Truly Stupid

Sui'er couldn't help but burst out laughing. That Ninety-Ninth Concubine was truly too innocent and too naive. She spent so long thinking up useless plans rather than consider whether or not the Castle Master and Madam would even be so easily killed in the first place. 

Sui'er put in a lot of effort but eventually, she finished styling Chu Qingchuan. Sui'er looked at Chu Qingchuan's sparkling eyes and said, "Ninety-ninth lady, you're really beautiful, you have a good figure, and your skin is so fair. I really envy you."

Chu Qingchuan looked at the girl who was slightly taller than she was but her skin was a little darker, her facial features weren't very prominent, and she had a flat figure. As she checked her out, she looked down on her. "You look dark and ugly. We're in two different leagues."

Sui'er's face immediately turned sullen. "Ninety-ninth lady, we should leave now," she said coldly.

This lady is a real obnoxious idiot.