To the Rescue!

(While Desmond was crawling through the ventilation shafts)

"Calm down. Tell us what happened to Desmond?"

President Yang calmly told Faith while trying to keep her anxiousness in check. The other four were the same as well. They wanted to know what happened to their friend.

"When I first ran off…"

With tears in her eyes, Faith then mournfully explains all what happened to her and Desmond after she abruptly ran away from the group due to grief.

She told them about how she ran throughout the hallways at full speed not caring about whether or not she'd be attacked by the infected. And how Desmond desperately tried to catch up to her.

She told them about when she ended up at the cafeteria and how she cut herself with a shard of glass in order to draw a horde of infected over. 

She told them about how Desmond came to save her despite the infected closing in on her and how he reprimanded her after he made a barricade in the cafeteria kitchen.

She told them everything.

"...Then when he couldn't fit through the hole in the wall, he told me to leave him and go get help. S-so I rushed here the moment I saw that our group was gone. I'm sorry."

Faith said with puffy red eyes. She cried so much that her eyes were practically swollen. And combined with her bloodied appearances and dirty clothes, she looked down right pitiful.

But despite her looking this way…

"It's all your fault!"

That didn't stop Sara from harshly criticizing her. With eyes full of anger, she continued.

"If it wasn't for your stupid act of selfish..."

"That's enough Sara!"

"I agree. Calm down."

Both David and President Yang interjected as soon as Sara was about to blame Faith for the predicament Desmond was in.  

Her anger was understandable. Both David and President Yang knew how she felt. To one, Desmond is a childhood friend who's like a brother to him, despite the ongoing cold war, while to the other, Desmond is a close and precious friend who always acts himself around her and never puts up a front.

The same could be said about Andy and Amanda also. Although they didn't know Desmond for as long as David and the other two, they do consider Desmond a very dear friend.

"Why should I? Desmond could be dead before all we know! And it's because of her!"

Sara protested. Probably due to being influenced by David's and Desmond's past behavior in middle school, Sara wanted to do nothing more than punch this girl in the face full force.

 Putting a hand on her shoulder, David tries to calm her down. 

"That may be true but now's not the time to be pointing fingers here. Desmond's life is at stake."

'And besides, Faith's not entirely at fault here'

David thought as continued to placate Sara. Faith's actions are actually not a surprise if one were to think about.

She's been exposed to numerous turbulent events in the matter of a few hours. She saw friends become mindless monsters and begin attacking each other, she saw people throw each other into harm's way just to survive, and not too long ago, she witnessed the partially eaten body of her beloved Trina.

'If that can't cause a person to have a mental breakdown then what will?'

Of course, David wouldn't mention to Sara lest he want to face her wrath.

"David's right. The more time we stay here, the more dangerous it'll be for Desmond. Grab your weapons and get ready to go."

"D-do you think anyone else would help us?"

Amanda, who's been quietly standing to the side asked. She thought that since Desmond basically helped them get here, some would volunteer to help.

"No. I don't think any will."

Shaking her head from side to side in disappointment, President Yang looked towards the group of students.

Following her gaze, Amanda and the others instantly knew what she said was true.

Other than being momentarily stunned by what Faith said when she first arrived, the students ignored her and continued moving to get on the bus.

'My life comes first' is what they thought.

So why should they risk it for a stranger?

It quickly became an unspoken consensus that if the issue doesn't concern them, then they're not getting involved in it. 

Although it's cruel, that's how dark human nature is in some people.

Key word, 'some'.

"Now, I wouldn't say that dear." 

Carrying a bloodied and slightly dented bat, Mrs. Thompson walked towards President Yang and said with a small smile.

Her sudden appearance left them stunned.

"I heard that a student was in dire need of some help. Can I join you?"

"...N-no that wouldn't be necessary Mrs. Thompson."


"Well, that's because…"

In a rare case of being flustered, President Yang gently refused.

'How can I let a woman practically the same age as my Grandfather fight? Well, my Grandfather was the one that trained me. And he always told me to never look down on old people.'

'H-how do I refuse?'

Seeing Mrs Thompson waiting for her explanation, President Yang was in quite the predicament.

Noticing President Yang's trouble, David came to her rescue. 

"Mrs. Thompson thanks for your help but you don't have to do this."

"What? Why? Is it because I'm old? I can still fight."

"No it's not that. It's just that I'm sure you want to see your family the most right now, right? How can we do that to you? Not to mention, the bus is about to leave. And I can say for certain that it won't be coming back after it leaves."

He was absolutely correct. The moment the bus left the school grounds, it wasn't planning on coming back. As for where it was going to go after that, only God knows.

'Plus, Desmond wouldn't like it if we brought her either.'

Because Desmond lost both his parents within a short span of each other, his one and only living family member was his grandmother, who he loves to no end.

And because he loves her to no end, he treats every elderly woman he meets with the utmost kindness and respect. 

If he were to find out that they brought Mrs. Thompson with them to save him, he'd be livid.

"You're right, I do want to see my family but what about you guys? Don't you have family too? How can I shamelessly leave here while you're losing the chance to see yours!"


Just like how President Yang was stumped at how to persuade her, David was as well.

'Sigh, I don't really want to hurt an old lady's feelings.'

Feeling that other than harshly refusing Mrs. Thompson in order to dissuade her from going with them, David had no other options left.

"Mrs. Thompson let's be hone-"

"I-it's like this Mrs. Thompson."

Just as David was about to rip into Mrs. Thompson, Amanda suddenly interrupted.

Grasping Mrs. Thompson's hand, Amanda gently smiled and said.

"You don't have to worry about us. Most of us here have houses close to school. Isn't that right guys?"

Turning back towards David and co. Amanda asked while subtly telling them to play along with her eyes.

Picking up on this, they immediately nodded their heads.

"See? Our houses are close by."

"But what about those monsters? They'll attack you the moment you go out there won't they?"

"No, not exactly…"

Recalling the past experience of where Desmond and her crept through the dark hallways sneaking by infected last night, Amanda continued.

"These monsters are attracted to noise. As long as we travel quietly, we'll be okay. Therefore, you don't need to worry about us. Go and see your family. I bet they're dyin- anxiously waiting to see you."

As Amanda said this, she slowly led Mrs. Thompson towards the bus.

"Fine. Since you're trying so hard, I'll be going...Please be safe out there, you hear?"

Mrs. Thompson said worried. She felt a little helpless that she couldn't go with them to help a student.

"We will."

Amanda nodded solemnly. 

'Desmond helped me when I was in trouble so it's only right I do the same.'

"Good. Also, please tell that boy thank you for looking out for me when we were in the gym. I really appreciated it."

"Okay, I will."

Although she wondered what it was Desmond did, she didn't think too much of it and accepted the request.


With that said, Mrs. Thompson went to the crowded bus and managed to find a seat near the back.


Amanda asked when she saw David and the rest looking at her with expressions full of astonishment.

"Who would've thought you knew how to deal with people. Good job!"

Being the first to break out of his stupor, Andy complimented with a thumbs up. 

The others nodded in accordance.

Feeling embarrassed, Amanda meekly says.

"W-well, my dad is a firefighter so sometimes, the families he helped save would come over to the firehouse and show their gratitude. However, because my dad and the rest of the firefighters are poor with words, I'm usually the one who handles these things."

The amount of people Amanda handled during her time at the firehouse were numerous. Spanning from elderly folks to Young people, she can handle them all.

"Now that that's settled, let's grab our stuff and get going."

Sara said as she went to go grab her weapon.

"Hey, Sara, I heard about what happened to your friend. Are you actually going?"

Asked Beverley as she walked up to Sara. Her face filled with worry. 

Grabbing the bat she left on the floor, Sara turned back to Beverley and said.

"Yeah, I'm going. He's my childhood friend after all."

"But weren't you three fighting?"

"True, so what? We always had fights, it's just that this one is a little worse than the rest. Oh, and before I forget…"

"Why don't you help us save him?"

"Leave him and get on the bus with me."



Blindsided by each other's offer, Sara and Beverley looked at each with wide eyes.

"W-what did you say? Leave him?"

Snapping out of her daze first, Sara asked this question to reaffirm that what she heard was correct.

Realizing that what she said can't be taken back, Beverley hardens her expression and says solemnly.

"You heard me Sara. I said leave him and come with us."


"Because you're my best friend...I don't want you to die for someone like him."

"For someone like him? What are you trying to say?"

In a voice laced with anger, Sara fiercely glared at Beverley and asked.

Gathering up her courage in the face of Sara's intense stare, Beverley squeezes out.

"Why should you give up your life for a perverted social outcast like him? I heard rumors about him and that fatso over there having body pillows of half naked girls on them. Isn't that disgusting. Not to mention, I heard that he almost went to prison before being placed in juvenile detention. Are you sure you can trust somebody like that? Please, Sara, come with us and leave him. I don't want to see my friend die for trash like him."

After she finished saying this, Beverley quietly stood there, waiting for Sara's reply.

'She knows I'm right. How can a girl like her hang around someone like that anyway? David too, what are these two thinking?'

Contrary to her thoughts, however, Sara's answer left her slack jawed.

"...I'm disappointed in you Beverley."


"I never expected you to say such things about a person you know nothing about...I'm seriously disappointed." 

With sadness in her eyes, Sara Shakes her head from side to side and walks away.

"S-sara wait!"

Beverley tries to get close to Sara, but before she could even take a step.

"Beverley, I suggest you stay where you are. Otherwise, I'm not positive I could hold it in any longer."

Sara cautioned her in a voice akin to a growl. Not understanding what she meant, Beverley nervously asks.

"H-hold what in any longer?"

"The urge to beat you in your f*cking face. Do you have any idea how kind Desmond is? Huh? Do you?"

Turning back around, Sara closes in on Beverley until they were within inches of each other's face.

Ignoring Beverley sneaking glances at the bat in her hands, Sara continues.

"Did you know he sometimes volunteers to teach kids of veterans how to play the guitar? Bet you didn't know that did you. Or how about when David was ten years old and his pet lizard Arty died? Did you know Desmond held a ceremonial burial for it and created a song just for him? Did. You. Know. That. So next time you talk about how trash my childhood friend is, you better get all your sh*t together...From this moment on, you're no longer my friend."

Not bothering to look at the hurt expression of Beverley as she turned back around, Sara walked back to where David was at.

'That'll teach her not to look down on him. Hmph! What a b*tch! Can't believe I wanted to bring her along...I've been hanging around David and Desmond for too long, I've picked up their bad habits.'

With a wry smile, Sara thought to herself. 

"Are things okay between you and Beverley?"

David asked the moment she arrived back.

"If you consider me being told to leave Desmond behind then yes, everything's okay between us."

"...I'll put a pin in that one. You ready to leave? Everyone's got their weapons."

Putting her feelings about what Beverley said to the back of her mind Sara said.

"...Yea, I'm ready."

"Great. Then let's go."

"W-what about me?"

Faith, who's been quietly off to the side suddenly said.

Looking at her out the corner of his eye, Andy walked up to her and said bluntly.

"Hop on the bus. We don't need you here."

"I-I see…"

'It's only right they'd be mad at me. I got Desmond into this mess'

Seeing how hurt and sad she looked after Andy told her that. Eight pairs of eyes landed on Andy.

'Hey, someone's got to address the elephant in the room.'

Ignoring those stares with a cold sweat across his forehead, Andy (with the straightest he could muster) said to Faith.

"Why so sullen? Did you think we'd bring you back to the place you'd just escape from? You outta your mind! If we did that then what's the point of Desmond trying to get you out of there?"

Putting a hand on her shoulder, Andy pointed his head towards the bus that was mostly filled and continued. 

"You better get going. Otherwise you'll lose a good spot to sit."

"*Sniff* *Sniff* Okay. Tell Desmond thanks for me, without him knocking some sense into me, I would've died for nothing. Thank you!"

Playing with the bracelet given to her by Trina as tears streamed down her face, Faith sincerely thanked Andy and the others.

It was also at this time...


The bus engine started running. Mr. Braxton was revving it up so they could be ready to drive off at a moment's notice.

"Don't you worry. We'll deliver the message. Now you better hurry before they leave you."

"Mn, until next time. See you guys."

And with that, Faith walked towards and onto the bus. Luckily, she managed to find a seat right next to Mrs. Thompson. Other than her, nobody wanted to sit next to a girl who previously tried to kill herself.

"Are you sure you don't want to come, President Yang?"

Putting the bus window down, Reginald asked with his signature action of pushing glasses up on his nose. Although he already knew the answer, Reginald still asked.

"F*ck off! You cold hearted bastard!"

And like he predicted, President Yang vehemently refused.

"Well, I guess that's that then. Hopefully we'll meet again."

"I don't. Because the next time we do, you're going to be eating through a straw!"

"Hmph! We shall see. Open the garage door!"

Not bothering to chat with President Yang any longer, Reginald told the students standing near the garage door operating system, which was essentially two students on both sides of the garage door pulling on a chain attached to a hoist. 

In less than a minute, the garage door was fully raised, showing the chaotic environment outside.

The sky was darkening but despite that, you could still visually see black smoke as it billowed in the air as the buildings it originated from continued to burn.

The echoes of firetrucks, paramedics, and police sirens could be heard off in the far distance followed by an occasional gunshot or two.

As for whether or not those gunshots were aimed at infected or humans is unknown.

"It's complete mayhem out there."

David said dumbfounded.

Quoting a certain face painted villain, 'Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos'

And as for what that anarchy was? It was the infected. The moment people became exposed to such an unpredictable factor, all hell broke loose.

Morals were tossed to the side. Laws were broken with abandon. And the dark side of human nature was shown. When all these are added together, you're left with the perfect product for mayhem.

However, like all things in the world, there's always light within the dark.

Take those first responders for example, they're risking their lives to save people right this very moment.


With the loud screeching of the tires, the bus sped out of the garage at full speed. Leaving the garage that was once filled with students, looking quite desolate.


Although they expected this to happen, David and the group couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

From this point on, it's just them. Not a big group to feel safe with, just them and only them.

"Sigh, well, there goes our big yellow friend...Y'know, if that bus was the tiniest bit magical, I'd plop my ass right on that thing."

Andy said absent mindedly. And at this seemingly unimportant comment.


Everyone broke into laughter. It was the perfect release for their anxiousness.

After a few more seconds of laughing, President Yang grabbed the doorknob leading back to school and said with a serious expression.

"Ready to go get him?"

In response to this, David and the other four reaffirmed their grips on their weapons. 

"Yeah, we're ready."

"Alright. Then let's go save him."

Opening the door with the utmost caution, President Yang went in first, followed by David, Sara, Amanda and Andy.

They were on a mission to save their friend.