Home Sweet Home (2)

"Sigh, finally, home sweet home!"

With the relief of finally reaching someplace safe, I aim to put the key into the door's deadbolt lock…


However, before I could even put the key full into the lock, it fell from my hands. Giving everyone a small 'oops' I pick up the key and try again. And the result was..


The same as before. 

What's going on? Why can't I put it in the lock?

I pick it up again…


And again…


I do this one more times before I start to notice something. Looking down towards my left arm, I see that my hand was slightly quivering. This was the reason I kept dropping the key onto the ground. What's happening?

As I was thinking this…

"Desmond, you okay?"

 I hear someone's worried voice come up form behind me. Turning back to see who's voice it was, I saw David's and the others eyes filled with worry.. 

"Want me to open the door for you?"

David, taking a step forward asked. Discreetly hiding my shaking hand, I shrug my shoulders and say with a slight smile, hoping to ease their worries.

"My bad. Because my hands are a little bit slippery and sticky, I keep dripping the key."

Taking a deep breath, I get my trembling under control and once again put the key in the lock. And this time, with a barely audible *KCHACK* I unlocked the deadbolt followed by the door lock. Once it was unlocked, I pushed the door open, did a quick whistle and waited. A few moments later…


A bark could be heard from inside the apartment followed by the sound of paws running across the hardwood floor. Looking at the big furball getting closer and closer, I got down on one knee and received his tongue licking happily.

"It's great that you're alright Marco!"


Using my clean hand to pat him on his head and rub his tan and black fur, I released a gentle smile. Marco's been with me ever since Dad gave him to me for my ninth birthday.  And through all the eight years I've had him, he's been with me through my highest of highs and as well as my lowest of lows. Because of this bond, although it's been only two days, I feel like I haven't seen him in years. Man, I missed this guy so much! 

"Haha, okay buddy. Has anybody tried to come in here?"


At my question, Marco shakes his head from left to right energetically. Don't know if it's because he came from an intelligent breed or if it's because of his training but I've always marvelled at how good he's able to understand the human language. There are times where we even have full blown conversations! Albeit, most of the talking comes from me.

However, that is weird. Usually, 'she' would try to get in. I wonder if she's alright? Did she get back from her job okay?


"Aye, Marco! Not in the mouth! Peh! You could've been licking your balls for all I know!"

With Marco's unexpected tongue licking breaking me away from my thoughts I stand up from my crouched position, enter the apartment and give David and the rest a welcoming gesture.

"Welcome to my humble abode. You can look around if you want."

"Don't mind if I do. I've always wondered what the home of a lone teenager looked like."

Entering my home, Big Sis said with a slightly expectant look on her face. At this remark, Sara replied with a smirk.

"Despite the way Desmond looks he's actually quite the tidy guy. Compared to this guy over here, his room is a mess." 

She then points at David, who in turn becomes embarrassed.

"Well, I never have time to clean it up because I was always at practice."

"Excuses, excuses. Even I, who runs track, can keep my room clean. Haven't you ever heard of weekends?"

"Yeah, but it's you who always wants to go somewhere on those days."

"Isn't it typical for us to go on dates?"

...Despite not being as bitter as I was before about the two of the dating, this blatant act of showing that they're in a relationship makes me disgruntled. Therefore, with a glare, I told them.

"Take your couples bickering elsewhere. There are some single people here who find it uncomfortable. Ain't that right Andy."

Andy: "Tell 'em!"

Sara: "S-sorry."

David: "My bad."

At mine and Andy's calling out, Sara and David's faces turned red as they got embarrassed. Seeing them like this, I felt satisfied. 

"Hey, Desmond, where do I put this?"

In a hushed voice, Andy points towards the bag situated on his back. Making sure that Big Sis and Sara couldn't hear me, I ushered Andy in, locked my door and whispered.

"Put it in my room under the bed. It's the last door on the left as soon as you go into the living room. Make sure not to be obvious.Otherwise, once Big Sis and Sara find out what's in this bag, we'll have no choice but to throw it away."


After giving him directions to my room, he scurried off towards. As for everyone else, they were exploring my home.

"Everything is so nice and neat. If  I didn't know any better I'd thought a woman lived here."

Big Sis was commenting on how organized and neat my living room was. Which consisted of a matching grey sofa and two loveseats that were placed around a coffee table. I had it situated where I could comfortably watch my TV that was placed on an entertainment center. I was going for a contemporary look.

"W-wow, so many books!"

Not too far away from Big Sis was Amanda. She was marvelling at the large mahogany bookcase I had as she took a book from it and started skimming. It housed various types of books, from light novels and manga to self help and thrillers. Any book that caught my interest was placed there for me to read later.

"Although we've been here a bunch of times, I never get tired of this place. Do you?"


David and Sara were sitting on the couch talking as they looked around with appreciation. Seeing how everyone was acting like this, I couldn't help but wryly smile. Where did that look of fear and shock from earlier went? Thinking along the lines of this, I went to check on Andy. It shouldn't take that long to stuff a bag under a bed shouldn't it?

I went to my room.

"Desmond, I got to say, your room is cool as hell!"

And upon entering, I see Andy sitting in my gamer chair and glancing around the room. Because my room was the master bedroom, I had many things placed in here. In the middle of the room, I had my bed. My gaming PC in one corner, a desk covered with books for studying in another corner, and a weight bench followed by dumbbells and kettlebells in the other. As for the last corner...I had a trophy case there. It housed all the music awards my Mom won in her younger years and as well as Dad's medals and burial flag. I even have a few small trophies I won in music competitions when I was little. On the walls beside the case, I had a few pictures of me, Dad and Mom put up.

I get up every morning, look at those trophies and pictures and can't help but smile as I reminisce in fond memories...Out of everything in this whole apartment, this trophy case and these photos are what I value the most.

"Are these awards your parents?"

Andy asked in a respectful and solemn tone as he approached the trophy case. Unknowingly, my gaze was locked onto it, attracting Andy's attention. Taking a quiet deep breath, I squeezed out.

"...Yeah. These are my parent's awards. My mom was quite the music prodigy when she was in college. Whether it be piano, violin, flute, or cello she could play them all. Every competition she went to she'd win. This was also the reason why she became a successful music teacher. Many of her clients were people who saw her compete in those competitions. As for my dad, well, to get away from the streets of Compton, he entered the military. He entered as a Radio Operator. After spending a few years as one of those, he decided to try out for the Army Special Forces which after years of hard work he finally became. He entered as a Communications Sergeant and stayed there for about 10 years. These are the medals and ribbons he earned during his entire military career."

"...Damn. Your parents were some badass people."

With a voice filled with admiration, Andy said. I agree with him completely. My folks were some of the coolest people I knew. 

...Sh*t, now I'm getting teary eyed!

Before my emotions got the best of me, I turned around and started to walk out of the room.

"Come on. Let's go. I don't know about you but I'm pretty hungry right now."


Although, this was an excuse, it wasn't a lie. All that energy spent taking down those looters and killing infected has gotten me famished.

But first, I need to go check up on 'her'. Although she's an annoying neighbor, I consider her my friend. As a matter of fact, I could be somewhat of a caretaker towards her with her eating all my food and helping her back to her apartment. Therefore, as her unofficial caretaker...

"I'll be right back."

I go see if she's alright.