Bad To The Bone

Chu Qingchuan just stood upright, when a woman in a red dress stepped out of the building. Her dress was embroidered with beautiful white lilies and her hair was combed into a tall bun. It was obvious from her face that she was a little aged, around twenty-eight or twenty-nine years old. However, because of her heavy makeup, she still looked considerably pretty. She had a pair of big bright eyes, small red lips, and a round face.

"I, your servant, pay my respects to you, Madam." All the ladies promptly curtsied at the gorgeous and classy woman.

The madam of the castle walked right up to Chu Qingchuan and spoke with an arrogant tone of voice. "You must be Concubine Ninety-Nine. Raise your head and let me take a good look at you"

Chu Qingchuan pulled a pleasant smile and lifted her head.

The madam looked evidently shocked. She never imagined that Concubine Ninety-Nine would look so seductive and charming.