News (2)

Standing next to a newsman was David's dad. He was decked out in SWAT gear and holding an M4 carbine. Situated behind him, in the background, were SWAT vehicles and barricades. And in front of these barricades were other people dressed in SWAT gear. They were pointing their weapons in a certain direction, ready to shoot at a moment's notice.

"Mr. Saxton, can you give us an update on the situation?"

Looking at David's dad, the newsman holds the microphone near him and asks. In response to this question, David's dad, who was busy trying to make a phone call, suddenly took the newsman microphone and said worriedly.

"David, if you're seeing this I tried calling your phone after you called but I couldn't get through. I hope you're okay and somewhere safe. As for your mother, you don't have to worry about her, she's safe with me. We're at checkpoint 3 on the southeast end of the city near Old Tim's steel mill. We'll be waiting for you."


Feeling embarrassed due to having his microphone taken from him, the newsman awkwardly calls out.

"Sorry. I needed to get that out there. Now as for the current situation..."

Feeling awkward as well because of what he'd done, David's dad hands back the microphone and continues.

"Despite having to temporarily retreat a block due to the huge amount of infected in the area, the current situation around the checkpoint is stable. We've been authorized to handle any infected that comes into close contact with the checkpoint's perimeter."

"Define 'authorized to handle'."

The newsman, with his microphone pointing towards David's dad, suddenly asked a tricky question. Not perturbed at this curveball of a question, David's dad calmly answered.

"I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you, by 'authorized to handle' I mean that unless a person exhibits aggressive behavior towards the people at the checkpoint, they are allowed through to be tested and treated by the CDC staff. As for what happens after that, I don't know, I'm not a doctor. However, if a person exhibits the signs and symptoms of the unknown disease and tries attacking a person at the checkpoint, we have full authority to take that person out. We can't risk letting such a person in and having everyone else getting infected. No if you excuse me, I have other matters to attend to. Oh, and David don't forget, Old Tim's steel mill."

After saying that, David's dad walked away from the news reporter and towards one of his SWAT buddies. Seeing him walk away like that, the newsman looked back at the camera and started doing the usual outro. And not wanting to hear it, I turned the channel to something random and left it there.

"...I'm surprised at how well he blends in with the police. I thought they'd have a conflict of ethics with him being a P.I. and all."

Remembering how close David's dad to the SWAT member he was talking to, I said in surprise. Hearing my puzzlement, David slowly explained to me.

"Despite how TV portrays it, private investigators and the police are on good terms with one another. The police hire P.I.'s when they can't pursue a case any further and likewise, a P.I. can't put a criminal in jail without the law. However, the stigma against private investigators isn't unfounded. There are some who will resort to breaking the law just so that they can get their evidence."

"'All is permitted in the name of justice', knights templar type of person, huh?"

"Basically, yeah. Or because of the almighty dollar. You'd be surprised how much some private investigators get paid just to find evidence of their clients' significant other cheating."

"Woah, not only will they get paid, they'll also have a front row seat to all the drama! No wonder some police officers are hating on them."


"Well, at least you now know where your dad is. I'm happy for you."

Giving him a small smile, I said sincerely. Feeling my sincerity, David gave a similar smile.

"Thanks. Sara also got in touch with her mom too."

"That's good. Although that hag doesn't like me, I'm glad she's alright."

The moment after I finished saying that...

"Hey! That's my mom you're talking about!"

Sara angrily punched me in my shoulder. Where did she come from? Rubbing my shoulder, I retorted.

"What? It's true. With the way she throws those daggers called eyes my way, I can feel the hate emanating off her. And she used to be so nice too."

"Well if you haven't got thrown into juvie it wouldn't have turned out that way."

"...I can't deny that there. But that dude had it coming."

"Now that we're on the subject, what did he do to make you that mad? From all the while that I've known you, I don't believe you did something like that for no reason."

"I think so too. I don't think you did it just because."

"Sigh, this again?"

At Sara's and David's question, I remembered some of what that piece of sh*t said that time.

It was when I was roaming the streets around my old house, that I was confronted by a group of three people. I can't exactly recall how we started talking but things got serious when he said this.

'Haha! Me and the boys are going to have a blast with her! When I get a hold of her, we're going to break her so bad that she'll never be the same again! Oh, but don't worry, I'll return her. I know where she stays after all. Ha...hahaha!'

If that wasn't a trigger for what happened after, I don't know what was. By the time I realized what was going on, I was out of breath from running, my lip was bleeding and my knuckles were bloodied.

...It was at that moment, I knew I messed up.

Sara: "Earth to Desmond, did you hear me?"

With Sara's voice bringing me back out from my memories, I said a little dazed.

"Huh? What?"

"I said what did he do to make you that angry? What you did to him was really serious."

"Like I said last time and the time before, I can't tell you that...No, I won't tell you. When are you going to give up?"

With a wry smile, I said to the both of them. They tried asking this before in the past but I've brushed them off and said no. I can't think of any lies as to why I did what I did so outright telling them no is my only option.

Not that it helped any since they're still trying to find answers.

Sigh, quite the persistent couple...tch.

As we were talking...

"Hey, Desmond, do you mind if I whip something up to eat? I'm sure everyone's hunger right about now."

Andy, while pulling out a couple of frozen meats from the freezer, looked towards me and asked. Using this chance to break away from David and Sara, I walked towards Andy and said happily.

"Can you cook?"

"Yeah, I can cook. I help make dinner with my mom sometimes. She said that I'm a chef in the making."

Puffing up his chest, Andy says confidently. At this, I nod and said.

"Good. I want you to awaken your inner Gordon Ramsey and can cook something delicious. As long as it's good, I'm happy...Know that I think about it"

Having it just dawn on me, I take a glance at Marco's food bowl. It was empty.

"...Marco hasn't eaten anything since yesterday either. Can you cook Marco's first?"

I usually feed him the moment I get back from school but yesterday I couldn't due to this sudden outbreak.

"No prob. Since he'll be my first customer, I'll give him a nice steak. You'd like that won't you Marco?"


At Andy's words, Marco, who was laying on the couch barked happily as his tail wagged. At this time…

"Uhm, Desmond, do you mind if I can use your bath? All this sweat and blood is making me start to stink."

A little embarrassed, Big Sis looked towards me and asked. At her words, the other three girls, Sara, Amanda and Erika nod in agreement.

Ah, I forgot that unlike us three boys, who don't mind being covered in blood and sweat, these girls probably don't. The stench of blood, sweat and smoke might be uncomfortable for them.

Understanding this, I pointed towards the door not too far from my hobby room and said.

"It's that door right over there. The towels and rags are on the shelves above the toilet and the bars of soap are under the sink. As for clothes..."

Erika: "I got that. I can go over to my apartment real quick and get them a few clothes. I have a few old ones they can wear."

"Is that alright with you guys?"

Looking at the three girls, I ask.

Sara: "I'm cool with it."

Amanda: "I-I don't mind."

Big Sis: "...Okay."

Other than Big Sis being disappointed for some reason, her and the other two agree.

"As to who washes first, that'll be something decided amongst you four. If you need me, I'm going to be headed to my room to relax. David, you wanna join?"

Not even a moment after I finished saying that.

"Yep. let's go"

David agreed and started heading towards my bedroom.


Tonight, he shall learn the ways of the toke!