Long Lao Er vs Long Suanni

Everyone in the audience was surprised. Not only was Long Suanni a fourth level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm, but his opponent also.

Out of the blue, both Long Lao Er and Suanni had disappeared and only cultivators above the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm were able to clearly see them while Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators could only see the illusory figures of the afterimages.

Meanwhile in the arena craters were being formed 1 by 1 after small explosion sounds sounded though all the arena. Everytime, Long Lao Er and Suanni exchanged punches and kicks; a loud booming sound would create a new crater in the arena.

The more powerful cultivators who were above the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm were using their eyes and their Qi sense to follow this fight as both opponents moved 10 times faster than in the semifinal battle between Long Lao Er and Qiong.

"Lao Er this is a battle between fellow pupils, don't forget that your master is my mother. So whatever she has taught you, she taught it to me to!"

Loudly said Long Suanni to her opponent as she started manipulating the external Qi essence and prepared to unleash her art.

"Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art!!"




Back on the royal booth, Long Yi was watching the intensive fight between Long Lao Er and Suanni. With a complicated expression Long Yi was trying to recall when did his grandson had gotten so strong.

A long time ago he used to be weak and coward, Long Lao Er used to not be interested in cultivation, but ever since he met Long Suanni; Long Lao Er had begun his successful path towards cultivation and now he was silently telling to himself.

"It seems that I have completely understimate Lao Er. Even without having a Dragon Core, Lao Er has managed to show a genius aptitude towards cultivation.

My advise seems to have worked.

Who would have imagined that he had a great potential? Only the Dragon Queen herself and her daughter believed in him.

I wonder if I should get him to join my camp?"

Was thinking Long Yi as his eyes closely follow the fight.




A magnificent Dragon made out of external Qi essence and water had been unleashed by Long Suanni towards Long Lao Er. Once the Dragon appeared an oppressive aura was liberated, paralyzing in fear all people in and below the Qi Condensation Realm.

The Dragon went towards Long Lao Er, trying to devour him.

"It seems that this Dragon is made out of external Qi essence. Guess I won't be able to stop it by myself but maybe..."

Seeing the all mighty Dragon made out of external Qi essence, Long Lao Er didn't dare to use his hand to stop it but an idea was formed in his head and so he devised a plan.

"Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art!!"

Long Lao Er unleashed his own Dragon made out of his own internal Qi essence but still it wasn't enough as Long Suanni's Dragon devoured Long Lao Er's Dragon.

But to Long Suanni's shock, Long Lao Er had vanished.




Meanwhile on 1 of the booths, Long ZhangLang was watching the fight in deep fear.

"Those 2 are real monsters. If had known from the beginning that they were this powerful I would have rather befriend them.

Still don't think that this is over just because you are the strongest cultivators from the younger generation. Sooner or later I will get my revenge on everyone and I would make Suanni mine!"




At this point the arena was mostly destroyed as both opponents were facing each other.

With determine eyes, Long Suanni loudly said.

"It's time I show you my true determination. To honor our friendship and my love for you, have a taste of what you taught a long time ago!!"

"Dragon Sealing art!!"

Unlike last time when Long Suanni was using her own Qi essence to move at top speed, this time she was using her own array shoes which have been Long Lao Er's birthday gift last year to unleash a Core Formation Realm top speed, so now even Long Yu Yan and all the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators were unable to keep with Long Suanni's speed. Only Core Formation Realm cultivators and Nascent Soul Realm cultivators were able to follow her with their eyes.

Out of the blue, Long Suanni had totally disappeared and Long Lao Er couldn't find her, he just knew that she was still there.

"I need to stop Suanni from sealing my accupoints, but the question is how?"

And just before the first sealing was unleashed upon Long Lao Er

"Lushan Flying Dragon!!"

A Dragon armor was created over Long Lao Er.

"Lao Er, lets see what's stronger, the Dragon armor or the Sealing art."

Declared Long Suanni as she unleashed a flurry of fists trying to seal his accupoints towards a calmed Long Lao Er.

Once she was done, both opponents were face to face in what was left from the arena. With a calmed face and an undisturbed intent Long Lao Er silently looked at Long Suanni as she told him.

"As expected of the creator of this art, it didn't work on you, right?"

A smile was formed on Long Lao Er and he answered her back.

"It's time for me to show you my determination Suanni. If you know me so well as you think, then there's nothing for you to fear about."

Long Suanni showed a courageous expression towards her opponent and with a smile said.

"Bring it on! I shall accept whatever you have for me."

The most fearful and magnificent Dragon was formed from Long Lao Er's Dragon Qi armor. This Dragon made all the Dragon cultivators had an instinct of fear because of its killing intent. It was the most powerful Dragon anyone had ever seen due to it being made from all the external Qi essence from the venue and from Long Lao Er's own internal Qi essence.




A worried expression was formed on the Dragon King. He didn't understand why he feared that Dragon, but it was funny an illogical that the most powerful cultivator from the Dragon Kingdom a cultivator at the top of the Tenth level of the Nascent Soul Realm feared a Dragon from a cultivator on the Fourth level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm.

The Dragon King, Long Yazi thought that he feared for his daughter well being, but in reality he did actually feared the Lushan Flying Dragon.

Seeing the Lushan Flying Dragon fly towards his daughter, made the Dragon King want to go an protect his daughter from any harm, but to his surprise he found his body paralyzed for some reason. No matter what he tried to do he could not move nor could he even circulate Qi essence. Him an apex existence in the top of the tenth level of the Nascent Soul Realm had been stopped by a single word from his wife.

A calmed Long Fuxi, his Dragon Queen had used her Dragon Warrior Blood Inheritance art which allowed her to rule over all the Dragons to stop her husband. Even though her husband was 2 levels above and was the Dragon King, Long Fuxi was still a direct descendant of the Dragon Warrior; the true and only master of all Dragons and so with her Dragon Warrior Blood Inheritance art, Long Fuxi could easily stop any Dragon on her cultivation realm and below.

"Why did you stopped me dear?

Said an angry Dragon King.

"Worry not my husband, this is their fight. Besides both kids love each other, so do you really think they want to kill each other?"

Said a confident Dragon Queen.

Worried about his daughter the Dragon King decided to not pursue the issue of him being stopped by his wife and continue seeing the battle.




The Flying Lushan Dragon suddenly went towards Long Suanni and devoured her to everyone's horror before and destroyed half of the stadium before vanishing into the air. It was a miracle that the Lushan Flying Dragon didn't harm anyone else as it only destroyed a part of the stadium that has been previously evacuated when people there realized that there was a serious possibility of them getting hit.