole, I replied to her.

"The hole is too small for me to fit through. I'll have to make it bigger."

In response to what I said, Faith shook her head from side to side.

"You can't! Because behind the plywood are bricks. Apart from where I made the hole, the rest of the window is covered up! Look at my hand!"

Taking a quick glance at her left hand, I saw that her knuckles had streaks of white paint on them and were cut and scrapped. She must've been punching the plywood to create the hole. However, in the process of doing it, she hit a solid wall of bricks. 

I'll take her word for it because no matter how much I try to expand my shoulders, I can't. It feels like I'm pushing against something solid on both sides of me.

And seeing how there's broken drywall laying on the floor around Faith's feet. I can easily conclude that the service window was partially filled up with bricks before being boarded with plywood on one side and drywall on the other.


Those damn contractors! If they were going to do a half-assed job and rip off the school, couldn't they at least remove a couple of extra bricks! My damn life is at stake here!

With a slew of curses about those contractors running about in my head, I quickly calmed down and stared at the anxious looking Faith. I said to her solemnly.



"You heard me. Leave."

"I-I can't!"

"Yes you can! Didn't you say you wanted to see your family? Well, here's your chance to make it out alive and see them. Run back to where David and the rest of the group is and ask for help."

To make her feel better about leaving me, I appealed to her desire of wanting to see her family and also told her to ask for help the moment she caught up with the group. I'm sure that if David and Sara heard about the predicament I'm in, they'll come rushing to help.

As much as I don't want them too.


Feeling a little furious at how indecisive she was acting, I shouted at her.

"What are the f*ck you waiting for? Go goddammit! Go! I don't have time to be worried about you anymore! Go! The more time you stay here, the more likely I'm dead!"

"...I'm sorry!"

With tears in her eyes, Faith said this and ran down the hallway, away from the cafeteria. Although she'll have to make a detour around the horde that's at the entrance of the cafeteria, I'm sure she'll be able find her way back to the group.

I hope.

"Now, how should I deal with this?"

Withdrawing from the small hole in the window, I stand on the table and watch the horde of infected below me. They were reaching out towards me trying to grab my legs and feet.

Sigh, I knew I shouldn't have said I wasn't dying here. I raised my own death flag!


(President Yang's POV)

"24 minutes remaining."

Reginald said expressionlessly as he looked at the clock hanging up on the wall. He seemed to not care if they made it here or not. Wait, let me change that, he didn't care if they made it here or not. He's only looking out for himself.

"Never thought I'd want to murder somebody so bad."

Andy, who was sending death glares at Reginald for the last longest said under his breath. I can full-heartedly agree with him. Out of all the people I've met so far, whether it's attending business meetings with Mother or watching as Father and the Uncles 'regulate' disobedient employees, Reginald is the person I hate the most by far.

I wonder why? 

Not to mention, I'm quite disappointed in the students and teachers here. Every time I look at them, they have an expression of guilt and shame. Which in my opinion, they should be.

Because if Desmond and the others don't make it here within an hours time, they'll be leaving their fellow peers and students for dead. With such a sin on their shoulders could they ever live the same after this?


As I was thinking such thoughts, a series of hurried knocks hit the door. Is it them?

"Who is it?"

Running up to the door, one of the students said cautiously. 

"It's us! Open the door!"

And the voice that was heard from the other side of the door was David's. Realizing this, the student looked back at everyone and said.

"It's them. Open the door."

Reginald said as he pushed up his glasses. 

"Happy now?"


I'm starting to really hate this guy. Every action he makes is driving me to want and beat his head in. 

I'll get him when this is over.

"We finally made it!"

"We're here!"

"I can leave!"

Upon the opening of the door, various voices of relief could be heard as the students rushed into the garage. As for the people who made it here before them…

"Sigh, now we can finally leave."

"About time."

"Let's leave."

They were as happy as can be. They make me sick.

"Congratulations you guys. You barely made it."

Reginald said in a loud voice, puzzling everybody who just arrived.

"What do you mean?"

David, who found something weird about what he said, inquired.

"I'm not one to lie so I'll be honest with you…"

Staring David straight in the eyes, Reginald continued.

 "If you all didn't make it here within one hour, we would've left you."


At his confession, David and the students and teachers who made it here, gasped in surprise.

"You heard me. I said that if you didn't make it here in one hour, we would've left you."

"...Is that true, Lewis?"

A student who just made it here asked her boyfriend.

"Baby, I can expl-"

"Is it true! Yes or no?"

And his response to that was…



However, the guilty expression that was written all over his face gave his answer away.

"You bastard!"


Feeling betrayed because of this, the girl gave the boy a slap full of rage. 

This didn't stop with just them either. The same thing happened similarly with everyone else too.

"Motherf*cker! You tried to leave me? I thought we were friends?"

"Friends my ass! Do you think that'll make me risk my life for you? Think again. I wanna live too!"

"Damn you!"

"Let go of me!"

Friends were grasping each other by the collars. 

"Paula, I thought you said we'll be together forever!"

"That was just a lie for you to buy me stuff and spoil me! Do you think I'll want to spend the rest of my life a boring person like you? Dream on!"

"You b*tch!"


Lovers were fussing at each other.

"I thought you were a better person Braxton. What would your wife think?"

"She can't think because she's dead!"

"That may be so but I bet she's looking down at you now feeling disappointed at how her husband tried to leave his students."

"...What else was I supposed to do? I'm not dying for these disrespectful snot nosed brats! These dumbasses been living off of daddy and mommy's money for do long that they can't do sh*t without it! So what makes you think they'll survive this?"

"That may be true but…"

"I don't want to hear it!"

Even teachers such as Mr. Braxton and Mrs. Thompson were arguing with each other.

Everything was in pandemonium.


Until a high pitched whistle echoes through the garage. This whistle made everyone stop at what they were doing and stare at the person who was doing it.

It was me.

"Now that I've got everyone's attention, I hope that you could please quiet down. Do you guys want to draw infected over? I don't care if your mad at the people who decided to leave you behind. You can argue them all you want, just keep it down. Understand?"

It's only right that they'll be made at the people who tried to leave them for dead. I'm not going to stop them from releasing their anger. I only want them to do it quietly.


"I'll take that silence as a 'yes' then. Proceed with what you were doing."

With that as the eye to continue, I turned my attention towards David.

"Did you agree to this too?"

He, with the girl named Sara asked me. Their expression was a little hardened.

 Shaking my head from side to side, I said to him.

"No I didn't agree to it. And neither did Andy or Amanda."

"I can't just leave my bud behind." (Andy)

"D-Desmond is my f-friend." (Amanda)

Amanda and Andy said, attesting to my claim.

"I see. Then thanks."

David's and Sara's expression eased a little.


"Where's Desmond?"

Noticing that Desmond wasn't with them, I asked. At my question, David and Sara started to look worried.

...This doesn't look good.

"What happened?"

I asked again. But this time a hint of worry was in my voice.

"It's like this…"

David proceeded to tell me what happened. When he finished explaining about how Desmond chased after a girl who was having a mental breakdown, me, Andy and Amanda gasped in shock.

"Does he know about the blood trail that was there?"

I asked David. Replied with a stupefied expression.

"What blood trail?"

Oh no! This is bad!

"There was a long blood trail that led in the opposite direction of the bus garage. Didn't you see it?"

"No, we didn't see it. We were too busy worrying about Desmond and that girl to take notice...Is it something bad?"

"I don't know. I just knew that my sixth sense was going off like crazy. The feeling I felt was very ominous. The danger I sensed was enough to make my back shiver."

"Then shouldn't we go look for them?"

This time, it was Sara who said something. 

"We can't."

I immediately refuted. To which, Sara replied a little agitated.

"Why can't we?"

"Do you know where he is?"


"Then there's your answer. Even if we went to look for him, we wouldn't know where to look."


"She's right Sara. We don't know where he is. If we go out there now, it'll be more dangerous. And who knows, he might be on his way right now."

David said as he grabbed Sara's hand and gave a slight smile. 


Albeit reluctant, Sara calmed down and returned David's hand squeeze. 

And in response to this rapidly becoming pink scene…

"Before that lovey dovey stuff you're doing cause a certain someone to bite his handkerchief in jealousy, take that normie stuff elsewhere."

Andy smacked his lips and interrupted them. Quickly letting go of each other's hand, David and Sara said embarrassingly.

"A-ah. My bad."


As the five of us were talking.

"Let's get on the bus everyone. It's already starting to become sundown."

Reginald suggested we leave as he stepped onto the bus. Taking the very first seat on the left, behind the bus driver.

Following his example, many others tried to get on the bus as well. They didn't even question why there was only one bus in running condition.

I guess the desire to leave here was stronger than they're curiosity.

Hearing Reginald's announcement, everyone was becoming anxious, me included.

Just where is Desmond? 


"Let me in! Please let me in!"

As if to answer my question, loud knocking followed by a girl's voice came from the door leading to the garage.

Thinking it's Desmond and the girl he rescued, I rushed to the door and quickly opened it.

And the moment I did, I saw a girl with disheveled purple hair falling to the floor.

But thanks to my quick reflexes, I managed to catch her.

"You alright?"

I said as I helped the crying girl stand. And as I did so, I did a quick scan of her body.

Her blazer was bloodied, she had a long gash on her left forearm, and swollen and cut knuckles that had white paint on them.

What the hell has she been through.

"Hey! That's the girl that had the mental breakdown. What happened to you?"

"More importantly, where's Desmond?"

Realizing who the girl was, David and Sara rushed up to the girl and questioned. And in response to it, the girl started sobbing and said much to our horror.

"Help Desmond quick! He's in danger! If you don't get to him right now then he'll die!"