First Blood (4)

"Damn, other than the clothes on their back, these boys don't have sh*t...Oh wait, there's shit but it's not the kind I want. Hey man, here's your underwear back."

Feeling dissatisfied at the fact that after stripping these looters completely buck naked we still couldn't find anything worth taking, I threw a pair of underwear that had skid marks in them at Looter B.


The only thing in response to me doing this was him groaning in pain. Because he was resisting us when we were trying to strip him earlier, Andy gave him a good beating. The same went for the other two as well. Their resistance resulted in them getting beaten.

"Y-you guys are animals!"

Looter A said in anger as he glared at me. With a fake expression of shock on my face, I replied mockingly.

"Me? An animal? Nah, you got it all wrong. That's like calling the kettle black. I mean, wasn't it you guys who tried to r*pe and kill those girls in the truck and my friend over there? I'm just repaying the favor. Ain't that right guys?"

I turned my head to look at David and Andy and asked.

David: "Yep, we're only repaying the favor plus interest."

Andy: "Exactly. Also, you better be grateful that we're not like you. Otherwise, the state you're in now would be very appealing. Hey, David. You think the handle of that sledgehammer would fit in his ass?"

"P-please! I'm sorry, please let me go!"

The moment he heard Andy say this, Looter A begged for mercy with tears starting to form in his eyes.

"What about your friends? They can't walk, you're gonna leave them here?"

Seeing how he was acting, I asked a little puzzled. Weren't these three acting like the best of friends earlier?

It didn't take long for me to get my answer.

"Friends? What friends? Those aren't my friends. They're just dumbass pawns to me! The only thing they were good at doing is robbing and killing people! Other than that they're useless!"

...Wow, he didn't give those two any ounce of respect, practically calling them useless dumbasses.

This guy is a complete asshole.

"So you want me to let you go while you leave them here?"

I inquired to which he replied.


"Then what can you give me in return for letting you go?"

I'm going to get something out of this. We didn't strip these three buck naked and witness balls dingling for nothing. If I get nothing out of this entire ordeal, I'd be heartbroken.

"I can give you my drug stash!"

"Drug stash? Where?"

"It's in the store over there down the street. I hid it behind the cash register. It's in a blue bookbag."

Using his only good arm left, his left hand. Looter A pointed towards what I think appears to be a cafe. It looked like business wasn't doing too well before all hell broke loose since I don't see a soul in or around there. 

However, it's possible that all the words Looter A was telling are lies and that there could be a trap over there.

"David, Andy, stay here. I'll go get the bag."

Just to be safe, instead of sending either David or Andy over there, I'll go myself.

"Are you sure? It could be a trap?"

David said with concern. It seems he was thinking along the same lines as I was.

"I'm good. I got this. Watch over these guys and make sure they don't try any funny stuff."


"Don't worry, I got a gun. If I'm in danger, I'll pop a shot off and y'all can come to my rescue."

'Or when the situation calls for it, leave.'

I wanted to say this part but considering how this'll only make them worry more, I won't say it and keep it to myself.

"I'll be back."


Putting one in the chamber, I grip the Glock with both hands and walk towards the cafe.


"The Corner Cafe? Heh, no wonder this shop doesn't get any business."

I said to myself as I arrived at the entrance of the cafe. It's not that I'm bashing the person who chose this title but couldn't he have put more thought into it?

If it was more original wouldn't they get more business?

With this thought in mind, I raised my pistol and entered the coffee shop. It had a classical atmosphere to it with all the expensive wooden tables placed around the interior. I can also smell a faint fragrance in the air.

H-how much would a cup of coffee cost here? 


It was quiet. Very quiet. So quiet that I'm starting to feel a little nervous.

"Let's just get the bag and go. He said it was behind the counter."

Still being cautious of my surroundings, I slowly crept towards the cash register. 

"There it is."

Jumping over the counter, I spot a blue gym bag. I went to pick it up…

"Woah, this bag got some weight on it. Did he run off on a plug or something? This bag weighs a good 10 or 11 pounds." 

Where in the world did he get this much drugs? 

I put the bag on my shoulder…



What Was that? Was that glass? When I was going to put the bag down to inspect it…

"Desmond! Come quick!"

I heard David's voice calling me. Not questioning what happened over there, I adjusted the gym bag on my back, raised my pistol and left. But not before taking a random bag of coffee that was sitting on the counter.

I mean, I can't enter a deserted shop and not take anything. It'll do the left behind goods a disservice. Besides, it's not like the owner's will miss it.

So with one hand holding the pistol and the other holding a bag of coffee, I leave the shop.