A champion emerges

The audience was frozen in fear, after the Lushan Flying Dragon devoured Long Suanni, it had went over the southern part of the stadium and destroyed it. Luckily all the audience located there evacuated before they were hit.

Dust and dirt was covering the entire arena, but Long Yu Yan used her Spiritual sense to look for Long Suanni, but she could only find Long Lao Er.

Meanwhile in the the Royal Booth an angry Dragon King was emitting a killing intent towards Long Lao Er and if his wife wasn't preventing him from killing Long Lao Er, he would have already done so.

Finally the dust and dirt went away and Long Suanni was there. She appeared fine with no visible injuries nor were her clothes ripped. The audience was shocked. Nobody could understand how Long Suanni did survive such fatal attack and finally the Dragon King along with everyone else could settle their hearts.




"See, I told you that our daughter would be fine." Said a happy Dragon Queen to her husband.

"How did you know that nothing would happened to her, dear?" Asked the Dragon King back.

With a smile in her face the Dragon Queen answered her husband's question.

"Isn't it obvious. Lao Er loves Suanni so he would never intentionally hurt her or kill her, but he had yet to show her his determination to fight for her.

His last attack showed her that he respected her power, but that he's also determined to protect her whether she's stronger or he's stronger and Suanni trusted his determination by accepting the attack with no guard at all showing her determination to accept his protection and give him her love."

Once her wife was over with her speech the anger in the Dragon King was gone as he remained silent waiting for the end of the fight.




Back in the arena, both opponents were face to face not moving at all. As their eyes met, Long Yu Yan silently wait for any of them to continue the fight.

Still Long Yu Yan couldn't feel any Qi circulation from both Long Lao Er and Suanni.

A confident smile remained in Long Lao Er as he said to his opponent.

"Was my answer what you were looking for Suanni?"

A happy smile appeared in Suanni before she nodded back and loudly said to Long Yu Yan who was the judge and towards her father and the audience.

"I surrender!!"

Suddenly all energy left Long Lao Er as he had been waiting for Long Suanni's answer. A foggy feeling crept through his body as his meridians lacked any Qi essence and his body felt into the ground; a softness wrapped around him.

It was Long Suanni herself who have came for him and hadn't allowed him to fall over what was left from the arena.

Long Yu Yan could only see Long Suanni go after Long Lao Er and she still hadn't announced who the winner was so she looked at the Dragon King and Queen. Seeing them with a calm expression, Long Yu Yan loudly declared.

"Long Lao Er is the winner and the new champion!!"




The audience was silent, there were no chants neither were any booing as everyone was astonished because of the battle outcome. No person reacted when Long Yu Yan announced the winner as they were stupefied trying to process the moment Long Suanni appeared unharmed and out of nowhere she surrendered to an almost dying Long Lao Er.




Meanwhile in the Royal Booth, some Senior Elder's who belong to Long Qiuniu's camp were furiously telling the Dragon King...

"Your majesty this is ridiculous. The Princess clearly won, but she's mocking you and the rules because she surrender when she clearly had the advantage."

Meanwhile Long Pulao retorted back.

"Are you crazy old man. It's stated in the rules that if a participant surrenders, the opponent wins regarding the circumstances."

Seeing how the elders from the different groups were fighting each other, the Dragon King asked Long Yi what he think.

"Your highness although it's true what Pulao said if my grandson had fought for real, he would have won.

He never intended to harm the Princess ad he clearly loves her, but he had to prove her that. Isn't that right my Queen?"

Asked Long Yi.

"As always you're right elder Yi." Replied the Dragon Queen with her mysterious smile.

So the Dragon King looked towards the arena and asked her daughter.

"Suanni are you really surrendering? Do you understand what that means?"

A valiant expression formed on her beautiful face as she nodded.

"Father I do understand what it means to surrender.

As I told you when I asked you permission to enter, I want my freedom to choose whomever I want to love and I have already chose him as my partner and your successor."

Seeing no worries or doubt on his daughter the Dragon King declared.

"In that case I declared Long Lao Er as the new champion!!

But I will only allow him to marry Suanni as long as he becomes the next Dragon Warrior.

So Lao Er; you'll have to go to the Heavenly Dragon God Shrine to train and inherit the Dragon Warrior power. Only it's inheritor will I allow to marry my daughter. Whether it's you Long Lao Er or someone else."

Announced the Dragon King.