A Phone Call

(Andy's POV)

"Hey, does Desmond have an extra phone charger? I need to call my parents."

Reading the zero battery icon on my phone, I asked David who was standing in the kitchen with his phone connected to a charger. The girls were still in Desmond's music room.

Ever since I saw the pictures and the trophy case in Desmond's room, the sudden urge to talk to my parents appeared. I've been trying to not think about contacting them ever since this sh*t happened because I feared for the worse but now I can't wait.

I need to hear their voice.

"Here. My phone's got enough charge for me to call mine and Sara's parents."

Taking a look at his battery life, David unplugged his phone from the charger. Giving him my thanks, I hooked up my phone to the charger and waited for it to power on. After it did, I immediately unlocked it and called my dad's cell.

I would call my house phone considering that my parents work from home but taking into account that they may have left the house, I'll call their cell phones first.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

After a few seconds of nerve-racking ringing…

"I-is that you son!"

My dad picks up the phone. Ignoring the anxiousness in his voice, I emotionally said back.

"Dad! It's me! Are you okay?"

"...It's good you're safe son. It's good you're safe."

After confirming that it was me on the phone, I heard dad give a sigh of relief. I could hear mom repeating 'thank God' in the background.

"Are you and mom okay?"

I asked once again but this time a little anxious. Nothing bad happened to them did they?

" It's alright son. We're not hurt. Some people tried to break into the shop but I managed to scare them off. We shut the store down and we're holed in the house."

Probably guessing what I'm thinking, dad said to calm me down. And it did. It felt like an enormous weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Because we lived above the shop dad, with the fear of having our house broken into one day, installed many anti-theft devices throughout the store, such as reinforced shutters and security cameras.

It was a good spot to hold out at.

But before that…

"Someone tried to break in?"

Why would someone break into that shop? There isn't anything expensive in there.

"Believe me, I'm thinking exactly what you're thinking. I don't think they'll be back anytime soon though."


"Because after scaring them away from the shop, I saw one of them pounce on the other and bite him! The one bitten managed to push him off and run somewhere while the other started to slowly walk after him. I also saw this with a few other people as they ran by the shop. What the world is going on here?"

"I don't know dad. I don't know. It was the same way at school. People started attacking other people all of a sudden. It's almost like they're zombies. Once bitten you'll turn into one of infected or you become their meal."


"Honey where are you?! Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?"

All of a sudden, I could hear mom's voice. It sounded anxious just like dad's. Putting on a smile despite her not being able to see it, I said to her.

"I'm fine. Right now, I'm at Desmond's house."

"Is it safe there?"

"Yeah, it's safe. Me, Desmond, and a few other people are planning on staying here tonight since it was the closest to our school."

"That's good to hear. But like your dad said, it's getting dangerous out here so try your best to avoid those crazy people. I heard gunshots and sounds of people breaking into stuff so I don't want you getting hurt."


Well, not too long ago, I broke somebody's leg, stripped them naked, and took a bag full of drugs from them. Does that make me a crazy person too?... To not make her worry as much as she already is, I'll never mention this.


Snapping me from my thoughts, I heard mom call my name. Clearing my head of the irrelevant thoughts, I replied back.

"I will mom. I will. The same goes for you guys as well. Be safe over there and try not to get bit by those people. I'll try to come over there as fast as I can."

"We'll be here waiting for you. I love you."

"...I love you too mom. Bye."


I hung up the phone and placed it back on the counter to finish charging.

"I pray to God I hope they stay safe."

Wiping the corner of my eyes because they were a little wet, I silently prayed for my parent's safety.


"They're dead!"

Staring at the dead bodies of both the infected and the residential leecher as their blood pooled over a large area of the corridor, Erika exclaimed with an even paler face. Although she's seen scenes like this from her window, the effect of seeing it up close hits a whole lot harder. Seeing her like this, I gave her some advice.

"Sadly, this is how it is on the streets and everywhere else. I suggest you remember the scene and try to get used to it so that when you have to fight an infected, you won't freeze up and get killed."

It wasn't much but this was the best type of advice I could give. Having your attention lapsing due to fear in the middle of a fight can be a matter between winning and losing or living and dying. In our case, it's the latter. One momentary freeze up due to fear when facing an infected can ultimately lead you to become one of them or pushing daisies.

"Your right. And besides, he wasn't that much liked around here anyway. He was public enemy number one for all the women living here."

Taking my words to heart, Erika gave a wry smile as her complexion eased up a bit. By now, we're standing in front of my door. With a twist of the knob, I opened it. And what was waiting there with his ears perked up was...


Marco. At the sight of seeing him, Erika started petting him.

"How is it, Marco? You've been doing good? Did you like the piece of steak I gave to your owner to cook the other day?"


To answer her, Macro tilted his head sideways in a way that seemed to say 'what steak? I wasn't given any steak.'

...Is he really going to play that card?

Falling into his trap, Erika looked at me with an incredulous look.

"You didn't?"

"Didn't what?"

I asked in feigned ignorance.

"I know you didn't steal your dog's steak and eat it. What type of owner are you?"


'Yeah, how could you do that to me?' is what Marco's bark seemed to say. While turning around to close and lock the door, I said indifferently.

"The reason I did that because it was a form of punishment."


"Yep. don't let him fool you. He knew what he did, isn't that right Marco?"


'I-I don't know what you're talking' about is what his bark seemed to say. Staring down at Marco, I told Erika of what he has done.

"The day before you gave me that steak to cook, my boy Marco here low key stole the pork chop I grilled to perfection off my plate."

Using a marinade recipe I found on the internet, I let that pork chop sit in the fridge to marinate for three days. Three days! After that, I slapped that baby on the stovetop grill and got to cooking. The aroma of the pork chop wafted the kitchen, causing my stomach to grumble in hunger. Much to my oversight, however, this also caused Marco's mouth to drool with saliva.

Once the pork chop was done, I put it on a plate and placed it on the counter. Then, I decided to cook a few other sides on the stovetop grill such as corn and eggplant since I didn't want to eat straight up meat.

It was then that disaster struck.

While I was paying attention trying not to burn the corn and eggplant that was on the stovetop grill, I suddenly heard the sound of chewing. Having a bad premonition, I turned around. And low and behold, the pork chop on my plate was gone! And when I looked down, I saw Marco greedily eating it. The only thing he left me was the bone. How in the world am I supposed to eat the bone?

That day, I ate a vegetarian meal of grilled corn and eggplant.

"While I was thinking of a punishment to best get back at him, you came with a nice juicy steak. It was at that moment I decided on the perfect punishment to give him. Eat the most delicious steak in front of him."

So like I did the pork chop, I decided to marinate and grill the steak and only the steak. After the steak was fully cooked, I sat on my couch and slowly ate. The whole time, I stared at Marco whose mouth was drooling. I teased him by making sounds akin to the people off of Food Wars and faked offering him some. He tried to sneak a bite when he thought I wasn't looking but before he could even touch it, I snatched it away from him.

Hahaha! Seeing his pissed off face was pure bliss!

But that short moment of bliss was short-lasting however because not long after I finished the steak, I found a nice big 'surprise' waiting for me in my bedroom.

"So, ignore his acting. He just wants you to give him another steak. Aren't I right Marco?"


"Oi, get back here! Don't run now because you thought you were slick and got caught."

Watching as Marco ran into the living room, I mocked. At this scene, Erika shook her head from side to side and said a little astonished

"I can't believe you two would be that petty. If it wasn't for the fact that I know that Marco is a dog I would think that you're talking about a person. You sure Marco isn't one of Scooby Doo's long lost relatives?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was. Well, since you're here, treat the place like you always did."

"Oh? And what's that?"
