The Battle for the Championship Starts

Exactly 30 days had passed since the last battle on the tournament. By the Dragon King's order on his wife suggestion the Dragon King had suspended the tournament for 30 days, so one of the finalists; Long Lao Er could recuperate.

Long Lao Er's victory in the semifinals brought a great shock in Dragon City, as many people had bet on Long Qiong's victory and only, Long Lao Er's fans bet on his victory therefore only Long Lao Er's fans were benefited.

Meanwhile due to Long Qiuniu's had been imprisoned the past 30 days for a sentence of 3 years due to his bad behavior on the semifinals, meanwhile his first born son, Long Qiong had returned back home as a cripple, therefore for the past 30 days, he had been resting in bed waiting to wake up from his nightmare. On the other side, his little brother, Long ZhangLang had finished healing. Long ZhangLang's plan now was to view the final battle.




Long Yu Yan who was the judge for Long Lao Er's preliminaries battle would be the judge for the final battle.

Long Yu Yan wasn't the only female Junior Elder, but the only elder amongst all the elders. Although she was in her earlier twenties, she had reached the eight level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm and once she broke through between realms; she would be promoted as a Senior Elder.

Long Yu Yan was in judge's locker room minutes before the battle. Suddenly, Long Yi who was her master broke into the locker room.

"Master, what are you doing?" Asked the surprised Long Yu Yan.

"Can't I just visit my pupil and see how is she doing?" Answered Long Yi with a tender expression as he looked at his pupil.

"Of course you can master. If you are worried about your grandson, I can assure you that he's fine. The Dragon Queen is not only his master, but she healed him. So I'm sure that he'll be on time for his battle."

"I'm not worried about Lao Er at all. After all, he has always been an independent child that doesn't really need me, that's why I've never helped him much with his cultivation. What I'm interested is actually about you Yu Yan. You're close to getting a realm breakthrough and I can help you." Said Long Yi with an affective smile.

With a red face, Long Yu Yan responded him. "Really master!!" Long Yi nodded and said.

"Yes, but do you remember the conditions?"

"Yes master, I'll join your camp and.." Before Long Yu. Yan could answer, Long Yi interrupted her.

"It's not necessary for you to name them to me, I just need you to accept them."

For many years Long Yu Yan had admired Long Yi. Ever since he came back as the sole survivor of the junior elder's many years ago Long Yi took a beautiful teen who was on the late stages of the Qi Condensation Realm as his pupil and nurtured her. When Long Yi became a Senior Elder, he made her a Junior Elder and now that he was a Grand Elder, he planned on making her become a Senior Elder.

It was obvious that both pupil and master had a good relationship. Ever since the day they met, when Long Yi rescued Long Yu Yan from a group of Rogue human cultivators who were hunting young dragons for their cores, Long Yu Yan had been infatuated with her savior.

Long Yu Yan with her long silver hair which reach all the way into her small yet perky bootocks, her well formed mounds and blue like ice eyes was one of the top 3 beauties, just behind the Dragon Queen and the Dragon Princess. Although Long Yu Yan always had an cold like attitude with most of the people, her attitude was warm as the sun when she interacted with her master.

Both master and pupil looked at each other, before Long Yu Yan nodded to accept Long Yi's help. With a happy smile on his face, Long Yi got closer to Long Yu Yan and put his lips against her lips as both closed their eyes. The kiss lasted a couple of seconds before both lips got separated much to Long Yu Yan's disappointment.

"Good girl, now that we both are in the same side, I guess we both will spend more time together. I expect great things from you young lady." Said Long Yi to Long Yu Yan as he went back to the royal booth with a confident smile that may let any person who saw him think that all his plans were on track. Meanwhile the red face Long Yu Yan with a joyous face just silently watched him leave.




The battle was about to start and the entire stadium was fully packed as everyone waited for the last battle of the tournament.

Long Yu Yan and well as Long Suanni were already in the arena waiting for Long Lao Er.

Meanwhile in the royal booth.

"Your highness, we've been waiting for 20 minutes for Lao Er to arrive. The audience is getting impatient so I think that he should get disqualified." Said a Senior Elder from Long Qiuniu's camp.

"You'll love that right old scrooge. Just because the young hero who despite being weaker managed to cripple your young master. That's why you want him out, don't you?" Retorted another Senior Elder from Long Pulao's side.

"How dare you. We've put enough with that kid antics. Not only did he crippled his opponent on his last battle but we gave him 30 days to get better and he isn't back. He's just making fun of us." Replied the first Senior Elder.

"Indeed you are right." If Lao Er doesn't arrive in the next 5 minutes, I'll disqualify him!!" Loudly said the Dragon King to Long Yu Yan. With a nervous expression both Long Suanni and Yu Yan were wanting to say something to the Dragon King.

And just as the 5 minutes were over and before the Dragon King could say anything..

"I'm here your majesty!! Pardon my lateness." Said Long Lao Er at the last second.

"Fight!!" Loudly said Long Yu And so the final battle for the championship started.




Long Suanni removed her earrings with a cocky smile as her power elevated. From ninth level of the Qi Condensation Realm into the tenth level and finally she broke through from the Qi Condensation Realm into the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm and even then her level kept increasing. From the first level into the second level and then into the third level, finally reaching the fourth level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm.

Originally people thought that Long Lao Er was the favorite to become champion, after all he had defeated the number one runner up to become champion, Long Qiong who was on the second level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm, but his current opponent was to levels above Long Qiong, so not even him could actually take care of her.

Both Long Lao Er and Suanni circulated their Qi essence and jumped towards each other as a battle of speed started.

A serious expression appeared on the Dragon King as he had never imagined how strong his daughter had become in the past few months, so he turned towards her wife and asked her.

"Fuxi my dear, what did you feed our daughter with? How come is she so strong?, You do know that it's not enough to forcefully increase her cultivation level, she also needs to estabilize her cultivation whenever she increases her cultivation."

With a confident expression Long Fuxi answered her husband.

"Don't worry Yazi, I properly trained Suanni and took all you told me into account."

Meanwhile back in the arena a flurry of punches and kicks using Bajiquan style were being unleashed by both opponents and although it looked that they were at an impasse, Long Suanni was slowly getting the advantage as her pressure overwhelmed Long Lao Er.

Long Lao Er suddenly increased his speed and move to Suanni's back and used his Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art. Unfortunately for him with a single hand, Long Suanni stopped the dragon and let it vanished.

A furious expression appeared on Long Suanni.

"Lao Er, are you underestimating me? Why haven't you tried to use your sealing art on me?" Madly asked Long Suanni to her opponent.

With a confident expression, Long Lao Er responded her.

"Not only don't I dare to underestimate you, but also I won't use a triumph card which you know pretty well. Don't take me for a dumb person."

"Then fight for real and stop just testing my power Lao Er!!" Yelled Long Suanni at her opponent.

Long Suanni circulated her Qi essence and unleashed her Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art.

Seeing this attack, Long Lao Er circulated his Qi essence towards his Demonic Wolf Core and turned it on. Suddenly an internal Qi explosion happened inside him as his cultivation level increased from the Qi Condensation Realm into the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm. His level increased all the way into the fourth level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm just like his opponent and similar to her, Long Lao Er used 1 hand to stop Long Suanni's art.