Into the Unknown

Thanks to David and the other four's hard work of killing any infected we came across, it didn't take us long to reach the bus garage.

"Although I wasn't planning on going with them in the first place, it still doesn't feel good being left behind."

I said to everyone as I surveyed the inside of the garage. 

If it wasn't for the raised garage door, broken down bus slightly smoking from its engine and the skid marks left on the garage floor by the other bus, I would've thought that nobody has been here for days.

As petty as it may sound, the next time I see Glasses-kun, I'm going to beat him within an inch of his life. 

Man, hell, I would have at least liked to have the satisfaction of watching the bus leave if I was here. That way, I could have felt a little bit happy at the achievement of saving my fellow schoolmates, but no, he couldn't wait.

Now instead of feeling satisfied, bitter as f*ck! Those skid marks are making me angry! That boy better not let me see him.

"So, what now?"

David asked with an expression of 'why are we here' on his face. Taking control of my anger, I store it away for a rainy day and say with a smirk.

"What now? Well, we go find the vehicle this key belongs to."

Rummaging around in my inner breast pocket, I pull out Mr. Cole's vehicle key.

"If we use the 'lock' button on it, we might be able to find the vehicle. Because every time you press the 'lock' button on an already locked vehicle…"

"It makes a sound to signify that it's already locked. We can use this function to find out where the vehicle is."

Big Sis, knowing where I was getting at finished my sentence and nodded in understanding.

"Exactly! Also, before any of you say 'why are we here then since the parking lot is all the way on the other side of the school' I'm going to tell you that there's an unofficial parking lot right next to the bus garage. Many of the teachers use it since it's closer to their classes."

Well, I wouldn't call it a parking lot. It's just a patch of grass the teachers use to park their vehicles.

I noticed this after skipping a few classes to rest on the rooftop. The main people that usually used it were the coaches of the track and sports teams and the P.E. teacher.

It used to be a popular gambling spot due to it being isolated from the majority of the school. Sometimes, I'd sneak down there with about five bucks in my pocket and play craps.  

...Until Big Sis and the student council went over and ended the whole operation. That day, a snitch tipped them off about a few of us gambling, sending me and nine others straight to detention. 

I lost 20 dollars that day dammit!

"And it just so happens that Mr. Cole was one of the football coaches, right?"

This question was aimed at David who looked a little sad as he replied.

"...Yeah, he was the offensive coordinator."

"Then shouldn't his vehicle be out there?"

I walk to the garage door and press the 'lock' button. And when I did…


The subtle but clear sound of a vehicle alarm could be heard. It sounded close.

"Let's go see what ride he's got."

I said, a little excited. Finally, we can leave!

"Wait a minute Desmond. It's dark out there so there might be infected hiding somewhere."

Before, I could even go check and see what type of vehicle Mr. Cole had, Big Sis poured cold water on my excitement with her warning.

Taking her words to heart, I look up towards the sky. By now, it's already nightfall and a few of the stars were starting to come out. 

I then looked at the environment outside. 

There were light poles placed here and there around the area followed by patches of darkness that were too hard to see through because of how bright the lights were.

Hmm, she's right. It's too dangerous to walk out here all willy-nilly.

"If that's the case then come with me. Me and you can bring the vehicle here while Amanda and the rest wait."

"I can do that. Come on."

At my suggestion, Big Sis immediately agreed and started walking out the garage. Seeing this, I followed her as I let loose a small smirk and said.

"Look at the pot calling the kettle black. Shouldn't you also be careful of the infected out there?"

"I'm confident in my family's martial arts so I'm not too worried about facing an infected in the dark. Also, unlike you I have a weapon to use."

Showing a smirk similar to mine, Big Sis replied.

"Damn, you got me there."

After saying this, I once again press the 'lock' button


"Do it one more time."


"Over there."

With Big Sis in the lead, I follow her towards Mr. Cole's vehicle. It was parked in between a Honda Civic and a Beetle .Luckily, it was not too far from a light pole so we were able to see our immediate surroundings. No infected were around. 

"Ooh, he's got a nice truck, a Chevy Silverado 1500. And it's a Z71."

I said in admiration upon seeing the truck. It was painted midnight blue, had a six inch lift kit on it, and had a set of sleek black off-road tires.

She's beautiful.

And looking at how clean the overall appearance of the truck is, any man could tell that Mr. Cole treated her with extra love and care.

When I explained all this to Big Sis, she stared at me with disinterest and said plainly.

"Uh, does that mean it's a good truck?"

"...Yes. It means it's a good truck. Even though all hell is breaking loose, it wouldn't kill you to appreciate a beautiful piece of machinery like this, y'know?"

I grumbled a little as I climbed into the driver's seat. Damn this seat's cold.

"Well I'm sorry. The only time I ever appreciated a vehicle was when my father bought a car that had a silent cabin in it and rode real smooth."

Hearing my grumbling, Big Sis retorted as she sat shotgun. At her statement, I silently rolled my eyes.

"Of course you're going to appreciate a car like that, because it's a Rolls Royce! If my driver drove me back and forth to school everyday in a luxurious car like that, I'd feel the same too!"

...Is what I want to say. But because I value my life and I'm pretty sure that I'm not out of the woods yet due to the incident earlier, (my sixth sense is tingling), I wisely decided to hold my retort in.

"Let's pick up David and them."

Saying this, I put the key in the ignition and turn it.


The truck starts up without a problem. 

"Ooh, we're in good luck, it has an almost full tank."

Putting the truck in reverse, I slowly back the truck out. After backing it out, I put it in drive and drove the truck over to the garage.

"Hop in."

When we pulled up, I rolled down the window and said to David and co. Without wasting time, they all hopped into the truck. There was enough room in the back to fit six people so we didn't have to worry about overcrowding.

"Do you know how to drive?"

Andy asked as he locked his door. Looking at him in the mirror, I made the most solemn  face I could muster up and said seriously.

"Does playing Forza with a steering wheel and pedals count?"

"...We're going to die."

Andy's face instantly turned pale.

"Don't believe him. He's got his license."

"Sigh, don't spoil the fun Sara. But yeah, I got my license, I got them earlier this year. So with that said, hang on tight."



Before anyone could comprehend what I was about to do, I mashed the gas and the truck. accelerated forward, jerking me and everyone into their seats.

As for what happens next, I don't know. But I know one thing, me and the people I hold dear are going to survive this apocalypse!