I'm Human Too!



Watching the truck speed off into the distance, I shouted in extreme anger.

What that guy did to me is worse than just killing me!

Instead of putting me out of my misery, that bastard shot me in both my knees, effectively crippling me.

That motherf*cker! The next time I see him, he won't die a quick death.

"This is all your fault! We wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for you!"

"I knew I shouldn't have listened to you! You goddamn bastards!"

The imbeciles let off remarks to which I ignored. It wasn't like I put a gun to their head and made them kill and rob, they indulged in these desires voluntarily.



With that horde of flesh eating crazies closing in, I don't have time to quarrel with the likes of them.

My life takes priority before anyone else's! So I started crawling. However...

"F*ck it hurts!"

My progress was slow. Moving just a few inches was like crawling over a field of razor blades dipped in lemon juice! The pain was unbearable.


Looter C: "No! Get away! Agh!"

Looter B: "Agh!"

The sounds of flesh being bit into followed by the screams of pain echoed behind me but I didn't care. To me, they're sacrifices for my esca-.


All of a sudden, a vice grip sensation assailed my leg, causing me to shout in pain. Wanting to see what it was grabbing me, I looked back behind me and saw a face contorted by both pain and anger. 

Looter B: "W-whe..re.. the..hell you g..oing?"

It was imbecile B. Despite currently being feasted on by the infected, he grabbed my leg and was holding on for dear life. 

...This isn't good. I can't move anywhere if he's hanging on to me. At this rate I'll be eaten!

"Get off of me! Ouch!"

I tried kicking him in the face but it was no use. The pain I felt from trying to bend my knee to kick him caused me a great deal of pain, resulting in the kick to become nothing but a light tap on his face.


It was also at this time that I caught the attention of an infected. It was one of the stragglers that was behind the horde. Once it spotted me, it started trudging towards me with it's blood stained mouth wide open and it's teeth showing clear as day. 


I once again tried to get away but it was futile, Imbecile B's strength was too much for me. Seeing me struggle, he started to chuckle menacingly.

"Ha..ha..if I'm going...down...then you..re com..ing..too!"


The infected was now within 20ft (6m) of me and the distance was slowly closing. Am I going to die here?


The infected was now towering above me.







The atmosphere in the truck was quiet and heavy. The only thing that could be heard was the subtle rumble of the truck engine and the low static from the radio. Other than that, there was nothing else.

Although it wasn't explicitly said, I know why the atmosphere is so heavy. It's because technically speaking we killed a person. Scratch that, three people. We crippled them to the point that they couldn't walk anymore. Resulting in them becoming the perfect meal for the infected. If that technically wasn't killing them then I don't know what was. 

Especially when I shot Looter A in the kneecaps. With them destroyed, the only thing that he could move properly was his unbroken arm.

Now as for whether or not they deserve it on the other hand, that's a whole other matter. 

"...Does anyone know where 126 Pearson Avenue is?"

Unable to handle the heavy silence anymore, I asked out of the blue while keeping my eyes on the road filled with wrecked and abandoned cars. The address I was asking for was the address on the house key I found on Mr. Cole's body. The address wasn't around anywhere I know so I thought I'd ask everyone else. 

"Hold a min. Let me check my phone...damn, my phone's dead. What about you guys?"

Seeing that his phone was out of battery, Andy asked the others. To which they all replied with a no.

"Since we don't know the way there, then how about we go to one of our houses? Wouldn't that work out for the better?"

Sara suggested to which I froze in shock. With such a revelation revealed to me, I couldn't help but say astonished.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"What? You didn't?"

"W-well, it's not my fault! I'm human too! I had a lot on my mind when I picked up that key. I would like to see you try and make your way through pitch black hallways filled with infected using nothing but the light from your phone. Do you realize how scary that is? You can even ask Amanda, she can attest to it as well. Not to mention, it was initially a backup plan."

Even after getting into the gym, I had a lot of stuff to handle. I had to help big Sis, form an escape plan and help control said escape plan. After that, I had to be a hero and save a girl having a nervous breakdown almost resulting in me dying. So please forgive me, if I didn't think the house key thing all the way through.

"So who's the closest? It takes me about 45 minutes to get to school."

"M-me too."

Andy and Amanda commented. As for Sara and David, they stay somewhere around the 30-35 minute mark.

"What about you?"

I ask Big Sis to which she replies.

"I stay an hour away from here depending on the traffic."

"Well, I guess that makes me the closest one then. I stay 20 something minutes away from school."

"Do you know how to get there from here?"

"Yeah, I know this area a little bit."

Receiving a new destination which is my home, I carefully maneuver our way through the streets towards it. 

Marco, I'm coming!